Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Very Interesting Voice Mail

Heeeeey people! I've got a lot of homework again so here's the post!

Today was pretty interesting. During tennis, a very distraught person (We will call this person "X") called my friend (We will call this person "Y"). When X got home, she found her window open and nobody was in the house at the time. She was scared that someone broke in so she called Y over to come and go in the house with her. Well, it turned out nobody was in there and so they left me a very interesting voice mail. Check it out. (She calls me big brother by the way. That's she says she's my little sister):
X: Hey Junie-oba. Your little sister is going to get raped and then killed. Please come save me... not really because Y is here!
Y: June, X is not going to get raped or killed...
X: Ya I am! How do you know? You're not God! Maybe God doesn't even know. He's deciding. You better pray for me!
Y: June, it's okay. We got bored so we call--
X: NO WE'RE NOT BORED! Oh my gosh! I'm going to die! No, I'm going to get raped and then die.
Y: June don't get irritated by this voice mail.
X: Bu-but June loves me so it's okay.
Y: You're not going to get raped or killed.
X: Yes I am!
Y: Yeah by... (garbled, I couldn't hear it).
X: NO! Oh so if I die it's all your fault. Junie-oba loves me.
X: Okay bye.
Y: June, don't get irritated by this voice mail. Okay bye June.
X: Bye.

Throughout this whole voice mail I was like,"Huh?"

To another person: It's okay if you lose your first match. I guarantee that even Nadal or Federer lost his first match. It's not whether you get a point or a game. It's whether you can get back on your feet and come back again and again with twice the determination until you finally get that win. I would know. ^_^ My dad was merciless with me back in the day. He wouldn't give me a single point unless I earned it (even when I was seven years old). So cheer up ^_^. You've shown a much faster improvement rate than your opponent. You just need to work on your confidence a little more. In a few months you'll be able to beat everyone on JV, probably varsity too. Keep smiling.
-From the very worried people

Well that's all I have to post today. So join us tomorrow for another riveting post from Caroline! *applause*


Random Question: If parents say, "Never take candy from strangers" then why do we celebrate Halloween?


Unknown said...

Its the only day every kid is allowed to defy their parents' rules. And cause there's supervision (usually).

Anonymous said...

Dear June,
Thank you for your kind words.
I am actually going to play tennis today. ^ ^.
Another Person