Monday, June 29, 2009

Dr. Idiot

I pondered what to write. I could write about Michael Jackson and the greatness of his music and how he unfortunately overshadowed the death of Farrah Fawcett. Or about Billy Mays, pretty much one of my favorite people since I first saw him yelling on a OxiClean commercial. Or about my experience watching WALL-E for the first time yesterday and how it was completely amazing. But instead I'm going to rant a bit in my annoyance. You might want to stop reading here.

As I mentioned last post, I got into that summer program I applied for. I can get college credit for the program if I get a signature from my guidance counselor. Problem: the guidance counselors don't work over the summer. The guy running the program told us not to worry about it, and the principal could sign it. So there should be no problem, right? Wrong. Dr. Idiot (I changed his name for privacy purposes) won't sign it because we don't have an arrangement with the community college the dual enrollment would be with. My mom explained to him that because it's a statewide program and I'm not getting high school credit it wouldn't matter. Dr. Idiot still would not sign. The guy in charge of the program, was in disbelief when my mom told him that our principal wouldn't sign. So, he sent a bunch of information on why Dr. Idiot should sign. That was today, so I guess I'll find out tomorrow if he'll actually sign now.

But why do we have such a stupid principal?


PS I'll be nicer next week. Promise.

1 comment:

Sonal said...

I had a similar problem when I took a dual enrollment class at UF over the summer and tried to put it on my transcript. It took a month and several harried emails but eventually it got on there (with the wrong class name, but it worked out. I promise.)

So once school starts, just bother the office. It works. Trust me. :)