Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sense You Asked Me To Write A Poem

I look all around me
and see the glorious beauty
that engulfs our world
shining brightly
like a sunflower unfurled

I feel the world's heart
beating the tempo to our part
in the symphony harmonizing our lives
churning the melodies
never, the end we hope arrives

I taste the vast things unique from each land
our cultural differences actually bonding us hand in hand
bitter differences give way to sweet fruits of peace
so, given time
all sour strife we can cease

I listen to the diverse languages that sing
our human thoughts and feelings
while once divisive
these words
unite us to be decisive

I smell the scents that waft from my neighbors' window sills
The motherly esoteric knowledge of apple pie baking, one of many fine skills
The minute variations of aromas
they seize us
and induce within us blissful comas

- Jonathan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is there a reason you spelled "sense" in the title instead of "since"? Was that on purpose? Cause if spelled since wrong!! sorry it was just totally bugging me.