Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A New Found Friend

Finally, I decided to renew my covenant with Christ! By covenant I mean reading the Bible, praying and committing myself to obeying the ten commandments. Once I started reading the Bible I realized why it was so easy to doubt my faith and religion. The words were so powerful and passionate. One who doesn't read the Bible, like I myself, would stray away from the protocol of their religion if they merely went to church and refrained from reading it. The disappointing about it is that I do this every summer, I feel closer to God than ever before, and then school starts and I get swept up in my school work. I decided that if I continue to read the Bible, weekly, then it will be impossible to forget what I have learned.

It started with the kids. I work at a camp with kids that are pretty wild, and as much as I love them it was impossible to teach and work with them. I finally started praying to God, asking Him to calm the children and make them listen to me. It got better, but I still kept praying for them and our camp. Before I knew it, I was praying for everyone else, my family, and myself. Later I figured that it is hard believing in someone you cant see and following a religion whose meaning has been lost, but it's even harder for me to live without God. I am not ashamed to admit that I am weak, and that I need someone strong, not a human on earth, to sustain me and give me strength.

I still have a lot to learn about Christianity and the Lord; hopefully I have many years to learn.

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