Seussical was fun, but I will never do a drama production for our school again. I can't tolerate the lack of respect from the drama director and my grades certainly can't afford it. However, I'm glad I did this.
Below is a poem written by one of our cast members (a Who!) and performed at our cast party. The bit in it about forgetting lines and the pledge during an audition- totally me. Enjoy.
Seussical the Musical: A Journey Through High School Theatre ProgramBy: Kayla R.This all began with a Thinker,
since summer she has worked very much.
Beause putting on a play isn't easy
especially working with a group like us.
Auditions were held during mid-terms.
"This," we all grumbled, "is crazy."
ramming for tests and then learning lines
for characters called Horton or Mayzie?
People skipped lines and sang way off key,
we tripped as we danced super fast.
One kid couldn't remember his monologue- or do the Pledge
....But most of those kids were cast!
One song, two songs, love songs, (fish songs?)
Songs about Sneetches and Solla Sollew
about long tails and Christmas on Who.
We learned we could sing things none thought we could
and that singing louder doesn't always mean its good.
Sometimes we couldn't hear the boys sing at all
and missing librettos didn't put us at ease.
"Alone in the Universe" made half the kids cry
and apparently Dr. Dake is Japanese.
The set design techies had no angles to work with
and I think costume sees pink in their sleep.
There are feathers all over the girls bathroom
but no quitting now; we're in too deep.
The cadets finally twirled their swords right
and ours didn't go into the pit.
And because of his painted mustach
we all know who was kissed by General Schmitz
Three months later, here we all are.
Sweat blood and tears have gone into this show.
Monkeys are scary and panda's can be angry,
All right here at our high school- or wherever else you go.
140 people all working together
we see sides of them we'd rather block out.
But miraculously we all came together at last
We learned to encourage, rather then shout.
So when we take our final bows tonight
to the tallest of tall to the smallest of small
To the animals, Who's, orchestra and techies
A performer's a performer no matter how small.
- Jonathan
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