Monday, September 15, 2008


I like websites that keep archives. That way when I'm bored, I can proceed to read all the previous stuff. That's what I do.

At the end of last year, a girl to me about a site ( which I saw had one of these archives. The site has photographs, with jokes and that sort of thing. I liked the first one so I read them all. I LOVE this site. The comics are clever. They are slightly demented, and slightly disturbing, but they make you think. I like that. Here is one of my favorites:

You have to have the right sense of humor to enjoy them, but I think they are hilarious. My humor is pretty dry though, as I'm sure you guys know.

So I love that site. Then I found one that is really similar to it that also love. It's It's brilliant, I may like it more than A Softer World. Here's the first one I saw; it made me look through the archive:

If you are looking for new sites, check out these. Like I said, the humor is dry, so if you don't have the taste for it, I wouldn't read more than a couple. They may seriously depress you.

By the way, the posts are always awesome, but last week in particular I thought they were amazing. You guys rock!

...Best wishes?


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