So my iPod is empty. Well, not completely empty. My three contacts stored in it are still there. Yaaay. What about my music? My apps? My videos? Gone.
You know what the worst part is? Some of that was bought from iTunes, which iTunes won't recognize unless I transferred the purchase made on the iPod onto the computer and back. Unfortunately, I didn't trust my several computers that I pulled my iPod's library together from and therefore none of my apps or music is really anywhere except for lost.
But at least 3.0 is great.
On a lighter note, Apple went crazy on Monday. They decided that by updating just a few specs on their aluminum clad MacBook and adding the three vinyl letter "P", "r", and "o", that they could push them into their MacBook Pro series. Honestly, who do they think they're kidding? At least it came with price cuts. However that leaves their white polycarbonate MacBook alone. Meh, probably not for long.
Snow Leopard comes out in September! Whoot! So that means that by the time I'm supposed to get my MacBook (perhaps Pro?) in November, it'll have Snow Leopard on it. That, actually, is a pretty exciting thought.

" rawr "
" I want to make your downloads 45% faster "
" rawr "
" I want to take up half the space of my fat predecessor "
" And by fat, I mean 1/6th the size of Vista "
" rawr "
" Ouh, a raw steak! "
Yep. It's official. I'm insane.
- Jonathan
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