Tuesday, September 2, 2008

multiplying like bunnies

First of all, this post IS APPROPRIATE. In case some of you with dirty minds thought it wouldn't be because of the title.

Today, among with the random assortment of other topics I will be discussing, I would like to talk about something that is very important to me especially right now.

Someone who is very close to me has been extremely hurt recently because of stereotyping. We all do it so don't deny it. Sometimes these things can hurt other people. So I think everyone should just keep their mean comments to themselves. Just like Thumper's father told him, "If you can't say something nice. Don't say nothen at all." (I used to love Bambi. . . in case you were wondering.) What bothered me about this particular situation was that this person hadn't even done anything to deserve judgment. If someone can't even form a sentence, then you may classify them as dumb. (Liked your post Bri.) Personally I see nothing wrong with that. But if someone only visually looks dumb, thats where I begin to get angry. Please. Don't do it. This person had also done something very nice and wasn't ever thanked. Yeesh people.

Last week on the way to school I experienced a tragedy. I hit a rabbit with my car. Sure, the rabbit ran out in front of me but I still feel responsible. Blair and Annie tried to cheer me up saying "Rabbits reproduce like crazy, theres probably already 100 more." and "Maybe it was a mean rabbit." But I still feel like I killed a Thumper.

So I got a 77 on my first Chem test. Which is good because only 5 people got above an 80. . . YIKES. This year will be interesting

I got my SAT study book in the mail today. All 900 pages. I know what I'll be doing on Saturday nights. Procrastinating studying for the SAT of course.

My boyfriend got a job. People keep saying, "That's good because he will have a lot of money." I think NO. Because he will be working instead of spending time with me. [I love you Ross. Good luck on your first day tomorrow!]

Lacey Booth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if it makes you feel better, i took ap chem and we all failed most of the tests but still came out with an a!
