Friday, September 19, 2008

8:01pm ends civil twilight.

At lunch, the green power blogger got a brain freeze. June: AH I got a brain freeze. -short pause- Now I'm awake! So I guess the moral of the story is to self-inflict brain freezes if you would like to keep your eyes open for redox equations.
In Chem, we had quite a bit of time to socialize at the end. Well, that, or do the Ch 4 homework. Ryan came up to Vicky and me, holding a portion of the end of his hair, asking us why we were holding our hair, but Vicky wasn't. I was absentmindedly holding some of my hair, but Ryan... awww.
Megan is a very smart girl. So one day, I noticed that after math, she continued on the second story, entered the art hallway, and finally went down the stairs near the bus ramps. This saves time because of the congestion on the first floor. Today, Mrs. Little saw me. This reminded me of the times in the past when she suggested I take an AP art to relieve my stress. Today, she knew exactly what to ask: Are you busy this year?
On the way home, I was sitting on the bus with Jessica. It's probably stupid to remind you of how tired we were, but yeah, we were tired. As the bus continued to drive out of McBride Estates, a boy began to sing. "I kissed a girl, and I liked it..."
Vicky asked me how we could eat at the BBQ and Logan's. I said we could eat at both places. (I was kidding, by the way.) Vicky: But then we will be full. Me: So? Vicky: And then we will get fat! Well not you because you never get fat. (Dear Vicky. You are nowhere near fat. Love, Kejing.)
Each day of the week, I lose some sleep. By the end, it feels as if by natural laws I should not be functioning.
I've never been more entertained by a library receipt. It is pretty curved and short, so if you press quickly upon an end, then it can flip over.
I probably won't do homework this afternoon and that really is amazing.
I wish you the best of luck in pursuing a marvelous weekend or in some cases, another perfect Euro test scantron.

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