Friday, November 28, 2008


Goodness gracious, it is already Friday!
I guess my mother says some weird things every now and then. Yesterday at dinner, it went something like this:

Mother: Your father showed me the letter you wrote for him. He was very happy to read it. You should write more letters in the future. Kevin, you should write letters too.
Me: But we live in the same house.

Mother: Thank God for the good food!
Me: You don't believe in God.
Mother: Uh, thank Lao Tian Ye (the god in the sky who is a part of Chinese mythology), then.
Me: You don't believe in him either.
Mother: Right, I don't.
Mother: But I believe in Kejing and Kevin! May you find people who are... [this is when she tells us to find good people to marry, yadayadayada].

This morning around 3:25am, I woke up to the sound of my mother putting the dishes into the cupboard. Finally, I got my fifth hour of sleep until 5:50amish, when I decided to get up because I was never going to fall back to sleep.

It is kind of annoying when I am walking around in the mall and I see these youngish girls who think they are so cool because they are wearing Abercrombie or something, and they really aren't that cool or pretty or anything and they just strut around... =/ <--Am I mean for mentioning that? Have a beautiful Friday!


P.S. I'm really tired.
P.P.S. I saw Ms. McLanahan at Target this morning!

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