Friday, June 5, 2009

A Wonderful Time of the Year

It's that time of the year. I mean, I think I emailed a Killers Christmas song to a bunch of people this time last year. But besides that, it is also the time for my mom to get extremely suspicious. '~'
I hope you are enjoying your summer. It is just beginning, but so many great things could have happened so far. I have no idea. Actually, I haven't talked to most of you recently, which is kind saddening. I mean, I told Brandon two of Freed's email addresses today. That was probably the closest thing.
My brother is going to get so much tanner than he already is. Because of camp, he spends about five hours outside every weekday. His arms are definitely dark already.
Tomorrow is another standardized testing day. Oh joy. Subject tests. The good thing is that they are not supposed to be that bad. We'll see. Realistically, I will get the scores back before getting AP scores... Enough of that topic.
I am starting to be reminded about how vital that Newton invented calculus. Where would our physics formulas be without him? Thanks, man. You have made my life so much easier. I care so much about terminal velocity that I just want to hug it. Actually, I rather like it because rain drops don't hurt very much. Never mind.
I don't know what to think about.

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