Friday, June 20, 2008

Girls want in on it too.

So Erica, Shuyao and I were having a short conversation on a Facebook message. It was short because it just began. Actually, we should probably have been discussing practices as the title still indicates. Well, the title isn't changing, and neither is the cold, hard truth. Maybe Blair, Erica and Lacey's (I put first names in alphabetical order when listing, by the way, so please don't feel bad if you're not first or last) red velvet mole cake won because of the incredible gender ratio. Now, yes. It was a beautiful cake. The mole was adorable. The cookie foundation was extravagant. We don't wonder why.
About Jack, June and Yige's cake: I'm sorry, I think June was in that group. Sorry June, if I'm wrong. Or the true third person if he wasn't June. -feels really bad now- Anyhow, Shuyao brought her amazing cooking skills to the Summerbrooke estate (by the way, I miss your sushi), and the cake was marvelous because of it. Many people would agree with that.

But however much guys are jerks, or can't cook, or want us to give them our English vocabularies, or keep asking us weird things that they should know like what "shrew" means, and to please translate this, or expect us to pick out a baseball wallpaper (which we did beautifully, by the way), take absolutely forever to ask one question, or tell our best friends that everything is perfectly okay even though his girlfriend isn't communicating with us in any way, or call us when we need to be getting to bed and want to ramble about how much they hate our good friend, or they act like they love training and battling with Pokemon more than you, or put one arm around your neck while you're trying to just frickin' walk, or when they have "mantalks" and don't let the girls know who or what they were discussing, or when they won't get up from bed until after 11am... they can still sort of make us smile when we're at our worst, just rambling about how Nadal has a weird grip on his tennis racket sometimes, and that James is sort of copying Federer's style by going up to the fence when he can. So thank you for all the times you guys weren't jerks. Which were a bunch.


P.S. You girls are amazing. ;)


Anonymous said...

Kejing, I love you. You're the absolute best.

KoreanKid777 said...

yes i was the third person in the group with yige