Sunday, February 1, 2009

Everyone Looks So Good From Here

Hello there, Blue Powerblogger here!

Yesterday I had pretty much one of the most awesome days ever. My birthday is on Tuesday, so I did some pre-birthday shopping and got my hair cut. But that wasn't even the exciting part. I got to sing with a band at a local club!!! 

So on Monday, I went to voice lessons as usual. I've been working on some songs and stuff with the guy that has voice lessons before me. Let's call him Tyler. When I walked in to voice lessons, he asked me, "hey, are you coming to the show on Saturday?" (his band was playing at a local music venue that evening). I told him I planned on it, and he replied, "so do you wanna sing onstage with us?" I was speechless for a minute, and then I finally said some form of "uh...sure...yeah..." Needless to say, I wasn't prepared for that shock! 

Friday, I got to meet the rest of the band for band practice. The guitar player, "Nick", was really nice. He made small talk in order to make me feel more comfortable and ended up helping me out a lot the night of the show. The bassist, "Ben", seemed nice, too, but I didn't really get to interact with him much. The drummer, though, was a little standoff-ish. Don't get me wrong, he is one of the most talented drummers I have ever heard, but he seemed like the one guy in the band who was like "we don't need this random chick in our band!" But who knows, maybe he will lighten up a bit. Anyways, we practiced in this tiny room and my eardrums pretty much almost exploded! My ears were ringing the entire night!

Saturday was the day of the show. My friend and I got to the club when the doors opened. Two other bands played first-"Drama Party" and "Mayday Cried the Captain". They were both kinda weird, but still pretty good. The club itself was strange to me, though. There were all these young kids smoking and half the people there were either drunk or high. It was just really sketchy. But my band played third in the lineup, and I was set to sing with them on the last song. When they started playing the final song, I thought I heard my cue so I jumped onstage. Unfortunately, I went on too early. The thing was, I was supposed to sing during this one verse at the end of the song, but I didn't know that they played it earlier in the song, too! Luckily, it didn't really sound out of place; I just looked a little out of place!

Afterwards, I felt really bad about coming in at the wrong time. I told Nick that I was really sorry, and he just brushed it off, saying that it wasn't that bad and that I was just nervous and to not worry about it. When I went to apologize to Tyler, he told me that I did awesome and gave me one of the best hugs ever! It was soooooo cute! And he reassured me that I would be singing with them again.

So pretty much, I've had eight years taken off my life because of secondhand smoke, I've seen more sketchy people in one place than I have in a whole lifetime, and I sang at a club for the first time and messed it up. But it's all ok, because the band is awesome and the night was crazy fun!

And listen to "Everyone Looks So Good From Here" by Underoath..."It's so easy when it's pulling me under...I swear I've slipped right through the cracks in the floor"

Until next week, 

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