Tuesday, June 9, 2009

11:48 PM That's right, I'm on time :D

So. It is summer. Woo hoo. But not really.

Most people I know enjoy the break from school. But for me, school is more like a break.

I am having an increasingly difficult time surviving at home with my family. Not only that but I've decided that my summer fun will consist of teaching myself a tough and rigorous AP course. So yes, I am probably crazy.

But this summer, at least the part that I've experienced so far, is just full of self-discovery. I'm learning all about how I ended up the way that I am, and it's pretty interesting. I've found that if you try hard enough, you can figure out how to trace any flaws back to an experience from your childhood. It is kind of fun. If you want to look at it that way.

More importantly, I am beginning to understand what is important to me. Which is actually very exciting. Because I think I am beginning to understand just what it is that I want. Crazy, right?

I'm feeling really blunt today. Perhaps it will continue. And I'll just call it honesty. That's what my mom always says. She will criticize me for something, and then say it's just because she is honest. And wouldn't I rather hear it from her than someone else? Not particularly.

I think I'll end this soon, because Ginger, my cat, has fallen asleep with her head on my right arm and it is awfully hard to type like this.

I want to go to a concert. That is what I'm going to do as soon as I move out. Just go to a lot of concerts.

I'm just going to be optimistic and say that maybe things are about to look up. I just hope that I can handle whatever comes my way.

And good luck to you guys in your lives as well. Look at how much I said "I." I guess this is a selfish post. I'll try to come up with one that is less that way next time.

Until next Tuesday,

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