Monday, April 13, 2009

The Weeks Are Closing In

I realized today that MAO state will be the weekend after next. Dood. That's like really close. I actually want to do well this year, so at some point I should start studying. The next week after state will be the last week be for AP exams, which I anticipate to be the worst week of my life.

Things are just piling up. I've realized that the majority of my homework has become art history homework, as we try to cram the last like 100 chapters in the last month before the exam.

I also might have a cavity, and I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I hate dentists...those evil beings.

Oh and this rain, awful stuff. I was soaked when I got to my car today. Trust me...being cold and's just wonderful.

And for some reason I've been waking up in the middle of the night, and can't fall back to sleep.

But don't worry about me. Because, you know, it's all so temporary. School's out in seven weeks. And I have a feeling big things will happen this summer. Big changes. And I'm so excited!


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