Wednesday, February 11, 2009

There’s a site called Rainbows Bridge. If you visit it, you are greeted with a short note informing you the site is dedicated to deceased pets of all sorts; here they rest in a graveyard of infinite virtual space, their cyberspace plots lined up one by one, all with MIDI music playing softly in the background. If you were to enter this site, you could scroll down to a link that allows you to visit the residents of Rainbow Bridge. After this you could click on the capital T in the alphabet lineup.

Then, if you were so inclined, you would be able to scroll down past the touching Helen Keller quote (“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart”) until you found a resident “fur baby” by the name of Teddy Puppy. If you clicked on his name you would be taken to a page that looks something like this:

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Now you might be wondering, why the fuck did she tell me to do all this? Well children, Teddy was the puppy of someone some of you know, but don’t actually know much about, Mr.Gamache. Somehow we got on the subject of dogs today and Amber and I were instructed to visit this website. Apparently Teddy was a part of the Gamache household for over a decade, and despite Amber’s advice, he doesn’t want to get another dog. He feels like it would be cheating on Teddy.

I certainly wasn’t expecting him to share something so personal with us when I walked into class today, or ever. But I guess I’m glad he did. Even though I’m a little weirded out. For some reason I felt an obligation to share with my fellow Frenchies.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This made me cry.