Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Race For Relay

Oh gosh. Relay for Life is tomorrow. This is nuts. I'm going nuts. There's too much to plan and pack!

For example, the stickynotes lining my computer consist of objects and their current position that must make it to my car (such as the cupcakes in the kitchen or the air matress pump on the counter), things that must be done before 1 AM (like write this blogpost, shower, layout clothing, get to bed), things that must be done after 6:30 AM (like packing those remaining objects, going to Walmart for feathers [we're decorating Mardi Gras masks as a part of out fundraiser], and a friendly reminder not to wear flipflops for the track), and finally a stickynote of unresolved issues (such as my missing beret, how I'm going to make coffee for the event and get it to school around 2 AM, and what I'm going to pack for "sleeping" stuff). 

There's so much stuff I needed to bring that I had to implore my father to let me drive our red Tahoe to school tomorrow. Needless to say, the trunk is FULL and there's plenty more needed to be packed. Gah!

Well as a last ditch effort to get my friends to come out, COME TO RELAY FRIDAY! 

No, really.

- Jonathan

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This Is Goodbye

Well, for those of you who don't know already (which I think all of you do) I'm not going to be blogging from now on, nor will I be at school next year because I'm graduating early and going to USC.  I have a calc test I really have to study for (strange I know) so sorry this isn't going to be a grand finale or anything. Just a general notice.



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today was not fun. I am sick.

Honestly, no matter how old it gets, I will always accept it because I am me and I probably deserve whatever happens to me. I should be more grateful, actually.

I feel a little more clear-headed now, which isn't important because I do not need it right now.

I have so much homework.

Our Lang intern told us that she would stay in touch with us. And I actually talked to her on facebook chat today!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!

I think I am being selfish in some ways.

There isn't a good outcome.

I think I'm going to run away. Don't worry. I will still post from wherever I am. :)

Sorry this post is a little short. Homework and sleep take priority this evening.


Monday, April 27, 2009


I got on the computer about an hour and a half ago.

I opened this compose page.

I got distracted.

I noticed it at this point in time.

But now I'm going to bed.



Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hello there, Blue Powerblogger here!

So I have spent the entire day today building a bridge and writing a play. The bridge is epic. It is made entirely out of popsicle sticks and hot glue, and I can stand on it without it breaking. I mean, I weigh less than 100 pounds, but still, it's an amazing feat. Can you tell I am proud of myself? And humble, too...

This play, on the other hand, is kind of annoying to write. It's mainly because I chose to write based on things that are actually occurring in my life, and every line I write is how I wish it was happening for real. Here's the first snippet:

Curtains open on a small room filled with musical equipment. AARON is sitting in a shabby chair changing the strings on his guitar. KEVIN is tightening the screws on his drum heads. JEREMY is setting up an amplifier.



So how was Karson’s party last night?


It was a lot of fun! You guys should have gone!


Nah, Robyn was going, and I really didn’t want to have to deal with her. She’s beginning to freak me out!




She keeps stalking me. And texting me. And calling me. I was afraid of what she might attempt in person!


Oh yeah, remember backstage at our last show?


You mean when she tried to kiss me? Yeah, I didn’t want a replay of that!


So, anyways, was Hayley there?


(stammering) Uh, yeah, we, uh, we hung out for most of the party.


Oh. That’s cool.


Where is she anyways?


She said she’d be here in about ten minutes. She had a dentist appointment or something.


Okay, well I guess we can start practicing some of the instrumentals without her. Which one should we do first?


Um, let’s do “I’ll Never Go”.




AARON picks up his guitar, JEREMY grabs the bass, and KEVIN sits behind the drum set. KEVIN counts off, and they all start playing. AARON keeps making multiple mistakes and seems to be unfocused on what he’s doing. JEREMY and KEVIN notice.



Hold on, hold on. Aaron! Dude, what are you doing?


Ugh, I don’t know, everything just seems off.


Let’s just start over from the second chorus.


The boys resume playing the song, JEREMY and KEVIN hit all their notes/beats, but AARON is still messing up.



Okay, seriously? Aaron, our show is in five hours. Get it together!


I know, I just-I just have a lot on my mind.


Why? What’s going on?


Don’t worry about it. Let’s just keep practicing.


Dude, just tell us. If you don’t get it off your chest, you’re not gonna be able to focus, and we’re gonna suck at the show.


Yeah, seriously, what’s bothering you?


Okay, well I will tell you guys, but you have to swear on your Meinls and your Gibson that you won’t tell anyone else!


I promise!


Dude, you can trust me.


Ok, well,

And for the rest, you will just have to wait and see! All of the names are musically symbolic, though. Aaron refers to Aaron Gillespie, a.k.a my future husband (I wish!), Jeremy refers to Jeremy DePoyster (I love him as well), Kevin refers to Kevin Federline (whom I dislike immensly, as does pretty much everyone else on this planet), and Hayley refers to Hayley Williams! 

And listen to pretty much every song off of The Devil Wears Prada's new CD! IT'S AMAZZZZZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next week,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Those of you who know me but don't know me...

I've been getting a lot of statements shot towards me that I thought were obvious. For instance, when I said, "Back when I wore glasses..." to a specific person, that person, surprised, asks me, "What??? You wore glasses? Oh, so you're wearing contacts now?" Sadly, this person knew me for a year or more and it took a whole year for that fact to finally sink in. So I decided to dedicate this post to random facts about me that people should know by now... At least the ones who knew me for OVER A YEAR!

1. I wear contacts. If you didn't catch on to what I wrote above, then I'll tell you again: I wear contacts. I repeat: I WEAR CONTACTS!
2. I hate country music. Ugh, I'm sorry to people who like country music but I can't find a single thing that is appealing about it.
3. I used to play the violin and now I play guitar. If you didn't know this, you have some serious catching up to do. Hm, actually I'm going back to the orchestra for one more year so I guess I can let this one slide.
4. I'm Korean. I'm not Japanese, I'm not Chinese, I'm not Vietnamese, I'm not Taiwanese, and I'm not Iraqi. I'M KOREAN. And don't come up to me and ask me whether I came from North or South Korea. In North Korea, they won't let people out so would it make sense for me to be in America where I could be possibly be deported for being illegally smuggled into a different country?
5. I don't know kung fu. I do know karate, however. I have to maintain some kind of stereotype, yeah? ^_^
6. Interestingly, a few people thought I was a senior. While I'm flattered that you think so, no I'm a junior.
7. I play tennis. This is a blatantly obvious fact and we should stop being friends if you did not know this. >:(
8. I'm double lidded in one eye and single lidded in the other. I don't know how this happened. I used to be single lidded in both but then one of the eyes became tired of being a boring single lid; hence the double lid in the other.
9. I'm Christian. Most people notice this by looking at my phone but if you read this blog, you should be able to tell by now ^_^.
10. Finally, my name did not originate from the month, nor was it inspired by the month, nor does it have anything to do with the month June. It comes from my Korean name and if you're a close enough friend (or if someone's tongue slips and you're lucky), then you will know what it is.

AP exams are coming (nooooo)! So if you're in the same muck as me, join us tomorrow for another refreshing, rejuvenating, relaxing, revitalizing, restoring, reinvigorating post from Caroline!


Random Question: Who would win in fight between a gorilla and a bear?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't really know what this is about

Yesterday was a good relief, but today was terrible...
Who knew that one person could make me so miserable? I am actually glad he is far away from me right now.
Today, it was a little difficult to concentrate driving because I was so angry and frustrated the whole time. I wish I had stopped somewhere but I don't think I would have calmed down.
This is bad time to comment on a movie I didn't really enjoy, but in "P.S. I Love You," Holly tells Daniel a secret. What do women want? And then, she told him that they don't have a clue, or something along those lines. Is that really true? Do YOU know what you want? Even if you are a guy. It's okay; you can still be womanly. Anyway, for a bunch of time, I have wanted to be happy. But sometimes I just don't feel happy, like now. And it just doesn't help to remind myself of the wonderful parts of my life because I am caught up in madness.
Going along with all the lovey dovey stuff. Yesterday, I wondered if I would ever find the perfect guy. Would that actually be possible? Are there multiple perfect guys but I won't meet all of them? Or is there no perfect guy and someone just has to be there for you however you are acting or feeling? I wouldn't mind not finding him if someone would just be there. But by "be there," I do not mean "follow me around everywhere stalking me and sitting outside my window." I don't really believe in finding your "soul mate" because I think that people are not restricted to one certain person. Because it wouldn't be fair for the people who can't find him or her, and I hope that some portions of the world are still fair.
I am excited about watching the e Finding Challenge. They'd better not disappoint us. Haha. I hope they are still doing it. Anyway, Ryan and William challeneged each other. The first person who gets to some digit I forgot of e wins. The number of digits is one more than the number Euler came up with, or something.

-your red power blogger

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thought Thoughts on the Theory of Things

Today, when examining several topics to broach, I realized that none sounded appealing to spend a while discussing. Instead, I found myself staring off into space- literally. Above my computer is a poster of the Milky Way Galaxy. However, rather than approach the poster with the tired train of thought of how infinitesimally small we are as a planet, I gave it another view. This view, as unrevolutionary as it is for mankind, added a new dimension to my perception of the two dimensional plane. Yes, when I stared into the chaotic clouds of our resident galaxy today, I saw a 3D model pop out.

No doubt, at this point you might wonder why I've dragged this on for so long. When am I going to get on with the real subject of this post, the one tantalizing insinuated in the title? Soon, I promise.
Immediately my mind began to process the potential technologies that currently or should currently exist to bring a three dimensional model into the very air we breath. Within an instant, I had my answer for what to post about. It's a curious habit of mine that I'm even more curious to know if it is shared amongst the other bloggers or readers. 
The habit I refer to, of course, is the constant tendency to mentally engineer, and sometimes pioneer, a product. 
For me, this tool becomes a necessity when sitting through a long lecture or spun out sermon. I let my conscience skip around from small to large conundrums and back again until it fixates on one. Then a begin the involved process of analyzing the issue until it breaks itself into core problems that can be individually or simultaneously addressed through various methods. Combine them all into a neat, elegant package, and you have yourself an invention. For example, one fine Sunday morning I came up with a small, but elegant solution to small scale energy production. Imagine if you would a large flower with broad petals: a sort of a large petaled daisy if you would. Now pretend the petals are large black and glossy. These are now solar panels which feed a battery hidden in the terracotta pot through the green stem. The battery is then plugged into by any small appliance which then uses the built up charge from a full day of charging. The name for this little invention? I call it Power Plant. Cute, no? =]
That was only one example out of a sea of practical solutions to simple, and sometimes not so simple, problems we all face. So now that I've demonstrated what I meant, I'll open the question back to you; do you amuse yourself with thoughts like mine about engineering solutions?

- Jonathan

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

That's About It...

Hey everyone. I tried Lipton Tea for the first time today; it was after school and I was really thirsty so I decided to get something from the vending machines. And then I decided to get Lipton because I formerly thought that it would be much healthier than the other options. 

Did you know that the second ingredient in Lipton Tea is high fructose corn syrup? And that it's basically water-lard? And it's roughly the consistancy of spit? Only with 21 grams of sugar mixed in? Well I didn't before I wasted my five perfectly good quarters. You live and learn, or as others like to say, life's a bitch.

So I just went to for the first time, while typing this post! And officially the first post I've ever read on there this:

First I thought, oh that's weird that the first post I read was written by a middle-aged soccer mom. And then after finishing it I thought, wait that's not really funny, that's kindof awful. And depressing. 

But yeah, the site's pretty good. And this may be my last post, ever.


Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise
Found at


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I was about to go to sleep. And then I remembered that it was my day to post. Which is amazing, since no one reminded me today.

So this may be short, but I think it's to the point.

I ran six miles today. First time ever. Which is a huge accomplishment for me. I'm so excited.

I finished getting my teachers to sign for my classes for next year. I am taking six AP's. Hold on now, before you say, "Well why are you doing that your senior year?" Let me just say, at least I didn't decide to include AP Bio in those six AP's. Although I could have handled it.

You don't really realize what something is to you until it's gone.

Thursday is going to be the best day. I was watching Friends today and they were talking about Thursday. Joey said that you could remember it as the "Third day" because Monday's like one day, Tuesdays like two day, Wednesday- when? what day? ---> Thursday. It was pretty funny.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Future Me

I was going to do a memories post, but I think I'll wait until next week...or the next week depending on the amount of homework I have.

Anyway I was watching a youtube video and I saw this site... Basically you write a letter to yourself that will be sent to you in the future. You can chose the day and everything. I wrote myself one and scheduled it to send June 1, 2010. I thought it might be cool to read it not too long after I graduate high school.

So, definitely check it out. And sorry for the brevity, I'm just really tired.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

This Bottled Note

Hello there, Blue Powerblogger here! 

So I had planned on having an epic post about something that was really hitting me hard today, but stupid Mrs. Ewart had to be a jerk and give us over twenty pages to take notes on. Add that to my three pages of typed analysis to write for english, numerous calculus worksheets, and a 40 question American History worksheet and that leaves me no time to write this epic post. Instead, all you readers should click the following link >>>  <<<>

So there is my pathetic post. So sorry :/

Until next week, 


Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's All Coming Back To Me

A number of things are coming back to me as the title suggests. One of them being reality.
"Hmm, so much reviewing in class... What are we reviewing for again? Oh yeah, EXAMS ARE COMING SOON!"
It's funny how long it took for those thoughts to finally sink into my brain. I really should start studying before I start regretting about not studying enough. After all, I only have FIVE AP EXAMS TO STUDY FOR! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for all those classes. Maybe I should have taken stat in my senior year.
The reality of my tennis skills have also been realized and when I mean skills, I mean I lost all my skills. Today I couldn't beat a guy that I would normally dominate 6-0. Instead, I was dominated 0-6. Imagine my disappointment when I lost. *sigh* In the summer, there is going to be an intense training program since varsity spots have been cut down to 6 instead of 10 next year.

On the flip side, my song writing is back up and running. I wrote a song yesterday called Changing My Reflection. I had one of those "oh-my-gosh-revelation" moments as a hurriedly rushed to find a pen and paper. The song came from several sources, many from my observations in this school year. I was inspired by all the bad things that happened and modeled them into a song that pieced together pretty well. The song itself is a slow and emotional that builds up, climaxes, and dies down again. What's the use explaining a song? I should just play it for you guys. Well anyway, here it is:

Changing My Reflection
How easily we forget ourselves in this world.
And how easily we drown in the muck of ourselves.

Where is our strength?
Where is our strength?

(Verse 1)
How quickly I break down
In the face of a challenge.
How easily
I sink to my knees.
And how I
succumb to sorrows
to never recover.
And so I sing:

How could I forget?
How could I not remember?
I was never alone. (Never truly alone)
Is this really me?
Is this what I want to be?
When I look into myself
I want to change my reflection

(Verse 2)
How foolish I can be
When I judge what I see
With my limited single perspective.
(And) How can I
Pity myself
When there are thousands worse than me?

Oh! Oh! Reshape my soul! (repeat x4)
(Go to Intro)

I really want to play for you guys some day. I had a chance at Katelyn's house on her birthday but my stupid throat was hurting. Argh!
Well stay tuned for Caroline's amazing Sunday post! We all wait with blissful anticipation.


Random Question: Do you consider NASCAR to be an actual sport?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Left Out

I feel like I pretty much have no life. I can almost never go places for fun, and if I finally do, I feel really guilty that I "wasted" half a day instead of studying. It would be half a day because the couple hours before it I would not want to work, and by the time I come back from whatever I can rarely do, it is near time to go to bed, or just relax for a while. There is so much to do but almost none of it is fun.
We need to find three songs for the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, for English. It is fun looking through songs, but the assignment includes writing a page of analysis, albeit double-spaced, for each song. That is more typing than the minimum for the other three projects.
I could probably finish all of my homework today, but I feel so tired and unfocused and confused about everything.
But I wish people would hang out with me, instead of me asking other people. If you want me to go away into a dark corner, then just say it.

Whine whine whine.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anatomy of Gray... err, Cats.

So this week in Anatomy, we began the cat dissection. Yummy. And by yummy, I mean gag

I understand the value of dissecting cats as being analagous to cutting into a human due to the fact it's a mammal and all, but honestly, does it have to be so vile? I mean, if the stench of perservative wasn't enough to make you pass out, the rigid death pose of your furry feline is enough to make you lose one of your own nine lives. I swear, some of these cats are snarling!
To be honest, it's really the juice that bothers me- the disgusting brownish liquid left on the countertops after you lay your deceased friend down and wrestle her into a somewhat stable position while you plunge a scaple into the rubbery flesh. Meanwhile, white glazed eyes stare back at you with a snarled grin plays across the undead's face. You could swear her foot just moved. Oh, whoops- I just pulled one her tendons.

Oh, did I mention we named her "Mrs. Norris"? =D

- Jonathan

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mon Meilleur Ami

This week I found a website called, which streams tv stations from around the world (pretty fantastic for someone who currently has only one station working on their home tv). So I've been watching alot of shows in french, disney shows in particular, High School Musical in specific particular. I pretty much highly recomend it. 

I've also been listening to the Smashing Pumpkins alot lately, which I'm very happy about since they've come up alot on Similar Artist lists and I've been meaning to look into them for a while. One more thing checked off my Big list of life. 

I've also been listening to some Yelle, because it's pretty catchy music, and also in French. 
That was a song about her vibrator. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yo yo yo. What up?

So this post may be a little extra on the cryptic side. Just think of it as a challenge.

Its Tuesday. We got course request forms today which is always a bit stressful. This year I think I've pretty much figured out my schedule though. I just hope that I can handle it. Actually, some people don't think I can. But I will show all of you.

I hurt my hip somehow and now it hurts even to walk. Perhaps I sprained my bone or something. All I know is that it hurts like a mother. I don't want to move anymore.

So I was thinking about getting a new cat. The only thing is that I would probably always miss my old cat. And I just don't think I could like the new cat as much, because it isn't the old one. Which really isn't fair to the new cat, if you ask me.

I was surprised today, in a good way. Things turned out differently than I thought they would.

Something weird is happening. I find myself getting annoyed at the smallest things sometimes.
And I feel bad about that.

I feel a bit out of place. A little like second. I guess I will get over it. There's not much else I can do about it.

Apparently I looked sad earlier today.

Things seem awfully unbalanced lately.

People seem a bit hypocritical.

I hope that I am playing by the rules.

Tensions are about to start getting high. Even higher than they are now. That is what makes life interesting.


Monday, April 13, 2009

The Weeks Are Closing In

I realized today that MAO state will be the weekend after next. Dood. That's like really close. I actually want to do well this year, so at some point I should start studying. The next week after state will be the last week be for AP exams, which I anticipate to be the worst week of my life.

Things are just piling up. I've realized that the majority of my homework has become art history homework, as we try to cram the last like 100 chapters in the last month before the exam.

I also might have a cavity, and I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I hate dentists...those evil beings.

Oh and this rain, awful stuff. I was soaked when I got to my car today. Trust me...being cold and's just wonderful.

And for some reason I've been waking up in the middle of the night, and can't fall back to sleep.

But don't worry about me. Because, you know, it's all so temporary. School's out in seven weeks. And I have a feeling big things will happen this summer. Big changes. And I'm so excited!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Still Fly

Hello there, Blue Powerblogger here! 

Happy Easter to everyone! I kinda hate how commercialized Easter is though. We focus on a magical bunny who leaves us eggs to hunt for and candy. Some of my friends get money. Some of my friends get movies or music or clothes. I got jewelry and pool stuff. Why is Easter just another excuse for presents? I was supposed to go to my aunt and uncle's farm this weekend. My mom asked me if I would rather be part of the kid's easter egg hunt which involved candy prizes, or the adult easter egg hunt, which involved money. My flat out response was: "Neither. It's ridiculous that we are searching for money anyways. I refuse to take part in such a materialistic activity." And I know I am kind of a hypocrite, because I participate in many "commercial" aspects of different holidays, but I guess I was just in an antagonistic mood or something. 

At church this morning, my youth pastor described, in detail, how one dies on a cross. Vivid detail. I almost passed out.

I got to "enjoy" my day with my three cousins...each annoying in their own special way. One named me after her new Webkinz stuffed animal. It was an orca whale. When I asked her why, she said "It's fat!". I am seventeen years old and weigh 90 pounds. FML.

Tonight I watched the "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" that was filmed in my city. It was the most moving episode I have ever seen, and it's not just because it took place here. I don't want to give the ending away, but it was just so sad and so happy and emotional and everything at the same time. 

I also got hooked on "SMOSH" this weekend. It's this series of web shows by two college kids. One's semi-emo and the other is a major geek. They are pretty hilarious.

And I finally recorded with UNclaimed!!! It's only a small part, but still it was so much fun!!!

Listen to "Still Fly" by The Devil Wears Prada. It's off this super awesome CD called Punk Goes Crunk, in which they take hip-hop and R&B songs and alternative bands remix them and make them sound 10000000000000x more amazing and epic!!!

I hope everyone had an awesome Easter!!!

Until next week, 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Is Tomorrow!

It's my turn to put out random bits from my week. Yay!

Happy birthday to Katelyn, whoo!!!! (sorry for ditching you guys on the movie but I was forced to watch that too many times, ugh)

Studying hard or hardly studying? I would say I'm leaning towards the hardly studying (stupid senioritis) but half of me is still trying to convince the other half that junior year is the most important year of high school. I wonder if everyone knows that right now. I have an unnamed girl constantly trying to tell me to go to prom and stay at parties when I should be going home to study. It's not that I hate having fun it's just that there are more important things at hand and the other things will come after I'm done killing myself over AP's. So if that unnamed girl is reading this right now, try to understand that I keep saying "no" not for the sake of annoying you, but because I have higher priorities than what you keep asking me to do. I just wanted to get that straight =).

I'm suffering from writer's block. I have two unfinished songs in my head and I have the chorus and melody all perfectly planned out, but nothing else. When I try to think of words for the verses, I get zip. Nada. Nothing. Nil. But I have this nagging feeling that it's meant to be that way and another person is supposed to fill in those words for me. For example, one of my friends is working on the verses for one song right now. Now I need someone to help me on the other song. Might as well just keep waiting until the person comes to me.

Oh jeez, is it almost the end of the year already? What happened to all the other days? Does anyone else think that this year went by super fast? Gah, and to wrap it all up, I have AP exams to study for. JFIWEHGOIGHFJVNWORGHWIGHOSIGHWRIOHGWIOGHIOWRFJWR, etc.

Ever have those quiet moments in bed when you just stare at the ceiling and wonder what everyone else has done or is doing? It's like everyone has an untold story to tell someone, am I right? Untold stories that are probably better left untold but still waiting to be told nevertheless. I'm getting all philosophic and weird. Maybe this part of the post was better left untold. Who knows? But I told you anyway so I'm now unable to say it is untold. I just wonder how people came to be the way they are today. What are they hiding? Why do they keep having negative feelings coming from their eyes whenever they see that particular thing? Why are some people strong while the other people are weak? What gave that person the ability to understand everyone's feelings? Why do they keep insisting on telling people, "That's what she said," over and over and over again? Questions, questions, questions. Mysteries, mysteries, mysteries. I always try to see things from another person's perspective to maybe get a glimpse of what that other person may be like. Oddly, I find it's easier to find a girl's perspective compared to a guy's. Maybe I'm just a ladies man. Today a specific person told me I was a player so that's probably it.
By the way, you should listen to Perspectives by Kutless. It's an awesome song ^_^.

Join us tomorrow for an Easter edition of Caroline's post! I'm bringing in a haul of eggs and chocolates tomorrow! Whoo!


Random Question: Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment? Would you still be the same?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Shuai's new status message - Fell In Love With A Girl

Congratulations to Lacey for doing an awesome job on the SAT!

This week has been crazy. It started out dismally. In the nerdiest way possible, maybe the climax was the math test. In another sense, the week has probably gotten better. And hungrier. I feel so hungry right now. And tired. There is definitely too much insomnia going on these days.

When I am hungry, I rarely think about what I would like to eat, unless it has already been presented to my mind. I think it just makes everything worse. But thinking about that now, I can think of a slew of scrumptious foods.

It is sort of weird when a couple is holding hands and walking down the hallway in the other direction, and the girl says, "Awww." I mean, isn't that kind of ironic? Haha Blair.

English today was incredible. And just so we are clear, it is Brianna, Erica, Lacey, and some very interesting drug addicts. Anyway, we learned a lot, and our intern was just as sweet as she could be. There were two suspicious notes that we can smile about.

Today's physics quiz was a disaster, so I ended up drawing pictures of the teacher and Marshall on the first page. I think that part went mildly well, though.

We watched this weird British/Spanish soap-opera like video in Spanish. Four people were in the class with the substitute. Soo, at the very end, the British guy walked into the Spanish guy's bedroom, and at some point he sees these CDs that they both like, and the British guy finds a box, but the Spanish guy snatches it away. After the British guy is forced out of the room because the Spanish guy needs to estudiar, a scene shows the Spanish guy opening the box. It is a box of silverware. Spoons. I don't really know why. Maybe he is a drug addict and he needs his spoons to hold things. So that was an interesting class period.

Time for dinner!!!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Atoms to Apples

Life has me pulled in several different directions, but not nearly to the degree that Seussical yanked me to. 

For example, I'm worried about colleges and summer jobs again. I got my SAT scores on Tuesday.. I did remarkably better than I hoped for, though still under my "you can stop at this score" goal by only 30 points. It's all good though, I never expected to reach it the first time anyway.
I'm sort of excited for the whole "college hunt" thing. I'm aiming for nothing short of Medical School, which I know might not be what I want to do. I figure it's the best guess I've got now and we'll see where I am when I get there. 
It's not that medicine doesn't enthrall me anymore; it certainly still does. It's just that I'm not naive enough to say that there couldn't be a future for as an atomic physicist (fat chance) or some position in Apple Inc. Only time will tell.
Oh, and big news- I'm French Nation Honor Society's new President (for the 09-10 year) at our school. Caroline is the VP! We're really excited, or at least I know I am. We're gearing up for a big showing for Relay for Life (a marathon walking event for the American Cancer Society).
I'm really excited about Relay this year! We're going to be selling lots of goods and hopefully make a heap of $$ for the fight against cancer. If nothing else it'll be a night of wholesome fun.

- Jonathan

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Because We Weren't Quite Lazy Enough Before

I had to write about one invention the world would be better off without. This is what I came up with.

It was from NPR that I first heard of the motorized ice cream cone. Apparently, for under ten dollars you can buy the luxury of never having to turn your wrist again, not in order to eat ice cream at least. Sure it is ridiculous, but it seems to be harmless too. You might be tempted to believe that another useless invention never hurt anyone, but you would be sadly mistaken. For this invention is one of the many spreading the epidemic of laziness. A crippling, mind (and body) numbing sort of laziness that persuades the afflicted of the uselessness of their own wrists. A kind of laziness that can only lead to obesity and existential crises, for how could you find usefulness in the world around you if you only see uselessness in your own body. 

It is a wonder when it becomes too taxing on an individual to preform the amount of work that would require two calories to in order to consume two hundred. The mechanized ice cream cone may physically only be a clunky piece of plastic that comes in assorted (yet ironically unappetizing) colors, but it represents so much more. Namely, a damnation of any bodily process that cannot be replicated by a slightly less effective and slightly more expensive mechanized process. Perhaps it is not so much that the world would be better off without this invention, but that a better world would never have invented it.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Tribute

Hello everybody. This is erica filling in for lacey today. I thought I'd take this opportunity to give a tribute to my best friend. you know who you are ;)

you are by far the greatest best friend ever. i know i can tell you everything and you won't think differently of me, you simply listen and say just the right thing. we always have a grand old time hanging out together, whether it's at red elephant having a flirt off or at tropical smoothie ranting about our day. i can always count on you for a good laugh (because we are such happy people) or a good cry. you are also so incredibly smart and talented and beautiful and brave. i don't know many people who can handle what you do and i think you deserve a trophy. or a dundie. "BFFF, man" that's what yours would say. or perhaps bushiest beaver. who knows. i know we are going to have a totally awesome time rooming together in college and living in our penthouse (i haven't forgotten!) when we are old cat ladies (but not cat ladies). i hope you realize none of this is cheese fluff, or cookie fluff for that matter. its all the "so what" part. honestly, i don't know what i would do without you and i hope i cheered up your day sista!!! i love you oodles!

also, a big shout out congratulations to everyone who got their SAT scores back today! even if you think you sucked, just think "at least there's someone out there who did worse than me" :)

Monday, April 6, 2009


One of the most interesting experiences I had over spring break was probably my campus tour of UCF. I think it was just cool to walk around the campus and realizing that in less than a year and a half I'll be in college like these kids.

The campus was absolutely gorgeous. Everything in Orlando is, as Amanda pointed out the entire ride through the city. It was hot and gross as we walked around, but I really enjoyed myself. I'm not saying that after going to UCF that it is now the college of my choice, in fact I'm about as close to making a decision about a college as I was a week ago. However, I thought one thing that was cool about UCF is that they have rolling admissions, so you just apply and they send you a response. There's no date that all the admission letters get sent out. So there's a good chance I'll apply there early on, just to be accepted somewhere, since it's not terribly difficult to get in to.

Anyway, I'm really excited to go to college. I finally have some idea what I'm going to do too. It took me a while but I think I want to major in social work. Now before you laugh, which a lot of people seem to do when I say that, I should explain that I don't want to be a social worker. I either want to deal with public administration and maybe run a nonprofit organization, or do law and work with maybe children cases or something like that. Either way, it'll have to do with social work. And I can't wait to go to college and study it.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Reptar, King of the Ozone Layer

Hello there, Blue powerblogger here!

My spring break was, ehh, kinda disappointing. My cousins came into town, whom I love dearly, but everything with them was way too overplanned. We went to a park on Monday. Like we were supposed to play on the playground or something?! Haha no. And then we went to Funstation. which is fun, if you're twelve. Tuesday, we toured the capitol. Oh my, I'm sure you can just imagine how riveting that was! We got to see, in detail, the exciting history of our lovely city and the people who impacted it. Ick. Afterwards, we went to the mall, which wasn't too bad, except I saw a pair of my $60 Hollister jeans on sale for $30. But I did buy a nice shirt and a cute dress, so the trip was not in vain! Wednesday, we went to a sorority house, because my mom knows the house mother or something. It seemed like all the prissy little sorority girls were looking down their rhinoplastied noses at us and pointing their freshly manicured fingers as we walked through. And the lady giving us the tour had the most disgusting teeth I have ever seen. We then proceeded to FSU to tour the campus. My dad is already trying to get my cousins to go there. They are ten and twelve. And on Thursday, they left. It was terribly terribly sad, so I went to a friend's house to watch Twilight, which gave me unrealistic expectations about the opposite sex. WHERE'S MY EDWARD?!?!?! And it stormed like crazy; I hydroplaned numerous times on the way home. Friday, I went to a movie, with a boy. We are making progress here! Saturday, I sat around the house all day waiting for my friend to call, because I was supposed to be recording backup vocals for the new single his band was recording. When he finally texted me, it was to say that they didn't have time for backup vocals, and they would be recording that on Thursday. I wasted away the entire day for nothing. Which brings us to today. I went to church, came home, and worked on homework the rest of the day. My life is so exciting. But I'm not normally so pessimistic; I'm just tired! 

And listen to Reptar, King of the Ozone Layer, by The Devil Wears Prada. I mean seriously, the word "Reptar" is in the title! 

Until next week, 


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Amish or Jewish?

Spring has finally come to stay... unfortunately. I've never felt worse in any other year than this year's spring. Stupid pollen allergies >.<. Ironically, spring is also tennis season, when all the big tournaments start. Lucky me...

Jack and I had an interesting conversation today on the way back from tennis.

June looked out the window watching the scenery zoom by. Four people, two men and two boys, walked alongside the road and June watched with detached interest for they were wearing suits and suspenders.
"Hey, look. Amish people on the sidewalk," said the bored June.
"No, they looked Jewish to me," said the equally bored Jack.
"No they were definitely Amish. They were walking."
"So? That doesn't mean they're Amish. Look, there's a Jewish temple up ahead. That's probably where they were going."
"Or they could be going to a church," said June as they passed three churches.
"No, only Jewish people go to church on Saturdays. Amish people go to church on Sundays."
"But then why didn't they go in factory-made cars instead of walking?"
"I don't know. They probably wanted to work out."
"But Jewish people are rich. They could easily buy a car and go to the temple."
"Then they were spending some quality family time on the sidewalk."
"Family time? You mean two dads with two children?"
"They could be brothers."
"But they are walking! Why would they walk when they could drive?"
"I told you they are working out."
"I told you that Jewish people are rich. They could get a personal trainer."
"But Jewish people hate spending money."
A pause.
"Nope," said June. "That one guy had a big black top hat on. They are definitely Amish."
"No," said the increasingly argumentative Jack. "I saw his head and that was definitely a yamaka."
"You mean that other guy? That was his hair."
"I definitely saw something on the back of his head. It was a yamaka."
"Jack, that was his hair."
"No that was his yamaka."
"But the other guy had a black top hat on."
"A top hat? Hah, that was a yamaka."
"Are you saying that huge black thing on his head was a giant yamaka?"
"Then it was part of his head."
"Oh, pfft, yeah that was definitely his head."
"They were Jewish."
"No they were Amish."

In the end, we never really figured it out. It's funny how a few people on the sidewalk can cause a huge debate during a car ride.

Join us tomorrow for another exciting post written by *drum roll* CAROLINE!!!!!! *applause*


Random Shout Out: I formally challenge Kejing to a stand off in ping pong. Two sets and 21 points each.
DUN Dun duuuuunnnn.....

Saturday Morning

I have failed you guys a second time. Even worse, the internet stopped working by the time I got home yesterday. I would hate to blame this on someone, but it is kind of valid.
My dreams were really detailed again. Ms. Johnson was in it. That would be the third or fourth time, I believe. The second time this break. I was in a hallway after transferring to AP Architectural Engineering with Jack. I don't know how this is even possible. It was obviously the beginning of school. There were a lot of people in this dream who I knew. Some really weird things happened, including joining that weird AP class. Umm, I was in the hallway with Lyndssey and Sonal and probably some other people. Mj walked by and kind of told some of us about our test grades. Sonal did really well. I knew I didn't do very well. When I woke up, I realized that we haven't taken a test yet.
During the break, I got up to before the Elite Four on Sapphire. This was completely unplanned and kind of crazy because it is so addicting.
Anyway, the other dream I had was pretty awful too. I know Erica and my father were in this one. The computer screen was bigger and touch-screen and the room was dark. I think Erica came in when I talked to her about it or something. So, I was on the computer in the office, when I realize that I had two weird viruses. When I went on, it looked normal, but then there were little red x's instead of green circles and I guess Gmail essentially was rejecting me. Then, my father and I typed in information like my parents' names into this weird thing and the first thing that happened was that there was a black square as though something on the other end could see me, so that is when I actually called him into the room to help.
Yesterday, I had a weird sensation. Do you know when you're driving and you are afraid that your car will just break down in the road, and then you will have the weirdest story to tell if that happened because it is not where it is supposed to be? For example, what if you wanted to buy something to surprise someone, but that means that your car was on the wrong side of the neighborhood when it happens, and the someone finds out that you were having car troubles near, say, the Rolex store? I made that up. Anyway, I just thought that would be awful. And it could be worse, depending on the situation. :O
Have a happy weekend!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Seussical: A Legacy of Shameless Entertainment

Seussical was fun, but I will never do a drama production for our school again. I can't tolerate the lack of respect from the drama director and my grades certainly can't afford it. However, I'm glad I did this. 
Below is a poem written by one of our cast members (a Who!) and performed at our cast party. The bit in it about forgetting lines and the pledge during an audition- totally me. Enjoy.

Seussical the Musical: A Journey Through High School Theatre Program
By: Kayla R.

This all began with a Thinker,
since summer she has worked very much.
Beause putting on a play isn't easy
especially working with a group like us.

Auditions were held during mid-terms.
"This," we all grumbled, "is crazy."
ramming for tests and then learning lines
for characters called Horton or Mayzie?

People skipped lines and sang way off key,
we tripped as we danced super fast.
One kid couldn't remember his monologue- or do the Pledge
....But most of those kids were cast!

One song, two songs, love songs, (fish songs?)
Songs about Sneetches and Solla Sollew
about long tails and Christmas on Who.
We learned we could sing things none thought we could
and that singing louder doesn't always mean its good.

Sometimes we couldn't hear the boys sing at all
and missing librettos didn't put us at ease.
"Alone in the Universe" made half the kids cry
and apparently Dr. Dake is Japanese.

The set design techies had no angles to work with
and I think costume sees pink in their sleep.
There are feathers all over the girls bathroom
but no quitting now; we're in too deep.

The cadets finally twirled their swords right
and ours didn't go into the pit.
And because of his painted mustach
we all know who was kissed by General Schmitz

Three months later, here we all are.
Sweat blood and tears have gone into this show.
Monkeys are scary and panda's can be angry,
All right here at our high school- or wherever else you go.

140 people all working together
we see sides of them we'd rather block out.
But miraculously we all came together at last
We learned to encourage, rather then shout.

So when we take our final bows tonight
to the tallest of tall to the smallest of small
To the animals, Who's, orchestra and techies
A performer's a performer no matter how small.

- Jonathan

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Who'd Have Thought I'd Side With Australians?

I've been watching some of Australia's Next Top Model lately, okay I've been watching ALOT, and I have to say, I think it beats ANTM.

For one, there's actually a sense of girls being picked and eliminated based on talent, rather than tv-ratings appeal, whereas Tyra seems to basically encourage cat fights and never calls anyone out on their behavior, which is actually quite ironic considering the whole bubbly, friendly-but-not-too-smart image ANTM's obsessed with.

And then there's Tyra herself. Oh my god. Has anyone even seen an ego that big before? I mean, yeah it's entertaining for the first two-minuets but then it just gets downright ridiculous. And I must say that each cycle she only seems to get crazier and crazier trying to cling onto those ratings with a deathlike grip. The little acted out stunts that are becoming more frequent are basically a desperate attempt to steal the spotlight.... on her own show.

The most frustrating thing of all, though, has got to be the pursuit of the "role model" model. Case in point: Whitney Cycle 10. So many times did I see her on the chopping block and think "Well surely she's going home" and why wouldn't she have? I can't think of a single remarkable thing about her, except that she was constantly labeled as having a fake personality. Which Tyra seems to cling onto like the remnants of her youth. By the second half of the cycle you could just see the gears in her head ticking, "There's no way in hell I'm going to go 10 cycles without a plus-sized winner it's now or never!" And Tyra is Tyra and so that was just that, despite protests from the other judges. This isn't a Miss Universe pagent, they're supposedly supposed to be picking out the best models. You wonder why AusNTM winners get a shoot with Vouge, and the ANTM's just get Seventeen.

Not that this should really bother me that much, or that I should have spent that much time ranting about it....
