I'm would say I'm an expert on being sick. Last year I was sick quite often due to a lack of sleep. Pretty much when you don't sleep, your immune system kinda shuts down...which isn't good.
Luckily I have improved the area of sleeping quite greatly this year, and haven't missed a day of school yet. I guess I had been well for a while now, and I didn't seen it coming. Last night, I was really thirsty. I figured I was just dehydrated, but I kept getting more and more water. My throat aching for it. I thought it weird but went to bed, and didn't worry about it.
I woke up at about three this morning to do a couple of homework assignments I was unable to do on Saturday since I left my textbooks at home and I was at my Dad's house. My head was pounding and my throat still hurting. But I figured it was all happening because I had just gotten up early. I finished my homework and went back to sleep. The next time I woke up felt officially sick.
That is why I wasn't at school today. But no worries because even though I felt ridiculously cruddy, I was lucky enough for Winston to send me some wonderful texts to cheer me up. First ,"I u sick?" Good to see you care Winston...you always take the time to write in proper grammar especially for me, and you even proof-read your messages before sending. When I responded with a "yeah" he sent me another great message, "But today is your day!" Yes, today was superhero day, and I was looking forward to it. Thanks for reminding me Winston...it made me feel so much better.
Sorry if I sound bitter. Heroes comes on tonight though! That's exciting!!!!!!!
-Brianna Rosier
PS I didn't mean to be so harsh to Winston...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Well you are in for a treat. The randomness is going to be unbelievable. Welcome to Lacey's post.
Hello, I'm Lacey Booth. Tonight's top stories include: disease, Scottish people, tests, and dresses.
Today will be the first day in three weeks that I will not be taking an antibiotic. Isn't it amazing? No I am not a drug addict, but this is the first day that I don't have prescribed medication to take because that's how much my sicknesses have overlapped these last few weeks. It is unbelievable. Someone I know said, "I wish that I had immunity to all diseases." Well duh. Isn't that obvious. No one likes being sick. (And if someone did then they should probably go see a psychologist immediately.) Being sick isn't fun. And it isn't healthy. So kids. . . there's really nothing you can do to prevent being sick. You are going to get sick and that is the cold hard truth. I think I got sidetracked.
Well moving on. I met someone awesome this week. He is originally from Scotland. He has a cool accent and he taught me the symbols for "therefore" and "because." If you actually go to my school then you should say hi if you see him in the halls or have him in a class because he is truly a wonderful person. Just so you know.
I have two tests Thursday and then a chem test sometime. I feel like I don't even know what we are testing on which is bad. Yikes. Oh well. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
Homecoming is coming up. I kind of want a new dress. . . but with being sick this week I feel like I shouldn't even leave my house this weekend. Like I should just stay home and sleep and sleep and sleep which is ironic because this weekend I have more potential plans than I have in forever. I want to say yes to everything but I think that I need to make my number one priority getting better and if I don't start feeling better then I'm going to just have to follow my doctor's orders and stay in bed and rest. But I still need a dress. I'm so excited. I love homecoming!!! It was the funnest thing ever last year and I can't wait for this years one. It is going to be awesome.
Well to all of my adoring fans. I love you :)
And to those who don't read my post. . . . GRRRR. But it's really your loss. I'm interesting. You fail.
Thank you and goodnight.
(Yes I am on cold medication still.)
Monday, September 15, 2008
I like websites that keep archives. That way when I'm bored, I can proceed to read all the previous stuff. That's what I do.
At the end of last year, a girl to me about a site (http://asofterworld.com/) which I saw had one of these archives. The site has photographs, with jokes and that sort of thing. I liked the first one so I read them all. I LOVE this site. The comics are clever. They are slightly demented, and slightly disturbing, but they make you think. I like that. Here is one of my favorites:
You have to have the right sense of humor to enjoy them, but I think they are hilarious. My humor is pretty dry though, as I'm sure you guys know.
So I love that site. Then I found one that is really similar to it that also love. It's tinyghosts.com. It's brilliant, I may like it more than A Softer World. Here's the first one I saw; it made me look through the archive:
If you are looking for new sites, check out these. Like I said, the humor is dry, so if you don't have the taste for it, I wouldn't read more than a couple. They may seriously depress you.
By the way, the posts are always awesome, but last week in particular I thought they were amazing. You guys rock!
...Best wishes?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What Happened?
Whatever happened to our generation?
Why is it that we act the way we do?
Why do we reject people based on their race, ethnicity, social status, and wealth?
Why do we refuse to associate with people who are "not like us"?
Why do we do harmful things to our minds and bodies?
Why do so many people make poor decisions and leave others to suffer?
Tell me this:
When did sitting with the "outcast" equal social suicide?
When did "hanging out after school" become smoking weed in the corner lot?
When did "being cool" become defined by partying, drinking, and being sexually active?
When did people start fighting over who had to be a designated driver?
Why is it that I know people who smoked pot and took double shots before their sixteenth birthday?
Why is it that I know people who don't even have enough fingers to count how many girls they've hooked up with?
Why is love now defined as "having sex"?
What happened to good, clean fun?
What happened to chivalry?
What happened to morals?
What happened to us?
Why do we live in a society where you're uncool if you've never had alchohol, or smoked a cigarette, or even kissed a guy?
Have we lost all respect for others?
Have we lost all respect for ourselves?
You can try to blame the media,
you can try to blame your friends,
you can try to blame your parents,
but the one to blame is yourself.
It saddens me to see what we've become.
And its time for that to change.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
An Insight of My Thoughts
I'm sitting here typing away on my keyboard and wasting the time away with my procrastination. I'm sitting here trying to think of what I should post and nothing is really coming to mind. Now that I think about it, I really should be doing my homework: balancing equations for a chemical equation, explaining the significance of the Great Awakening, finding the limit of a binomial... But I'm sitting here just dozing my thoughts onto a page of a computer screen.
I wonder what the rest of them are doing. Probably sitting here as bored as me and struggling to finish their homework. Maybe they are watching a game flash across the colorful screen, celebrating as the touch down is announced. Maybe they are chatting away though not really chatting verbally, eyes watching the "lol" appear onto a small white chat box. Maybe they are rapidly fingering a message onto a keypad, eyes never leaving the screen for the anticipation of the inevitable message soon to come. Or maybe they are in a deep slumber as the moon travels across the sky to pull the sun up, signaling the next day. I'm glad I met them. Whether they met me on accident or were just pulled by an invisible cord towards me.
Then I wonder what the rest of the population is doing. Busybodies, late night workers, single moms and dads, men and women with no place to go, a child in an orphanage. I wonder who stop to think about them. Watching them from a window as they speed by... No thoughts except for the gentle humming from the tune of the radio. Souls pacing the landscape without much purpose, save for the small green papers and the children that they bear. The government tries to alleviate their meaningless lives with these same green papers and yet they fail to see they need something so much more.
Then I wonder what the rest of the world is doing. Africa, Asia, South America and of the sort. Poverty, murder, terrorism, and the fight for patriotism that never seems to end. Darfur, Iraq and all the other things that seem to draw so much attention yet so little. So much pain and so much suffering while the hungry lay dead and the rich live on. People living in fear and confined into a country they must leave. Forever trapped by their tormentors and living on as a shadow of a lesser human being.
And so I sit here wondering as I type these little words onto a page. What was I doing? Ah yes, I'm sitting here typing away on my keyboard and wasting the time away with my procrastination.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A lot of people seem to be taking practice tests or prep classes for the PSAT and SAT. I think they are amazing.
This kind of reminds me of a little issue. I don't think I remember how to read. The only thing I need to read is my history textbook, and little short passages throughout whatever other classes I have. When was the last time I sat down with a book and read it for enjoyment, or looked back on a passage that I read voluntarily for more than five minutes and thinking, man, that thing has some substance? Uhh.
I feel like a little boy, the kind of kid who can't sit down and do homework for very long. And keeps looking out at the blue sky and shiny day, wondering how long it will be until he can leave the house again and play with bugs or whatever it is that my brother does. That makes me wonder if Ryan ever did that when he was little.
Yeah, little Ry-ry. How cute.
It's really scary right now. I don't know why, but it feels like I can't just calm down and relax for a bit because there is always something that I might worry about. I so do not want to look back on my junior year and think, "Why the heck wasn't I doing more?" But really, where am I going to go? What am I going to do? I don't know, and this isn't very motivating.
I really want everyone to be happy. Like, when I say "hi" to my friends or strike up a conversation with them, I hope they had a good day and are looking forward the afternoon, whether they have no lives like me, or they are going to have a blast clubbing with Won in G-ville, or such and such.
It's already been four weeks. Now, it is time to go and read the fourth APUSH chapter with an eagerness and yearning for greater knowledge. Believe me, that was a joke. There are so many better things to do on Fridays, such as framing ponies, taking a tennis lesson with the green power blogger, or murdering hundreds of love bugs. Gosh, those things are annoying. Just the last part.
I got this amazing little paper turtle. It's so cute. ^^ Thank you!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sense You Asked Me To Write A Poem
I look all around me
and see the glorious beauty
that engulfs our world
shining brightly
like a sunflower unfurled
I feel the world's heart
beating the tempo to our part
in the symphony harmonizing our lives
churning the melodies
never, the end we hope arrives
I taste the vast things unique from each land
our cultural differences actually bonding us hand in hand
bitter differences give way to sweet fruits of peace
so, given time
all sour strife we can cease
I listen to the diverse languages that sing
our human thoughts and feelings
while once divisive
these words
unite us to be decisive
I smell the scents that waft from my neighbors' window sills
The motherly esoteric knowledge of apple pie baking, one of many fine skills
The minute variations of aromas
they seize us
and induce within us blissful comas
- Jonathan
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hey There Luna
So I forgot that it was my day today, again. Please forgive my increasing absentmindedness.
Currently, I am in the process of procrastination, and still trying to convince myself to write my APUSH paper five hours after I’ve gotten home. It hasn’t been going well. I realize this is a bad sign, I’m supposed to fall into my bottomless pit of lethargy and hopelessness halfway through third nine weeks, not now. Now is supposed to be a beautiful time of leaves changing, lengthening nights, and scarves (well, if
It’s been brought to my attention that many people do not in fact change the music that they listen to according to season. Baffling. In reality I only really make a conscious shift for summer and fall, but since those seem to be the only seasons this place has anyway, I think I’m good.
The whole concept of seasonal music is why I’m listening to In Rainbows right now. I could’ve (definitely should’ve) downloaded it when it first came out for free, but technical difficulties confounded me and I put it off. I put it off to the point where it was summer, an obviously ridiculous time to try and get into a Radiohead album. But now that I’ve sensed the fall coming on (or at least believe it is for my own pleasure) I’ve decided it is time. And I’m listening to it. And it’s beautiful.
But that’s for another day, because although I’m very tired and so I probably will only spend a few sentences talking about her, what I really intended to write about was PJ Harvey. If I were to imagine a perfect female role model, it’d essentially be her.
It was last year when I first listened to the album Dry that I knew autumn had come. Everything actually seemed transformed; I’m not sure how but I feel like I’ve never been the same since listening to it. I spent hours watching music videos and discovering more songs, falling even more in love with her oddness each time.
And she’s odd. Not only is she British, but she spent most of her life up into her adulthood living on a farm with her family. Freakish!
But enough of that, here’s the actual Polly Jean.
I can feel fall coming on already.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
So tired. No sleep. Embarrassment. I'm so mad at the whole world.
I've been having the kind of days that are in movies but not in a good way. The ones where everything goes wrong. But not even in a funny way at all. In a depressing and painful way.
On Sunday I thought to myself. . . I think that I can handle my life. I just have to go out there and do my best and I can achieve whatever I want in life.
Isn't that funny.
That's the most optimistic I've ever been and this is the worst my life has fallen apart in a while.
It's like when you have a good day, but then the next day is bad so it balances out. There's some type of equilibrium requirement. I don't like it.
I don't know why everything is happening this way. Right now I desperately want sleep. And I'm going to get it.
Goodnight. Good luck with your life. Not that I have any real luck to give.
PS - I will try to not be as gloomy next week. Trust me. I am not being an over dramatic crybaby.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Protector w/o Homework
The first thing I want to make clear, is that if I were a superhero I wouldn't wear a mask. No one trusts a person in a mask. I'd pull a Superman. His disguise was Clark Kent. That way no one thought Superman lived another life. They weren't trying to figure out his secret identity. And everyone loves Superman. I mean Batman's mask makes him just creepy and shady. I'm very anti-masks.
Then we have superpowers. I'd of course like to fly (at supersonic speeds, I have to get places fast). As for other powers, I have many that I often consider. I think Pyro from X-men has pretty sweet power. Manipulation of fire is awesome, but he's a villain so I don't want to take something associated with evil. I also like how Captain Marvel is like a little boy, but when he claps his hands (and says Kazaam I think) he becomes like this superman. That would be cool too, but not exactly fitting to me. Then there's that chick from Sky High (that's like one of my favorite movies, do not mock me!) who can speed the growth of plants, which is probably one of the coolest powers I've ever seen, though it seems a bit useless.
So after giving it lots of thought, I decided something most fitting for me would be with my eyes. If you don't know, I love my eyes; they are my favorite physical feature. So I want every power that has to do with eyes. This includes: heat vision, x-ray vision, hypnosis, mind reading, and super sight. I think that's reasonable. Then I'd have something for every situation.
Name? Surprisingly I haven't come up with a name. Naming things have never been my forte, and I've thought of stuff that just wasn't quite fitting. So, you guys are welcome to suggest names.
There I did it. You thought I wouldn't, didn't you? You thought I would forget and never bring up the topic again. Or maybe you didn't think that, sadly I can't read minds.
May the force be with you,
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wonders of the World
So I just got back from Rock the Universe at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, and I had a ton of homework to do. So I will discuss that experience next week. But for now, here’s an old post I had meant to publish but I forgot about it.
So I was flipping through channels, and nothing good was on. Finally, I stumbled onto a show on the travel network called "The Top Ten Natural Wonders of the World. I can't remember the exact order, but the list went a little something like this:
10.Ngorongoro crater
9.Mount Everest
8.Ayers Rock
7.northern lights
5.Angel Falls
4.The Sahara
3.The great barrier reef
2.Amazon River/Rainforest
1.Grand Canyon
Ok, so then I realized that a lot of these sound really boring to me. I would love to see Angel Falls, the northern lights, and possibly even Mount Everest but I really have no interest in deserts, large rock formations, or rivers with flesh-eating fish in them. So I made up MY list of top ten Wonders of Where I've Been So Far in My Life. And I'm also including man-made structures because I haven't seen many amazing feats of nature. Here’s my list:
10. Stone Mountain: located in Atlanta, Ga, this park is a family-oriented vacation hotspot that focuses on a huge carving of generals etched into the side of a mountain. Like Mount Rushmore, on a smaller scale.
9. Mont Saint-Michel: okay, so I've never actually been here, but it used to only be accessible by foot during low tide and there's a secret staircase!! Enough said
8. Florida Southern College: I grew up around this campus in Lakeland, Florida. My parents both attended FSC and my grandpa works there. It is the biggest collection of buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and it's famous for its unique, angular, contemporary construction.
7. Waters Creek: this is a waterfall located in north Georgia. Close-to-perfect circles have been carved out of the rock bottom of the waterfall by millions of years of erosion, and one part of the waterfall is slick and smooth. Which makes a perfect water slide.
6. Ringling Mansion: I went here on Saturday, and it was really interesting. Built by circus extraordinaire, John Ringling, and his wife, this mansion captures the perfect blend of Italian artifacts and high society life in the early 1900's. Everything is an explosion of colors, right down to the multicolored glass windowpanes.
5. Ruby Falls: This 145 foot waterfall is located 1120 feet beneath a mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
4. Masonic Lodge: Have you seen National Treasure? Well, the masons DO exist! This huge center is right across from the courthouse in Philly. There are seven halls for the different mason groups to meet in, and each one contains a different architectural style: oriental, gothic, ionic, Corinthian, Egyptian, Norman, renaissance
3. Scott Lake: Last year, two huge sinkholes ate up this lake and most of its wildlife in Lakeland. I mean, the thing swallowed whole gators and stuff. I thought it was really cool. And most of the people who live on the lake are super rich, and bought their property mainly for its lakeside appeal. Sucks for them.
2. Kimmel Center: This one is also located in Philadelphia. It’s an ultra-modern music hall. Giant balustrades come out from the side of the building and hold up an arched glass roof. Then, there are two separate buildings WITHIN the main building. One of them has a "rooftop" garden, but everything is still under the glass-and-steel sky. Everything in it is state of the art AND modern art
1. Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for! And the #1 spot goes to......BILTMORE!!!!! It’s the biggest house in the USA, containing 250 rooms, an indoor swimming pool, and its own bowling alley. Standing in front of it just takes your breath away.
Okay, so that’s it for my little countdown. If you ever have the opportunity to visit these places, you should!!!!!!!! Maybe I will be a travel agent......
Until next week (I can't wait to discuss Rock the Universe!!!!!),
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Top 5 Money Wasters
Hey guys. This is one very wet and tired power blogger with Saturday's post and I have to say to the people who were there with me... NEXT TIME, TALK UNDER THE TREES INSTEAD OF OUT IN THE OPEN. YEAH YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! *Ahem* Today I have something interesting I want to talk about about. Yes, today I want to talk about my top 5 money wasters. Yay! Without further ado, let's start the count down!
Number 5:
Most of us at one point played an arcade game and probably thought,"Wow. That's one dollar I'm not getting back." Well if you play a good arcade game with a good plot, it's pretty hard to stop (remember this is MY top 5). But the game in the video I'm showing, that's just plain unfair. This game is so ridiculous, there is NO WAY to finish this game without spending at least $100 dollars in continues.
Number 5: Ridiculously Unfair Arcade Game.
Number 4:
This is mostly pointed at girls (sorry). This could be for guys too but number 4 is clothes. I'm talking about Abercrombie, Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, and all that other good stuff. I really don't see the point in buying such expensive clothes. I've seen girls in the malls with bags up to their necks and they keep buying!!!! Again, I see no point in buying so many clothes at name brand stores when you can get those same shirts at Goodwill for 1/10 of the normal prices. Tied for fourth is Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Anyone who had an obsession with Yu-Gi-Oh knows the curse of buying pack after pack of cards. You just NEED those holographic cards or the Dark Magician, Blue Eyes, whatever. Now when I look back I think,"I could of saved up to get 5 iPods with that money."
Number 4: Clothes and Yu-Gi-Oh cards
Number 3:
This is my own opinion but the number 3 money waster is the current tennis lesson session. They tripled the price and cut the session length in half. What the heck? Now this is supposedly because we have better coaches and better players playing with us. But there is no need to cut the length of the session like that. It's $360 per month. If you did this program for a year, that would amount to $4320. Now here is a list of things you can get with all that money:
A car, 2 MacBook Airs, tennis lessons for 3 years at a different clinic, a personal chef for a few days, 10 wardrobes full of clothes, an Xbox 360 with a PS3 and a supply of games to last 2 years of gameplay, 10 closets full of shoes, 20 Blackberries, a library of DVD's, a library's worth of books, 1.75 years worth of gas, 2 king sized beds, 4 Fender Stratocasters, 17280 gum balls, a lavish wedding, 2 vintage violins, etc. I can go on but I'm done. No more.
Number 3: Current Rip-Off Tennis Lessons
Number 2:
For this one, I'm talking gas. Gas prices are rising and they don't show any signs of dropping or even settling for one price. However, I have to feel sorry for the particular people who bought Hummers. At 12.5 miles per gallon, the hummer will seriously drain your wallet. After paying $75,000 for the Hummer itself, you would have to pay over $100 dollars every time you go to the pump. I don't really need to say much more. I think we can all agree that:
Number 2: Gas
Number 1:
The top money waster of all time. What do you think it is? I put a lot of time into the number one money waster of all time and I couldn't think of anything . I originally had food as number one but no... There is somthing much much much worse. Did you guess yet? It's us! Yes, us as in kids/high schoolers. Think about it. We get so many things from our parents such as schooling, food, electricity and water, technology, paying for the clubs we're in, internet and tons of other things. Even when we get ready to leave for college, they have to pay a ton of money for us to get to college in the first place. I'm sure that if we didn't drain so much of their money, they would be living in 3 story houses with 3 car garages and 3 cars in those garages. 18 years of commitment (maybe more) is a heavy burden so go up to your mom or dad, give him/her a big hug and say,"The green power blogger told me to say,'I'm glad that you are so supportive of me and I promise to be a good son/daughter from now on. I love you!' " or something along those lines.
Well that's all I have today. So join us tomorrow for the extra terrific super post of the blue power blogger!
(I'm too tired to proof read so if you see errors or a lot of repetition....sorry...)
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm so so sorry.
I have to say that I love Ryan Pace. Not in the why-don't-I-be-unfaithful way. I mean as one of my best friends, ever.
He asked me what I did at 4:05pm last week. What I always do on Fridays that most other people don't do. I went to take off my contacts when I realized... Yeah... I hadn't posted yet. This is pretty awful because I never post really late into the day. I can say with absolute certainty that I have been emersed in school school school throughout my frontal lobe the entire time.
He was also the person to tell me to listen to Palin. Jack said he (Jack, not Ryan who loves Palin) laughed at her. Another kid in my Lang class said she sounded like she was speaking at a PTO conference. I have to agree; the impression I got wasn't good at all.
I'm really glad that other people are enjoying Skreemr, as I did as soon as Linda gave me the link on that lucky day, months ago.
I have three tests next Wednesday in my three most difficult classes. I really don't know how this is going to work out. It probably isn't.
Tennis really builds muscle. In only a month, there have been differences. Amazing. Well, not as amazing as Ryan, who saved the day. While I am on this subject, it would be nice to point out the tripling of Forrestmeadow's clinic costs that have caused Jack and June to actually stop wanting to take lessons there, which they have been doing for a quite a bit. It is ridiculous.
This is, not to scare you, one of the most important years of our lives. It's going to be tough, and we all know that. So any little thing we think of that we can do to make each other happier, more lighthearted, cheerful, and all those good things... well, let's make them happen. :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Identity Crisis
In today's faltering market of foreboding foreclosure, iniquitous identity theft, and futile fighting, it's hard to remember we're all just kids. However, it is in that loss of remembrance that we lose ourselves. We splay ourselves across FaceBook, MySpace, Blogger, Digg, or any other website. We lose touch with the innocence we once held dear. The internet is a powerful yet derisive tool. It is both a playgound and a cemetery for, in the virtual and sometimes literal sense, alter egos. Hate crimes published on the Internet's grounds are often published by the amicable schoolmate or quiet kid in the corner. Well, what has happened? In this alluring anonymity, did we lose touch with who we are? Then let me guide you back to home. We are quiet literally the future of the United States of America, and by extension, the World itself. That's a pretty big mantle to inherit. Are we up to it? Or when the time to serve our country comes about, will we be stuck sniggering at the latest picture of that celebrity and teasing each other on virtual wall boards? It's a sense of maturity that we lack now that develops over the next two years. At least I hope it does.
So back to this "Identity Crisis". We seem to be disconnecting from who we are as a person, and who we are as an Internet user. Quite often, I'll find myself saying things online to someone that I'd never consider saying to their face. It's desensitizing. It has gotten so bad that people are even forgoing the more traditional and once conventional approach to dating and instead chat it up with lol's, omg's, and my personal favorite, ily. How lazy are you that you can't type out one of life's most profound phrases that establishes most lifelong trust? We seek each other out over the Internet, form quick relationships, and then ask each other out in the crudest of fashions in a vulgar sub-English dialect called "ChatSpeak".
How will our generation be remembered? The 1950's youth are the high swinging kids with the handheld radios who went down to the Soda Shops for a little pop. The 1960's were characterized by their own drug problems, but also a lot of pacifist movements. The 1970's gave popularity to artists like Elton John, and saw Nixon rise in popularity and then decline QUICKLY. This led to bunch of sensationalists who lead the workforce today. Advances in technology and a crackdown on drug usage led the 1980's generation towards electronic music and gaming. Which brings us to the 1990's. Our generation. The popularly labeled Generation Y. We live in a world of instant gratification where FaceBook, YouTube, Texting, and IM reign supreme as our forms of entertainment. No wonder we're being diagnosed with ADD every five minutes. Look at our sources of entertainment! They change radically every time you refresh the page or turn around! We, as a generation, cannot seem to latch onto anything for more than a short while.
Never, in the history of generations, has a group of "individuals" lost its innocence so quickly. The worst realization is that this isn't new. Generations have been pushing the innocence out earlier and earlier, every decade. The trend is accelerating. The 2000 generation is reaping the benefits of having an omniscient tool at their fingertips far earlier than we ever did. Granted, we didn't have the tool in our early youth, so we can't be blamed, but that doesn't change the disturbing fact of the matter that our little siblings are quickly being corrupted.
- Jonathan
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Limewire, I Met Someone Else
I’m drawing a blank as to what I should right about, now that the structure of theme week is gone. The only things I can think to talk about seem like they wouldn’t interest anyone else.
After staring at my screen for a few minuets, I’ve decided to hell with it, I’m going to write about whatever comes to mind. Who cares what you people think anyway? That is, except for Kejing, whom I love, because she was the one who introduced me to this life changing site anyway.
When the fall of Limewire occurred about two years ago, I was devastated. I thought I’d never download music again. I was forced to fill my empty nights with substandard TV and actually doing my homework. They were
years devoid of discovery and excitement; it was crushing. But the night is darkest before the dawn (I don’t really think that’s true…) and oh what a dawn it was.
For those of you whom I haven’t already ranted about it to, my new favorite site is skreemr.com. It’s basically Google for music downloads. No software and the file download incredibly fast. You search for a song and/or artist, right click the title, hit save link as, and you’re done. You can even listen to the file before you download it to check the sound quality. I’ll even show you in a shameless attempt to make my post seem longer.
- Yeah, you probably can't see it, but I've typed in 'Interpol Obstacle 1'
- (The morally apprehensible part, IF you would perhaps want to download the song you’d go about it like this).
And it'll sound a little something like this:
![]() | Interpol - Obstacle 1 | ![]() |
![]() | ||
![]() | Found at skreemr.com | ![]() |
Well, that's pretty much it. And I will get back to that previous post, I promise.