Tuesday, November 25, 2008

under the knife

So I am going under the knife tomorrow. (I'm having my wisdom teeth removed.) Now, some people think this is a minor surgery. But in fact there are many possible ways I could end up dead. The surgeon could be drunk or on drugs. He could have a sneeze attack. He could be a hired hit man. You never know. . . So I want to share with everyone a few last words.

You have been there for me so much for the past. . . since we met. You are amazing and thank you so much for helping me with. . . everything, if you know what I mean. Now I'm in the middle of the room.

Today singing with you was awesome. It made me think about the old days. We definitely need to hang out more. 3:15 AM Be there. We need a new one!!

I am so glad that we are friends this year. I didn't like how last year turned out and I really missed you. And we should definitely be calculus study buddies. High five.

What can I say? You are my go-to guy. You are amazing and I don't know what I would do without you. And I would like another cooking lesson, if you don't mind :)

Running with you has been awesome. You are great to talk to and you help me to run when I don't feel like it. Which really means a lot to me. We should definitely run the five mile loop at Forest Meadows soon.

Oh geez. You are the sweetest person I have ever met. You are so helpful and genuine. And you are part of the cutest couple. I will have the CD for you ASAP. Promise. Sorry I didn't have it tonight.

I wish we hung out more because I think you are pretty much awesome. One day before we graduate I will have your birthday present that I was supposed to give you over a year ago. Sorry it'll be so late.

I am so glad I met you this year. I am so glad that I talked to you and we are friends. Oh, Philip Zimbardo. . . my sister wants me to tell you, she really likes you and is available if you are. I'll give you her number if you want. You have a really cool accent.

I figure we're both going our seperate ways, but I'm going to try to make more time for you.

I hope we will be friends still.

We never see each other and I hate that. If I live through my surgery, then we are going to hang out because I am going to find a time when you aren't busy with all your crazy AP's and everything. I miss you.

You are the best. I don't know what else to say.

It's hard for us right now. I really want things to get better. I need you to see things from my perspective a little bit. I need you to work with me for this to work. We will run once a week. And it will be great. You will see, trust me.

I saved this one for last because I have thought all day what I wanted to say to you. And I still don't really know, so this is off the cuff. I have so much to say to you, but not all right now. I guess, just, I'm really glad that you ended up asking me.

The end. Goodnight. I love you all. Sorry if you weren't mentioned. . . I have an excuse because I have a lot on my mind.

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