Friday, July 25, 2008

God, tell me I'm wrong.

Last night, my father shut off the modem, so I couldn’t read more of these interesting, heartfelt responses. And I was kind of cold this morning, so I decided to take a nice, warm, bath. Yeah, that didn’t go so well, because I was thinking about The Power Bloggers almost the entire time. What was I going to say, and how would it come out? Would Jonathan be mad if I didn’t fully support our atheist views? Would Caroline give me a disappointed look because I did not meet her belief in a strong relationship with God? My my, how some of you have given your all last night, and into the early morning. I respect the people who stood up for their beliefs on both sides, because they were struck with considerable force.
What am I doing, writing this post? You, or well, I, cannot be the power blogger after Jonathan and not offer my own thoughts.
Jack and I are basically best friends, and what do best friends do but talk about anything? Religion has been a large part of many of our more serious conversations, and yes, believe it or not, people like us actually have them. You may give him credit for the stronger points in the next paragraph.
Why would God send someone to Hell? Humans are naturally flawed. If there were a God, then he would want people to be good, and if he were all-knowing, then he would know that people are not perfect. Would God want us to worship Him if pride is a sin? Of course, He does not sin. But of course, religion does not make sense to me.
June, I agree with you that people are given the choice, and that many people choose not to believe at all. But what about all of God’s children in the history of the world who never made contact with Him? Many Christians encourage each other to spread the Word of Jesus, but we cannot be disappointed in people who have not spread the world enough for every other sinner to hear. In fact, centuries ago, they did not even know that people lived on other continents. How can we make sure that every single soul on this planet hears the Word?
Now, not everyone has the same chance to worship, either. Ryan’s mother, to whom I mean no offense, encourages his family to attend church this Sunday. My father strictly believes there is no reason for church. Why? Well, he was brought up in an environment in which one can grow up, work, and eventually die without ever glancing at a Bible. But he is truly a moral man, so I do not understand why God would make him suffer in the end.
Caroline, this may not be the best place to discuss things, but at least we are discussing it. You know that God will continue to challenge you, and maybe this is one of those times.
What am I going to do? Well, I have no problem teaching little children Bible stories, or even encouraging my own children in the future to go to church every Sunday, whether I am physically taking them there or not. If they do not want to go, then I will do my best to convince them otherwise, and tell them not to grow up the same way as their mother. This must sound like severe irony to you. It is because I think that a relationship with God is a good thing, prayer is powerful, and it gives us the why in life, as one of my Mormon friends confirmed. Religion is a good thing, and it teaches good morals. However, I cannot bring myself to be a part of this. I will not believe because I want to go to Heaven, or because I do not want to go to Hell. I will only believe because I love God and what he has done for everyone.
The above post could not cover all my feelings and opinions regarding this subject, but I hope it is sufficient during the late morning of a beautiful, July day. If you have any questions or comments for me, I am free to hear them. And thank you for taking the time to read these lines.


Anonymous said...

lol so i'm def too lazy to read jonathan's and kejing's artible in whole, but i get the basic jist of it and i decided to argue for... well both sides
dear "beleivers"
Kejing actually got one of my points in that god decided to damn everyone to hell who does not beleive in "him" or "her" or w/e. if you look back in history most of asia except for parts of middle east never even knew about jesus, christianity, or even seen a bible. then we can draw the conculsion that god, since he is "all knowing" damned these ppl to hell w/o giving them a chance. he put this... person in china, or korea or japan, knowing he'll never hear of god, and that there is no way for him to get out of going to hell... and bible says what... god's like loving or forgiving or w/e? kinda questionable... i have like 8 more points against christianity, but i think this one is sufficient enough to get ppl at least thinking i guess...
dear "non beleivers"
so, non beleivers usually go with logic i pressume. in arguing FOR christianity, which i sometime do just to piss ppl off... look at the main religions of the world at the moment. buddhism, had like 3000 scholars and well educated ppl when it's founder "buddah" died.. makes sense it survived. Islam, had a whole country when it's founder
Muhammad died. Christianity.. who the hell did jesus have following him, knowing him when he died? erm... 12 fishermen or w/e like not well respected ppl. then right after his death it goes through persecution from one of the strongest empires in history. logically speaking there is no way in hell(lol haha hell) that christianity should've survived. but now it's one of the biggest religions of the world. that is where i sometimes see this "miracle" ppl talk about. maybe that was... divine intervention? since there seems to be no logical explaination?... but then again, what do i know...

Anonymous said...

In order to argue against an idea you need to at least educate yourself on it. God's nature is not wrathful or condemning but he is a just, gracious, loving being. God is love.If man consciously chooses to sin against God, ignoring his law, then yes by all means he is going to hell. If A man does not hear the word of God in his lifetime, then God will not send him to hell, that makes no sense at all. God will judge that unenlightened man based on the man's deeds and how the man acted in accordance with the established law of the state in which he lived. (In other words, the man should have been morally decent, and couldn't have gone around killing people or robbing houses.)

Once again, if one has heard the gospel of Jesus, and chooses to reject it, he will go to hell. Period. It doesn't matter if this person is "moral." It really doesn't. God gives everyone a chance, and if you're not for him, you're against him. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment"-Hebrews 9:27

God doesn't WANT anyone to go to hell, it's their own choice.
And in all honesty, it's not that hard of a choice. hmmm, which one sounds better: Eternal life or eternal damnation?

Anonymous said...

if you were born in a war torn country, were told to kill ppl, educated that that was ok, and lived your life killing people, do you go to hell? or heaven?

KoreanKid777 said...

Romans 1:20-23 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His external power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, altough they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful, but became futile in their hearts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

i'm getting weary of this debate and i dont want to start arguing whats right and wrong because thats not what this blog was made for. so u guys battle it out and i hope u have a good rest of the beautiful july day =)

Anonymous said...

since my other point is being questioned... here's another one
according to the bible god created... well everything
then did god create evil?
most will answer no, and say that evil was satan's doings.
then god did not create everything.. god only created things that are good and pure. god isn't the "alpha" at least. that god you beleive from the bible is only the god of good, and in other words satan is the god of evil?
here some ppl change their mind, god DID create evil, then i ask, why? if he's supposed to love the world and all that shit, why did he create the wrong path for his "children" to follow? why not just have good paths, just some better than others if he "loves us all"?

Anonymous said...

Kejing, I love you no matter what your stance on God is. :)

Anonymous said...

And I don't even know what your stance is on God. So I'm not trying to sound self-righteous or anything. I don't know, that last comment came out kinda wrong. Basically, I will still be all of the powerbloggers friends no matter what their individual views are or how they differ from me. I'm not sure if that sounds any better, but I'll give it a shot.

erica said...

catholics believe everyone goes to heaven regardless of sins made on earth or religious choice. just thought i'd throw that out there.

Anonymous said...

i'm catholic and thats not totally true...

Anonymous said...

So, according to "erica's" catholic hitler, and mother terrisa or w/e her name is ends up in the same place?... that's not fair