Monday, March 30, 2009

You Get the Best of Both Worlds

First off, great job to everyone in Seussical! It turned out great, and I'm proud for it to be a representation of our school.

But there is a very important matter to discuss. This of course, is the matter of the Hannah Montana movie. Now before you haters stop reading, you must see the trailers for this movie. If you haven't seen one, go look one up. Right now. I'm serious, you can come back later.

I think after watching one of these trailers, even the biggest of Hannah Montana haters must admit that the movie looks pretty good.

I am a proud of being a Hannah Montana fan. Now, I don't really care much for the music, though I do listen to it on occasions. But that show is hilarious. The plot lines aren't very clever, but there are enough one-liners to keep me interested.

So mock me if you want, but I'll definitely be seeing that movie.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wanna go with me? I'm planning on going too fo sho. :)