Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wellllll this last week is turning out to be extremely well balanced between the good things that happen to me and the bad. But thats pretty good considering that i had surgery for the first time ever which is a huge negative.

I don't want to give Walmart free advertising but I just can not help it. The movie sale that they are having is so great!!! I have gotten. . . . . a lot of movies in the past two weeks. That's right it's not a number that I care to share with the public because I have actually considered the fact that I may have an addiction. The movies in the five dollar bin with green stickers are two dollars. TWO DOLLARS! I actually ended up getting a number of scary movies that I am not even one hundred percent sure that I would ever be able to watch. But what a bargain!!!

It seems like since we have so little school left before Christmas holidays, and because this is the time of year when all of our lives seem a little brighter because of that break coming up. . . the teachers are PILING ON THE TESTS. Ugh. I just do not appreciate it at all. Trashcat is not amused.

I actually have put off writing this post for the longest time because I keep telling myself that something exciting has to happen to me. It . . . hasn't? So maybe something will happen to me next week. If not I will make something up for you guys.


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