Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stand in the Hail

Hey guy peoples and girl peoples. We've had 50 posts and I'm about to break it. 50 delicious posts and now its going to be 51! Yay!!!!!!!!*&@#(@*!&%R&*!TR&*!#(R&T!#*(R&^#!(R!#^ yay. So without further ado, here is the post.

This happened a few weeks ago. I was going to post it but I was forgetful, ADHD, ADD, bulimic, whatever you want to call it. We were done with church for the day and my dad let me drive us home. I was paticularly exhausted from today's praise worship and I just wanted to unwind and drive. I was listening to my favorite radio station (KLOVE!) until suddenly,
" BRRRRRRRT! BEEEEEP! Warning. Heavy thunderstorms in areas ___ county, ___ county, ----"
I heard the county we were currently in.
" Blah blah blah drive with caution blah blah blah. Also there are penny-sized hail in the affected areas. Please, once again, drive with caution."
"Penny-sized hail? Haha yeah right," said the skeptical me.
"It's summer. Why would there be hail in the summer?"
My dad just stayed quiet. He was trying to sleep. I doubt he even heard me... much less the warning.

So I was driving and listening to I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe until- BAM!
It was like someone smacking a table. Rain slammed the windshield and I instantly turned the windshield wipers to full power. My dad was awake now, a little miffed that he couldn't nap.

Suddenly I heard a little plunk sound. Was that a spot of white? No, no, no. I'm just being schizo. The plunking multiplied and soon the windshield was getting bombarded by little chips of ice. Penny-sized hail. They looked more like quarters to me. I swear, if those were real pennies and quarters I would be rich. Unsure whether the glass would break or not, I prayed in my head. Hoping and hoping and yet still hoping we wouldn't get shot by pieces of glass and ice, I drove on.

Desperately trying to find the line that distinguished the lanes, I drove at 25 mph. For 7 intense minutes, I fought the sea of water and ice thinking," IT'S SUMMER! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!? WHY IS THERE HAIL! More importantly, WHY IS THERE HAIL DOWN SOUTH!?" My dad started getting a little worried because I didn't even have my license yet. The hail was stopping and we were almost home. I was so relieved. My dad refrained me from trying to eat the ice that was on the roof of the car.

So that was my experience driving in an unrealistic situation. Though I can't help but say,
" That was really fun."


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