Monday, November 3, 2008

Memories (part two)

"I have no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." -Walt Whitman

In the ninth grade I was in Independent Studies. Basically we were in Algebra II honors but separated by the office. I remember David (he was in there with William and me) talking about some new girl, Kejing. I didn't think much of it. A lot of my friends became friends with her, and she and I became acquainted but I wouldn't really call it a friendship. Then sophomore year a group of us decided that we all needed official "bffs". I'm not sure how Kejing got involved...I think she may have just been passing by but she became my "bff". For a couple of weeks we greeted each other "BFF!" Soon we began talking and became very good friends. Quite funny how that turned out, huh?

June already mentioned our meeting. I don't remember it that well. We didn't really become friends until eight grade. We sat near each other in Geometry. Jack, William, and Ally sat near us also...and we were always joking around and whatnot. One time we got onto a discussion of lip gloss versus lipstick. I just remember June and Jack claiming that lipstick was just like a crayon. That became our long-running joke. June would create a lipstick factory in which he would make his products out of Crayola crayons. He was supposed to make millions and we each demanded a cut...except for Jack...I believe he asked for all the profits. Ah...good times.

As I've said before, I met Caroline the same time I met Lacey. I don't really have that many memories of Caroline from middle school. I definitely remember in the ninth grade when she invited us to listen to her sing in Mrs. Heid's 'talent show'. Wow. I knew she sang, but I didn't know she could sing like that. It was quite phenomenal. Then only over the past couple of years I've really gotten to see the sense of self and great spirituality of Caroline which I respect and love. She is quite a good friend...and I much appreciate her company.

Oh and is anyone else disappointed Heroes isn't coming on tonight?


1 comment:

Viv said...

Was the last sentence a test to see if I was reading? Because then I totally failed. But yes, I was really disappointed.