Friday, November 14, 2008


I'm not going to pretend that some of us, or perhaps just I, haven't been updating as eagerly or as timely as we have in the past. I guess I just wanted to say my fellow power bloggers are absolutely amazing. Surely, they truly care, whether it is thinking about his or her blog post for hours and hours, or doing anything physically possible to get that post published before midnight of the next day. So, here is your red power blogger saying thank you for staying together through this really... stressful year.
I just took my little red book (The Scarlet Letter) from my backpack. Woooh... relief.
If you didn't have a computer to pass the time, what would you do? I've thought about it, and it seems like life would be much more productive. We could do all our homework and study even more, or read the encyclopedia, or listen to NPR and learn about bald Russians. Oh man, we could be so productive. With the time, we could grow a vegetable garden, thereby saving money for the family. Or, we could rewire the house so the levers do crazy things.
The graph in English showed that the average minutes of TV viewing per person around the 2004s was about 440. I thought this was ridiculous. Does everyone really watch that much TV? Is 440 divided by 6 really truly 7 1/3? I think I read the graph incorrectly. There is no way that is right...
So I think I need some sleep.
I hope you pulchritudinous people have a marvelous weekend. That is all of you. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do not watch tv that much! i seriously barely watch it at all..