Saturday, May 31, 2008

School's Out!

Hey! Green power blogger here for the Saturday post. Now like the rest of the power bloggers before me, I had absolutely no idea what to post on here. I didn't have a Twix around so that made it even worse. So I was thinking of how to end the week with a bang since school's out and thanks to the red power blogger, I WAS STRUCK BY INSPIRATION. Yeah, I saw my USB laying on the ground and that reminded me of all the paint I drew in my first period class, typing. As you can well imagine, nobody learned anything in that class so we ended up playing games, solitaire, paint, etc. So enjoy my products of boredom below (in chronological order):

So here is where it all started. Right before Christmas break, I just started painting

I labled this one "Camping". Though you cant see them, I put a ton of stars. I'm personally proud of the fire I painted =D.

I don't even know what I was feeling at this point but this called "Rainy Day". Happy/sad painting isn't it?

This is what I consider my masterpiece because I spent a full 9 weeks trying to finish this.
Well I hope you enjoyed my little art gallery and stay tuned for the next awesome blog on Sunday.

Friday, May 30, 2008

It is Not a Conspiracy

It's not very early in the day, and I should really be awake by now, but I accidentally typed in "powerbloggers" instead of "thepowerbloggers" and ended up with a picture of a Japanese man with katakana written on its preceding post. Oh, and Brianna, you may have picked the least entertaining person to join this blogging extravaganza, but I feel so honored to have been given the opportunity to write with these wonderful people. You probably won't find this very interesting, but the Chinese named the days of the letter quite conventionally. Li3 bai4 yi1, li3 bai4 er2, li3 bai4 san3, li3 bai4 si4, li3 bai4 wu3... Just attach the number from one to six to get, respectively, Monday through Saturday. Sunday is Li3 bai4 tian1. Tian1 can mean day or sky. is one of my favorite things on the internet. Today, the title is "Every Damn Morning," and the captions says, "There was something about a cup and a sword and a green hill..."

If you don't click on "Publish Post," then Blogger automatically saves your posts as a draft. They can be later edited, and even posted in the future on a certain day if you so choose. Today, I left this page to come back to it slightly later, and noticed that someone had begun to write a post. She reminded me that the same person who can make you feel as if you can never stop smiling is is often the same person who can easily to hurt you the most. I don't mean to sound like such an optimist, but no matter who the lucky person is, I hope you [such an awesome reader of The Power Bloggers] cherish every moment you have with him or her. I don't know her as well as I wish, but she's such an amazing girl and I'm really sorry I don't have the perfect set of words to tell her so that everything will be okay, because I know she deserves them. I wish I could talk to her. I have been sitting here, debating about whether or not to delete this paragraph completely. It's hard. It's so hard. And it's different for everyone. I want to be able to help her but there isn't anything I can do.
If only we could go back to the days when everyone talked to each other and traded Pokemon cards without a care in the world. But then, I wouldn't have met any of you guys. Or taken AP European History.

Jonathan's CEO (Kejing)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Day of Doom

Quite honestly, until about five minutes ago, I had no idea what to write about.
That is until I found the answer (to many things) on Wikipedia.

A favorite book of mine put Thursdays in a more dry/morbid context than I like;
In The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the character Aurthur Dent says "This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays". A few minutes later the planet Earth is destroyed.

Thursdays have always be something of a queer day for me. So close to the weekend, but you still have Friday to deal with. Also, a lot extracurricular activities (like piano for me) are scheduled on Thursdays. Weird, huh?

Well, perhaps Thursday's etymology and development in other languages will explain it's weirdness.

Old English- Þunresdæg
Latin- iovis Dies
German- donnerstag
French- jeudi
Romanian- joi
Catalan- dijous
Spanish- jueves
Italian- giovedì
Scandinavian- torsdag
Dutch- donderdag
Sanskrit- guru
Urdu- jumeraate

(Bet you didn't know more than three of those words until now!)

So what have we learned from comparing different languages here? There seem to be two different roots from with Thursday has sprung forth- the Latin (Jove) and Sanskrit (Guru). We all know, well at least those of us who took AP Human Geography that the Indo-European trunk has a few branches- two of which are Sanskrit and Latin. Why the difference? I suspect conspiracy. You see, it's all a part of the master plan of your bosses, teachers, CEO s, managers, and yes- even your parents. Anybody who is on top of you is in on the conspiracy. So what is the conspiracy? Well, remember how I said that "Thursdays were queer" and had that "so-close-to-the-weekend-yet-so-far" mentality? Well there you go. They're trying to trip us up! By disorientating us and unbalancing us, they hope to pin our mistakes on us and make us work more! IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!

Okay, Okay- I know- I wasted a good 2 and a half minutes of your time there, but hey- I think I was onto something! You never know! More important on any Thursday, at least from what I've figured out, is to "Carpe Diem" ("Seize the Day"). Don't sit there idly and wait for the weekend to come to you- go out and get it yourself! For example- I had a lovely time with a friend of mine today- even though I have two big exams tomorrow! Worth it? YES!

So Carpe Diem, everyone- or at least what's left of it!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Seeing as there’s nothing really new or interesting going on in my life right now, I’ll take this time to complain about something I’ve probably complained about too much already, the monk.

As some of you already know, a monk is currently living with me and has been for about a month now. Why you ask? Because his family is friends with mine and he’s giving talks here. I don’t really understand either so that’s as good of an explanation as your going to get, deal with it.

Swamiji has actually stayed with us before; he used to stay with us almost once a year for some time, but the last time he visited was probably before fifth grade. The thing I most remember about these visits was that I was forced against my will to eat vegetarian. I’m sure the protein deficiency during these visits stunted my development, and so I’ve held a perfectly justifiable grudge against him ever since.

Here’s just an excerpt of the fun that’s ensued:

Mom: Yes, there are several Africans that work at FAMU, they’re very smart.

Me (OBVIOUSLY sarcastic): What’s a race that you wouldn’t call smart, Mom?

At this point the monk takes the liberty to teach me that everyone is blessed equally by god, and it is their opportunity that determines the amount of development and success. Yes, I know I shouldn’t have used sarcasm, but I wasn’t even addressing him was I? Did I deserve to be lectured on my “racist ways”? No.

Later on in the conversation the monk wonders out loud why so many Americans don’t support providing for the poor and welfare as much as other developed countries. I then say that they might be so afraid of anything that seems socialist because of the Cold War, even if it’s at the cost of the people. I then receive a free history lesson on how the Cold War was not a real war, but entirely in people’s minds. Thank you.

So now I avoid saying mostly anything that is answering a direct question. Not that I hold it against the monk, it’s just easier if I do.

And one of the cutting boards is missing. I’m not pointing any fingers, all I’m saying is that I didn’t move it, and he’s the only other person here.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stage Fright

100% Sleep Deprived and exhausted from getting less than 2 and a half hours of sleep last night (and of course there is a rant that explains how that happened but I figured it's not the time to bore you with it), all I've thought of today has been this blog and how excited I am and what I am going to write. I am super nervous so just keep that in mind while you are reading this. I'm scared to post it because it seems that I have a case of stage fright.

When I read Brianna's note pitching this idea I was shocked and honored. It was so sweet of her to pick me for this endeavor and my biggest fear is that I don't live up to her expectations. Brianna I think this is a wonderful idea and will definitely keep us together.

When I was trying to choose what I would write a commercial came on. It was for a Twix bar. (One of my favorite candy bars.) And the commercial said, "Need a moment? Chew it over with Twix." Apparently if you eat a Twix bar, it buys you time to come up with something clever. But it was as I was eating the third Twix bar that I realized that it doesn't really help you in this situation because this is a blog. Sure the deadline is by the end of today but no matter how many delicious caramel treats I ate I would still need to come up with something in the same amount of time.

The most philosophically statements start with "Time. . ." in my opinion. Then there is a pause and it's often followed by something talking about how time is a force that you can't stop. And that's true. As we're nearing the end of this year I'm beginning to realize that the future that I thought about when I was so much younger, is not so much a future anymore. It's becoming present. I'm halfway through high school pretty much. I started thinking how everyone is going to go different places for college and even though it's two years away, I realized how much I would miss every single one of my friends. Because you guys are always there for me and you are the best people I know. I hope that I've been there for you too. I love you guys.

On a different note. If you thought that this blog post was lame then I should tell you that I have now purchased a notebook (it's rainbow and purdy) and I plan to write in it whenever something notable happens so next week, Tuesday may (or may not) be more interesting.

PS Looking at the shades of yellow I can't tell if this will look tacky against the background. If it does I'll pick a different one next time.


Monday, May 26, 2008

It's Somvar!

So I've been doing a bit of research. It seems that Monday in almost every language means moon, or something like that. In most Indian languages (I got this from Wikipedia, so don't shoot me if I'm wrong) Monday is called Somvar, soma meaning moon. If that weren't cool enough as it is, Monday in Japanese, 月曜日, means day of the moon. So basically, I have a day that is dedicated to a whole heavenly body! Plus, think about this. What else has to do with the moon...well, tides...and WEREWOLVES. So Monday is not just any day; it is the day of the moon and werewolf. Looks like you guys were ripped off when you got your days of the week!

Well, this is the first official post of the Power Bloggers. I was so excited this morning I raced my mom to the computer so I could post ASAP. Although, I have a confession to make. You see when I started this blogging idea, I had a bit of a hidden agenda. I've been thinking a lot about growing up and finishing high school, and I've spoken about this in my personal blog. But I worry that in the next couple of years in high school, we won't have much time to hang out and stuff. So perhaps this blog can keep us together, and then maybe through college (if the blog lasts that long). Can you imagine? That's why I want all our friends to participate, because we're growing least that's what they tell me. But even if all that doesn't happen, I think we should just enjoy the project. And it'll give us something fun to work on over the summer, besides the treehouse (assuming we find a tree).

So that's about all I got today. Can't wait to hear from Lacey tomorrow.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

An Explanation

It's a simple idea. Everyday there will be a posting on this blog. Each day of the week belongs to a different person. We will communicate through the blog, and well, have a blogging experience. I came up with this idea after watching fiveawesomeguys on youtube.

The person who post can write whatever they want. The only rule is they must post. If a person can't post that day because they are out of town, Internet is down, etc., then they will have a fill-in. I also have a request, unless necessary don't talk about the blog outside the blog, just to keep the magic of it.

It should be fun. And if you are not a member of the "blogging team," you can still participate in this project. Post comments on the blog, and you can email us ( with questions or requests. If you want us to talk about something let us know. It's as new to us as to you, so give us any ideas that you have.

So I'm not sure how this whole thing will work out, but I guess we'll see. Here's the schedule:

Monday- Brianna
Tuesday- Lacey
Wednesday- Viv
Thursday- Jonathan
Friday- Kejing
Saturday- June
Sunday- Caroline

This post isn't part of the project, it's just an explanation. So I'll talk to you all tomorrow, on my assigned day. Are you excited....because I am excited!
