Monday, September 1, 2008

You're Is Not Possessive!

I know I said I would write about my superhero alter-ego this week, but I don't feel like it. I will do it eventually though.

So the theme month is over (Happy September!). I hope you all enjoyed it. I sure did. We might do it again various weeks in the future.

I'm sorry if my posts don't seem very organized. Lots of times I have all these thoughts going on in my head, and it's a cluttered mess. So I have trouble organizing them, and end up just writing whatever.

So...yeah. We have a three day weekend, and so far I've mostly spent it reading. Because of this, I'll be spending a couple of hours on homework today. But it is so worth it. I love the English language. Not that I dislike other languages, but when used correctly the English language can be so beautiful. So I've been reading. Absorbing as much of it as I can. Because very few people actually speak English well.

Which gets me to the awful grammar problem we have today. I know that people in other areas may not have had the same schooling that I did, but when kids at our school speak with just terrible grammar they have no excuse. I went to the same elementary school as a lot of these kids. I know they taught us how to use grammar correctly. It annoys me because they don't even try. They're defiling the language.

And people think Americans are dumb. I mean if my one example was one of those ridiculous rednecks at our school, who can barely form sentences, well I'd think Americans were dumb too. It disgusts me to be associated with them. just annoys me. Well, see your post tomorrow, Lacey.


1 comment:

Ryan said...

Congrats on reaching 100.