Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Moving. . . but not really

I'm not sure if you all are aware but this Thursday will be one whole month of blogging for the Power Bloggers. Yay.

I got my first ever driving ticket today. I got it for going 40 mph. I thought the speed limit was 35 so I was totally confused until I found out it's 30. Lame. Cops have nothing better to do than pull me over for going 10 miles over the speed limit? I saw a car cut into a lane that I was in and nearly cause a 3 car pileup today. I saw a car going at least 50 in a 30 mph zone. But did anyone pull them over? No. Our system is magorly flawed.

And I don't know how to spell magorly.

My mom says we need to pack because were going to move into our new house soon. . . . Our new house that hasn't even been started. I have things in boxes that I"m sure I'm going to need sometime before we move in. . . who knows when. I knew I'd be 18 by the time we moved into the new house and I was right. My parents should listen to me more. I am not psychic but I've seen this coming for YEARS.

I got blood work done yesterday. My younger sister and I both did. When we were at the counter signing in I asked if it was just going to be one container of blood and they said, "No, were doing a lot of tests on you. It's going to be a lot." I immediately burst into tears. Then the nurse came out. "Ms. Booth, we're ready for you." I asked if it was me or my sister and when they said Annie I shoved her forward, glad to have a few more minutes to prepare. When I finally got called back I was still in tears. They sat me down in the seat and I was like " I can't do this." I got to go to the special seat where the patient can lay down during it. Clutching my lamb stuffed animal I continued to cry. The nurse then decided that I needed the baby needle. It was tinier but as she began to draw the blood I realized that it also takes a lot longer. I asked "Are we almost done?" and the reply was "Ummmmm. . . we're almost half way?" It was horrible. I almost died. I couldn't move my arm for hours. Blood work should be outlawed.

I guess to introduce myself I would have to say. . . I'm random. I like gumby and Spiderman kissed me twice and I love him. I have a sister who is one of my best friends. I have a boyfriend who I will tell you about sometime when I am running out of topics for my posts. I run. I guess I don't really know. . . anyone who has anything else to add should comment on this post and then anyone who is reading this post should read the comments and then you can get a better idea. Pretty smart, eh?



runiteking1 said...

majorly, its spelled majorly.

Like a major.


Unknown said...

i got something to add: you're always there for your friends, you love the office, great sense of humor, and everyone loves you

Kejing Jiang said...

Beautiful girl, and if you're an internet stalker, then I will hunt you down so stay away.

Anonymous said...

oh so im your last resort for writing thanks that makes me feel loved... hahaha just playing i love you and im now wondering what would you say about me???

erica said...

this is a little late, but you always cheer up your friends and always have the right thing to say. and you give great advice :)
