Thursday, September 25, 2008

My name is not "Cole's Girlfriend"

Hey, everyone. It's Catherine, filling in for my absolute best friend in the entire world lyk omg: Jonathan. Some of you may not know me very well, and some of you may not know me at all. Maybe to you I am "Cole's girlfriend" (which annoys me to no end), or, if you remember wayyy back, "Jonathan's ex."

I could introduce myself, but what to say? I am Catherine. That's kind of it. I'm not used to this whole "blogspot" thing. I'm a devoted Xanga loyalist.

I wish I had something particularly insightful and eloquent to say, but I don't. I've been trying to think of something to talk about, and I can't come up with much. Jonathan told me to avoid the topic of religion, which is too bad, because I have my own two cents. I could talk about homosexuality (omg Clay Aiken and Lindsay/Sam in one week?!!?), abortion, or Sarah Palin, but I'm probably too liberal to even open my mouth in this arena.

I think I'll discuss the future.

We are almost done with high school. Okay, maybe not. We are juniors. First quarter juniors. But we are very close to being done. So close, in fact, it's scary. But it's exciting, isn't it? Looking at colleges, touring campuses, declaring a major (or two, if you're me), getting to soon study what you want and move on with your life...

I am usually very secure in what I want to do. But today, during PSAT practice in AP Lang, I realized (like I do occasionally) that I have so many things I want to accomplish.

Degrees I want in my lifetime:
Astronomy/Astrophysics B.S.
Space Sciences M.S., PhD
Aerospace Engineering B.S., M.S., PhD
And then, in order of interest and importance...
Neuroscience M.S., maybe PhD
Chemistry (probably M.S. since I plan on minoring in chem), maybe PhD
Religious studies
Food and Nutrition Sciences -- Dietetics/Clinical Nutrition
Voice performance

I don't have enough time in my life to learn all of this and actually find a way to use it all! I want so badly to work for NASA and be a part of the new Constellation program, but I want to be a neuroscientist. I want to help eating disordered patients (even though I should probably go through recover myself first). I want to study religion. Agghhh, life is too short.

I am so excited for the future, though. I can't wait. I need it so much.

And now, the past. I've been through my ups and downs. A slew of medical problems (most importantly chronic EDNOS ["eating disorder not otherwise specified;" in my case a combination of anorexia nervosa, exercise bulimia, and binge-eating disorders] of twelve years) almost landed me in a rehabilitation/treatment facility for thirty days this summer, with the doctors telling me I could die. But $30,000+ for 30 days of unwanted recovery isn't worth it to me, so I went to space camp instead, and had the time of my life. I came out as being bisexual in... I guess the fall of last year. (If any of you who know me are shocked, then you obviously haven't seen my facebook or been around me at all lately.) And middle school... oh those days. They were awful, but good. They are a giant blur, but every event is still very distinct. Visiting Deerlake makes me feel very tall and very old. Oh, and when I was five, I was genuinely convinced I was Pocahontas.

But I'm not trying to turn this into WAH WAH WAH MY PROBLEMS. But looking back on my life, it's interesting to see how I am the way I am and why. Have you thought about it lately? We're coming up on the truly "young adult" chapter of our lives. Do you know what made you you? Can you think of one or two or five events that completely changed your life? I know it's a lame thing to ask, but sometimes it's good to reflect.

Now, I want to mention something kind of cool. Synesthesia. Do you have it? I do. It's INTENSE. I see music in colors, I can taste some words (beach=distinct taste of salt, which makes sense), certain months have certain colors, and I could never explain how I mentally envision time/calendars and the number line through written word. I'd draw a picture, but it's not good enough. I could verbally explain it some day if you wish. But seeing as we're all gifted here, you all probably have some degree of it. I think it's why I'm so interested in neuroscience. I guess if a career with NASA/the space program falls through, I'd probably be a neuroscientist who studies synesthesia and similar subjects.

Now, another topic. Cole told me he'd be embarrassed if I talked about him in a mushy lovey dovey way. So I won't. I will make the announcement that a week form today marks one year and eight months with that kid, which is cool. I will also say that he told me I (the future astrophysicist/aerospace engineer) have the responsibility of designing our future home, making it as eco-friendly as possible, while he (the future doctor of some type) will, well, keep us from dying. We bicker a lot, and we are extremely obnoxious, and some of my friends can't believe we actually tolerate each other.
He is a very stoic guy, which is cool with me now that he's made me less of an emotional person. He isn't a movie-esque boyfriend who is constants love and kisses and butterflies and roses, which is cool with me, too... most of the time. He has quite the mouth and will say some pretty vulgar stuff...if you haven't experienced the Real Cole, you would be shocked. We're just really chill, and I like it. We lie on the couch and watch movies (Yeah, we actually watch them.), or we lie in bed and watch Scrubs or Flight of the Conchords, or we play video games, or something else terribly tame, like watching Britcoms with his mother or hanging out at the College of Engineering with one of his brothers.
He's cute. I don't know. There's not really a point to all of that rambling except for that I like him. Lots of people don't like that we're together (which is weird, because they don't know me or him), but whatever.

Well, now that I've written a novel, I guess I'll sign off.
You can find me at

Maybe you know me a bit better now.
Or maybe you just hate me a bit more.
lol if it's the latter.

-Catherine Branch

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