Wow! You guys did amazing last week. I knew you would all do really well, but you guys blew me away with what you wrote. I think the project had a very successful first week.
So, thanks to Google Analytics I know pretty much all the statistics about the blog. So guess which day had the most views? Well, you can guess all you want because I’m not telling you. A couple of you express nervousness with writing your first posts. I thought it ridiculous, because you are not being judged. This isn’t a matter of page views or who writes the most interesting post. It’s about us. It’s for our friends, and I promise you whatever you write they’ll enjoy because THEY LOVE YOU.
Now I’d like to address some other things that came up this past week. Runiteking1 made me realize that I was a bit unclear in the explanation. When I said I’d prefer you to not talk about the blog outside of the blog, I was referring to content. You can talk about the blog all you want. I know the Power Blogger Team has been. I also wanted to respond to Blair’s comment. Blair, I’m sorry you weren’t invited to be a writer. I thought FOREVER on who I should choose, and don’t feel left out if I didn’t choose you. I was going to only do weekdays, but I couldn’t even narrow it down then. We do want you to be a part of the blog, and there will be opportunities for fill-ins, especially over the summer. And that goes to Emily and Ryan and anyone else who reads the blog.
Ok and now a little note to the Power Bloggers team. Lacey, I’m glad you explained the Twix thing because I might’ve made the same mistake at one point, and I hope you’re less nervous this week. Viv, I loved that part about the missing cutting board. I laughed and laughed and then got Amanda and laughed some more. Jonathan, I really liked how you told us all to seize the day. I think it’s so true; time is going faster than we think. Oh and sorry the other Power Bloggers were freaking out when you posted so late. Kejing, your post was amazing. I loved the heart you put into it. June, while the Mario picture was the most impressive of the ones you posted, I must say I liked the flower one the best. And Caroline, I too went to physical therapy this past year and I know EVERYTHING you’re talking about. I didn’t even go to the same office.
Ok, sorry that was a lot. But I still have more. I’m not writing this on Monday, but on Sunday night because I’m leaving early tomorrow morning and I won’t be back until Tuesday night. So anyway I’m really angry right now. I posted something on my blog, which came from my heart and it was really important to me. It stated the beliefs in my religion and whatnot. After I made this post I made a note on Facebook where I tagged some people who I thought might like reading it. A person I DID NOT tag responded to this in a negative way which was really uncool, because he/she basically stated I was believing in something totally bogus in so many words. Blogs are public, yes. But that doesn’t mean anyone wants negative comments, because they can really hurt your feelings. We haven’t had any problems with this yet, but I want to make a new rule. Do not post any comments that are negative on someone’s post. If it’s something like we can’t read the color that’s acceptable, but nothing about the actual person’s post. It’s just rude. If you think that's lame, well you don't actually HAVE to read this blog, now do you?
Ok. No one ever really explain the colors, so I’ll do that quickly also. We all have a color, you know just like the Power Rangers. Each of our posts will be in that color. Which reminds me we should another color, in case we have to have a fill-in. What color do you guys think is best?
Now I have something really important to say. I've been reading The Grapes of Wrath, which if you haven't read is about a trek to California during the Depression...I think. I'm not sure of teh time period. Anyway, at one point the Grandma dies and the mother doesn't says anything until they stop the car in California. I decided I wouldn't like that. If we are ever making a huge journey together guys, and I die, please if you're the person sitting with me, tell the rest of the car. I'd apprecieate it.
And to close, I have a question for the Power Bloggers team. How do you think our first week went? You don’t have to answer but I’m just wondering.
PS I notice we got a view all the way from Egypt…wow.
Hehe... my blog got visits from:
Hong Kong
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
...and 14 other countries... :)
But this data is from a 12/31/07 to today.
Aww Bri thanks for the honorable mention. I was kinda kidding about being so insulted...I actually think it was a good idea not to pick me because I have no idea how to write a blog but maybe I'd try to fill-in. Oh and for the fill-in color, maybe try orange? Its the only color I could think of that you haven't used...
I'd like to be a fill in too. I think this is really cool and I've been reading it everyday. It makes me wish I was a part of a blog. Hey guys who are upset that they weren't picked-you wanna start a blog?
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