Monday, July 14, 2008

What's That!? A Mormon.

I went to a church program all of last week (that's why I was out of town). So right now I'm on what I like to call a "spiritual high." Basically it's when you're so closed to God and you just are so happy because of it. It's almost the appearance that you are high. You get it, spiritual high? So because of this I pretty much couldn't find anything else to write about except religion. So it might bore some of you or whatever, but you know I'm going to do it anyway.

I'm LDS, for those of you who don't know. Or if you prefer I'm Mormon. There are a lot of misconceptions about Mormons and let's clear them up right now. We are Christians. We do not worship Satan or any other evil being. We do believe in the Bible. We haven't practiced polygamy in about 200 years. We do drink soda and eat chocolate. And finally we do not all live in Utah. Yeah, I think that's a pretty good start. I know there's more out there but I can't think of anymore at the moment.

There are some really awesome things about being Mormon. For one, wherever you go the Mormon church doesn't change. You can be in Florida or Japan and you'll hear the same lessons taught all around the world. It's pretty sweet. There are very few religions like that, especially in the Christian world. The only one I can think of (Christian I mean) is Catholicism, I think that's right at least, correct me if I'm wrong, Erica. Another cool thing is that we are all over the world. Mormonism started in the Northeast of the US and has spread all over. You can find Mormons in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and Australia. Yeah, that's everywhere.

It's funny because people always think we have a lot of rules. We can't drink alcohol or coffee. We can't go to R-rated movies. We can't use curse words. But these are not rules. It's not a matter of "we can't". It's a matter of "we won't". These things are here to help us have a happier life. Think about it, alcohol is awful for you and can lead to problems with your liver. Coffee is filled with caffeine which stunts your growth and gives you sleeping problems. R-rated movies serve you in no way, in fact they can desensitize you to evils in the world. And cursing (sorry, since I know a lot of my friends cuss) makes you sound like you have no real vocabulary which sounds uneducated and frankly stupid. See we choose not to do these things because they can only help us.

Don't get me wrong we're not perfect in anyway. Perhaps you know some Mormons who aren't living the standards of our church. Don't judge them, because I'm sure they're trying. Which leads me to my final statement. I'm trying so hard to leave my life that would be pleasing to God. But you know even if there isn't a God (although I'm sure there is), I would still be happy with the life I'm living because I'm trying to be good and do good. Hopefully my life can have a good effect on other people. Because I'm living the life I am I know that I can't make the world any worse of than it already is. So tell me I'm naive. Tell me I'm stupid. But I won't change my beliefs and my ways because I'm a good person, or at least attempting to be.

Oh and one more thing. Hello to the two visits we got from Ireland. I'm so bad about remembering to do that.


PS I'm leaving town tomorrow and won't be back until Saturday. Can't wait to read all your posts then!

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