Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Life. Sometimes I feel like it's moving too fast for me.

I have been helter-skelter for so long now and I'm finally getting back to where I want to be. I just don't know if the people around me are keeping up.

I would like to apologize to a couple people:

We've called ourselves sisters. We stayed up until 4 AM. You have been there for me and I have for you in the past, but not recently. I shouldn't have done things the way that I did and I am very very sorry for that. You are one of my favorite people in this whole world. I love you.

Oh my. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said the things that I said to you. I was wrong. You are a wonderful person and I wish we were as close as we used to be. I miss you more than you probably think.

You hurt me more than nearly any other friend. I realize that I over reacted to what you said. You were one of my best friends and one of my top advice givers. I miss you so much. I'm just not sure if things will be the same, but I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I deserted you at the lunch table this year. Despite the fact that you're one of the coolest people I know, we haven't ever hung out that much. When you have invited me to events I have had a great time. It's really special to me that you think of me in those times. I wish we were closer.

Wow. Our friendship means so much to me. There isn't any other friend who I feel so comfortable being my "blah" self around. A few times you have been there for me in an amazing way. I love love love hanging out with you. You are so smart and pretty and awesome and I'm lucky to have a friend like you. I'm sorry about some of my actions. You were trying to help and I appreciate it very much. We are hanging out very soon, just so you know. I love you.

I feel like I've been a horrible best friend. I've completely lost touch with you and I'm sorry. I know that I care about it way more than you do.

This one is hard. I know that a few things that I've done and said haven't been perfect. I'm sorry, but all I have ever wanted is for everyone to get along. I wish that instead of getting mad you would listen to my points and realize that everything that is going wrong is fixable. You may think that I am going to the dark side, but I'm not. I can't. "I'm sticking with you. Cause I'm made out of glue." If you're going to fail, I'll be there with you. I'd prefer that we both succeed though. I love you. It's unconditional, by the way.

Geez. What can I say? I hope there is going to be more to our friendship. I love hanging out with you and I always have such an amazing time. I know that next year you are just going to get busier, you genius you, but I hope we find the time to hang out. I'm sorry that I've been so busy.

I'm sorry that I've let other relationships get in the way of our friendship because you are one of my best friends. We may be awkward but we are the best kind. I want to spend time with you and I'm ready whenever you are.

Hi. You are the best, just so you know. I feel that in our friendship is unbalanced. You always give and I always take. You are an amazing person and I wish that you could hang out more. I wish that I could hang out more. I am very sorry that we haven't been able to hang out as much outside of school as I'd like. You are an especially awesome person and you should never forget that. I love you.

Last but not least, I'd like to apologize to one of the power bloggers. I don't know you well enough to feel as though I've done anything wrong so the only thing that I can think of to apologize to you for is that I don't have anything to apologize to you for. Which is something to apologize for in itself I suppose. So there you go.

Guess who you are. I'm not telling you this time.

Hope that wasn't too boring for the outside readers. I'll try to be more general next week. This was just something that I had to do.



Jonathan said...

I took the liberty to tag your post for you. I hope you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

just wanted to tell you that i love you very much no matter what
thats for what you said i know you each person is yay

erica said...

you don't even understand how perfect you timing is.
