Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Race For Relay

Oh gosh. Relay for Life is tomorrow. This is nuts. I'm going nuts. There's too much to plan and pack!

For example, the stickynotes lining my computer consist of objects and their current position that must make it to my car (such as the cupcakes in the kitchen or the air matress pump on the counter), things that must be done before 1 AM (like write this blogpost, shower, layout clothing, get to bed), things that must be done after 6:30 AM (like packing those remaining objects, going to Walmart for feathers [we're decorating Mardi Gras masks as a part of out fundraiser], and a friendly reminder not to wear flipflops for the track), and finally a stickynote of unresolved issues (such as my missing beret, how I'm going to make coffee for the event and get it to school around 2 AM, and what I'm going to pack for "sleeping" stuff). 

There's so much stuff I needed to bring that I had to implore my father to let me drive our red Tahoe to school tomorrow. Needless to say, the trunk is FULL and there's plenty more needed to be packed. Gah!

Well as a last ditch effort to get my friends to come out, COME TO RELAY FRIDAY! 

No, really.

- Jonathan

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