Lately there has been a survey that has been passed around like Hepatitis C in a retirement community (for those you that didn't catch that, it means that it's spread like wildfire). The survey I refer to is, of course, the 25 Facts About Yourself survey. The gimmick is that you post 25 little known facts or insights into your soul so that people can get to know you better. Well, since I'm bored, procrastinating from my homework, and writing a post for the blog, I thought that nothing could be better. So, instead of 25 facts I shall do 10 and explain each because, let's face it, I'm not that creative or proactive.. Here we go!
- I'm really really outgoing once I pass a certain threshold of self awareness. This is something I've only recently developed and seem to improving on. It certainly has helped to put others at easy, and ironically enough (as if we hadn't heard of working at all) it has given a lot more friends this year. It helped establish me as insane enough to try out for the spring musical with virtually no singing or acting experience whatsoever. However annoying extroverts may be, I vow to still be everyone's friend on this blog (even if you annoy me sometimes =P).
- I really like outer space. Now, I wouldn't ever consider it for a profession (MATH?! YUCK!), but I still romanticize the unknown murkiness that extends out of eternity- breaking even the boundaries of time. I often postulate universe birth and the various theories and theologies to it's existence. I haven't had any breakthroughs yet, obviously, but once I do, I'll alert the media.
- I'm not a very good musician (which makes Seussical a bit of a problem). I mean, I can sightread stuff on the piano and violin and play assigned pieces, but I am nowhere to the level of Kejing or any serious musician. For 12 years of piano I should a lot better than I am.
- The trachea is perhaps the most frightening thing in the world to me. I don't really know what it is but I hate it when people touch necks- be it their own or mine. What's especially traumatizing is a tracheotomy when they puncture your windpipe so that you can breath. See, that sentence took me 45 seconds to write since I repeatedly gagged and to stop typing for a little bit. Ugh, I'll be glad when I can stop writing about damn tracheae.. oh wait..
- Anyway, I hate melons and fresh tomatoes. Really it's a blanket hatred over all watery fruits. I like oranges and apples since they have distinct crisp flavors but melons and fresh tomatoes have too much water before you get to any good taste. Blech!
- I can't compose music worth crap. I've tried, I've really tried. It just doesn't work. I've spent hours at the piano trying in vain to piece together any sort of melody and what comes out is a rehash of whatever I'm assigned to play on the piano but in a different key. Whoops..
- I make really good oriental food. Like really good. I can make you a delicious teriyaki in only 5 minutes, using only 4 ingredients for the sauce. I've made killer sweet and sour chicken and some pretty amazing sushi. I ooze culinary ability- it's a burden, really. Yeah right. =P
- Though I may have labeled myself as a Presbyterian in my youth, I don't think I've ever been Christian. Thinking back to what I believed back in elementary school, I never accepted Jesus Christ as anything other than a prophet from biblical times. I might have believed in a god, infact, it might have been the God that every talks about, but I have long since abandoned that belief. Confusing, but interesting nonetheless.
- I talk aloud in the car when I'm alone sometimes, namely when I'm in the Tahoe we have. Let me explain- I'm paranoid that there's someone in the trunk or hidden under the backseat. So I flash the interior lights and aloud say, "I know you're there, and frankly I'm not scared." Then I might go on about how I have a gun in my lap for such occasions as these. Then, when the fictious serial killer exits the trunk in my immagination I breath a sigh of relief.
- I'm a real sentimental perfectionist on dates. I meticulously plan out every detain and mercilessly perfect everything in my power, down to the clothing I will wear and what I will say. Needless to say, I haven't been on many recently- the stress toll alone would kill me.
- Jonathan
OH, and one more thing- in response to a question posed earlier this week (why do [I] care so much that [they] included God into [their] topic?):
I happen to know that I wasn't alone in my sentiments, however tacit the others may be now, about the amount of religious language and focus was finding its way into our posts. As I posted last week, I am tolerant, just like the Jews, Muslims, or even Christians in our group are, but I also saturate when the variety diminishes and once was a fun blogging project turned itself into a online ministry. We are a diverse bunch that function well for the most part. We did well during the election not to throw politics into the ring, and for months we did well with religion. We are nowhere near the level of intense debate that we were in the summer months, but it would be nice if we could go back to the way we've been handling it: as the 800 lbs gorilla in the room that everyone notices, observes, but doesn't really fixate on. Can we not put politics and religion into the same category of topics to avoid if possible? I'm not calling for a taboo, just a return to the peaceful and placid ways of our fall months. Phew, that was a long paragraph!
1 comment:
#4 - Agree! Gave me the shivers reading it.
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