Monday, July 21, 2008

I Generally Follow The Rules

I was at another church camp the past week. It was one of those outdoors camps with cabins and stuff. So since it was a church camp, the rules were pretty strict. Although I was a youth leader so the rules were not enforced so much. Curfew was at midnight, and no one was in bed at that time.

The people in my cabin decided we should stay outside since we weren't going to bed at 12 anyway. I was cool with this. Then they decided we should go to the lake. I was a little nervous about this. Going to the lake when there wasn't an adult there could get you in huge trouble. But I went with them. I freaking out the whole time as we walked to the lake. We had to turn our flashlights off for a portion of the way so that we wouldn't be noticed.

We get to the lake, and the members of my cabin get right on the dock. Now I knew if we got caught, there would be a good chance that we would be sent home. I was so freaking scared. We stayed there for an hour gazing at the stars and talking about life. In all honesty it was pretty awesome. The whole time however I'd listen intently in case there were any voices coming our way. Nothing happened and we returned to our cabin. I was relieved.

The next night my cabin buddies wanted to do the same thing. I almost said no, considering how scared I was last time. But I went with them. And once again was full anticipation, sure that we would be caught. We weren't caught and once again we went to bed.

After this situation I was thinking about how this small thing was one of the biggest risks I've taken in my whole life. As sad as that sounds, I'm OK with it. I realized that I'm not a risk-taker. I like obeying the rules. Which in a way makes me really lame, I know. But there have to be some people to obey the rules, right? I know people like that rush you get when you do something you're not supposed to. I don't get a rush; I get nausea. So I guess that trip to the lake was my last attempt to be a spontaneous person. I guess I was just born to be predictable. Oh, well.

Hello to our visitor from Kenya.

Just so you guys know I will be in town for the rest of the summer. So I'll read the posts everyday, on their posted day. I haven't done that in weeks. Lacey (if you're here), I can't wait to see what you have tomorrow!



Jonathan said...

I'm not a big thrill seeker from risks either- I would have complained and tried to get those kids to come back to the cabin the whole way and back! =P
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself though! Sounds like it was fun.

erica said...

I'm a rule follower too. Yay!

KoreanKid777 said...