Thursday, February 19, 2009

Destruction, Mayhem, and Drywall

Okay, so this is being written about a week after I posted this since I had no time (I was going to Jacksonville!). But here's why: I went and made over my brother's living room last weekend. Intense.

So we arrived around 8 or 9 pm on Friday and begin moving all of his furniture and TV and stuff out into the adjacent rooms- some of that stuff was heavy! Then from then until midnight, we did demolition, stripping baseboards, paneling, and crown molding. All that remained were studs and insulation (which we later replaced since it was disgusting). That Saturday we began laying extremely heavy sheets of drywall on the ceiling, which I tell you is no small feat as they were vaulted and 8' high at the lowest point. We had to lift, position, and screw them into the ceiling. OUCH. Heavy stuff! Saturday and Sunday we had to carefully cut out and place the holes for electrical sockets on the wall pieces of the drywall, and of course lift them into place and screw them in securely.

In the long run it paid off since the room looks x100 better and his wife approved when she got back with the kids. Below is a picture of my nephew, Sam, playing some serious baseball while his aunt (my sister-in-law's sister) watches over him. In the background you might notice large hunks of drywall. =]

- Jonathan

1 comment:

S, S, C & AK said...

I saw the pictures - You guys did an amazing job! Can't wait to see how it looks once they get it mudded and all that jazz. So nice of you to go do that.

And thanks for the bonus picture of Sam :) .