Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Chicken or the Egg?

Ah.. one of life's most puzzling questions. To many the answer is simple, unfortunately we don't all agree. Personally, I'm for the egg. My choice was based upon my logical conjectures that I came up with through careful thinking. While I have no doubt that my opponents in thinking have too given this debate great thought, I can't help but notice a trend.

It seems as if, (and I want to be explicitly clear here that I in no way condemn or look down upon any facet of religion or science- they are all different answers that we can neither disprove nor prove) that Creationists believe that the chicken came first and that Evolutionists believe the egg was the first to make it on the scene.

Creationists first:

Good news Creationists, you have more on your side than previously imagined. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher thought that while it is a very confusing debate, you simply cannot have an egg without a first chicken. Frederic Cohen also agrees and furthermore points out that without a chicken, the lone egg would have had nothing to warm it and keep it alive.

Genesis 1 states:

19 And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. 20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21 And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that moveth, wherewith the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind: and God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.

Good news, Creationists, it seems that The Bible (and I assume of course that you realize which half of the Bible this is coming form and how applicable it is to other modern day religions) gives you a clear cut answer. Chickens ruled before eggs.

But not so fast.

Evolutionists have their turn too:

While it may not be one of my beliefs, Evolutionary Creationists (those who believe God created and sanctioned everything but then let it evolve into present state- most religious that accept some bit of evolution as a truth into their religion are Evolutionary Creationists, even if they don't know it yet) provide a sort of compromise between modern technological science and religious science but yet choose the egg as first. Why? They say that "God created birds through the means of eggs. Well. That's pretty much a compromise, no? By this argument, God could have created chickens through evolution, and could have created them as eggs. This of course is assuming you believe in some bits of evolution. Meanwhile, for those of us who do not believe in creationism and follow a more Darwinian approach, the chicken was all but a happy accident. Somehow, life starts as a lowly amoeba. Fast forward a few million years and poof, you have a species very very similar to chickens, yet not quite enough to call them "chickens". As with most birds, they mate, and have an egg. However, this time, in this mating process, by God's will (if you're an evolutionary creationist) or the random idiosyncrasy of mutation, the egg is slightly different than it's parents. It's a mutant. Lo and Behold.. it's a chicken egg.

To reiterate what, honestly, shouldn't have to be but will be for the comfort of others, "I want to be explicitly clear here that I in no way condemn or look down upon any facet of religion or science- they are all different answers that we can neither disprove nor prove."


Good. Now that we have an eggplicit understanding, I hope your feathers aren't too riffled and you can mull over my postulations for a while before rushing to the hen houses to comment your little hearts out.


- Jonathan

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