Saturday, November 15, 2008

What to post...

Hello people. I have not a clue as to what to post. I'm very tired right now and I need to start on my chemistry so let's cut to the post.

I don't know why but this week I've been getting a bunch of," I hate my life," comments. When I ask why the person hates his/her life, I usually get," Because I failed this test," or "Never mind," or even "I don't know." Sometimes I wonder what your lives are like after school because school doesn't tell you enough about someone's character. It makes me think what people think their lives mean.

It bothered me a little so I went on a few sites and searched,"I hate my life." I got some interesting results. Here are a whole bunch of people who have great lives. They have parents who love them, they have money, they have friends, they have an education and pretty much everything. Yet they hate their lives for some petty reason. Here's a list of what I've found:
Boredom, got dumped, didn't get that car/cellphone, I'm fat, mom yelled at me today, reputation has been damaged, just bought a ipod classic when the ipod touch came out a day later, can't get famous on YouTube, too emo even for me, nothing is working like how I want it to, blah blah blah sob sob sob...

Sometimes I can absolutely not stand it when people whine over something so small. When I look at the people who call themselves fat, I see them at a healthy weight. When I see that someone barely missed an A, I look at the other 5 A's that they received. When I look at the people who are so depressed and tired of life, I look at the people who are thankful for making it the next day in a country at war. When I see people who think they have no talent, I look at the depression that's blocking them from using the talent they so obviously have. There are thousands of people that have almost nothing but are more thankful than the ones who have everything. The definition of life has become less important too. There are people throwing their lives away for no reason. Why is suicide the answer to some people's problems? I know this is a liberal statement but I go against abortion. Why choose abortion when you can choose adoption? Abortion denies the right for a person to live. What is life to people these days?

So I look forward to each day. I'm glad I'm not in Darfur or fighting to stay alive. I'm glad I can play tennis. I'm glad I can go to school (sometimes ^_^). I'm glad I have parents. I'm glad I have friends. I'm glad I have an iPod and a cellphone... Life is but a vapor so live life to the fullest while you can.

Hmm... I let myself get away with this post. Wow, what was I thinking? Oh well. If you are interested, this song is related to the liberal statement I mentioned above.

Well that's all I have today for this very improvised post. So join us tomorrow for an amazing post from Caroline!


Sorry. No random question today. I wasted enough time as is >.<


Ryan said...


But what do you mean by your "liberal" statement?

Anonymous said...

this is one of my favorite posts of yours!

KoreanKid777 said...

@ Ryan
You know I'm not sure myself. I just wanted to say "liberal statement" for some unknown bizarre reason. =p