Tuesday, July 15, 2008

its madness i tell you

I, like a surprisingly large number of people, am going to be vacationing in California this summer. Next week in fact. I believe that my day for the Power Bloggers being Tuesday is destiny because I will be gone from Wednesday to Monday. This is clearly not a coincidence.

Today my boyfriend and I took a big step. We each had ten dollars and we purchased a DVD together. So many questions sprung up in my mind. What if we break up? Can you have joint custody of a DVD? Could I let the DVD go in the case that we couldn't settle it ourselves? What about if we cut it in half? Is there ANY END TO THE MADNESS? Then I watched the movie and although I thought it was very good I realized that my boyfriend enjoyed the movie more than I did. I now know that I would give it to him. Not that I am foreshadowing our breakup because he reads this and that would be mean.

The movie was Semi-Pro in case you were wondering.

I got my hair cut last week and it's pretty short. Actually I made a couple changes last week. Some have different effects. I've found that I am very emotional lately. "Bipolar" some might say. If you know my boyfriend then feel sorry for him because two days ago he saw me go from crying hysterically to yelling at him for something dumb to apologizing to yelling again. In like. . . 2 or 3 hours. Yikes.

I'm very close to finishing one of my online classes and my Cosmetology course. Which is awesome. If i wasn't such a procrastinator. I'm ready to have my summer. . . people are just mean.

I am so tired. I was tricked into taking a nap. I know this because I was not tired at all and then all the sudden I was asleep. That is not normal. I feel kinda jet lagged so I think I will blame that in case this post isn't very good. (I almost always have an excuse if you feel like complaining.

One more thing. I have new respect for that one dance move, "The Worm." For this point I am going to have to enforce a "Don't ask, Don't tell policy."


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