Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sorry about the late post. I put the "post in progress" as a spot marker but I never got around to it. @Ryan: You're fat! >:)

Ah.... Valentine's Day. It's either the happiest or saddest day for people everywhere. It's the happiest because some people actually have boyfriends or girlfriends while the rest of us (including me) don't have that luxury. So in order to put some humor into our sad, dull lives, one of my friends call it "Single Awareness Day". Pretty neat ain't it? But the main point of Valentine's Day is love; that mushy, gooey residue that you find at the bottom of your heart.

Love is very unpredictable. It sneaks up on you, it gives you the completely-uncalled-for-slap in the face, it gives you that warm feeling, it's the thing you can't live without, and above all it's bipolar. As for me, do you think that I love? If I think about it from another person's perspective, I either get,"Player," or "Unlikely." You would think that since I hang around a bunch of girls, I would at least like ONE of them right? Unfortunately, no.
You must be thinking,"June, you love machine! Why not?" I'm currently in the "neutral zone" and I don't plan to get out of that zone anytime soon. I've seen enough relationships to know that high school is not the best time to start going out because:
1. They don't last very long.
2. There are going to be problems after one or both people graduate.
3. It's terrible for a person if he/she breaks up.
4. I doubt that most people have the maturity to actually take the relationship seriously.

Is my heart made of stone? No. Did I like someone? Yes. I'm human after all. So here is an account of a girl that I liked a while back:
The first distinguishing trait of the girl I liked was that she was my best friend's sister (best friend = guy. Don't get any weird thoughts). She was Korean, a bit short, liked cats, had longish, black hair, and was either uncaring or very bubbly; one or the other on certain days. It wasn't a love-at-first-sight situation but more of a gradual likeness. Back in the day, my best friend, she, and I would always hang out together since we lived in the same apartment complex. I still remember what we did everyday too:
1. Meet at pool.
2. Swim for an hour and a half.
3. Go over to best friend's house and change.
4. Play Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy 10.
5. Go outside to do whatever.
6. Go home on bike.
We did this every year in the summer for all 3 months. I think that's how I got my tan but I lost most of it now. Yeah I know. Imagine a June with darker skin than he has now. Anyway, we ALWAYS hung out. Every holiday, every major event, almost every trip, and pretty much everything. It makes sense that I would like her at least a bit. Well, this has somewhat of a tragic/boring end to it. I never got to tell her I liked her and she had to move to Tampa because her dad got a new job there. I wasn't thrilled but I wasn't depressed either because this would be the 3rd time a good friend of mine had to move. We said our goodbyes and that was that. But I'm over it and I'm still communicating with my best friend though not as much as I want to.

I'm through with this very rushed post. I would like to get into more detail but I'm typing this on Sunday and I want to practice on my guitar. So join us today for another great post from Caroline (I hope you're feeling better)!

Question for men to ponder:
The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What... does a woman want?"