Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Different Kind of Super

Hello people of America and the few viewers not from America (yeah!!!!). For this week's super hero theme, I didn't really know what kind of super power I wanted... Other than super chemistry powers but that's lame and I can't write much about that unless you guys want me to rant on how the teacher doesn't teach. So I looked back into my childhood and found this:

Tragically, I didn't have the pleasure of super hero comics. I didn't get to know who Batman, Superman, the Hulk and all the other familiar supers until much later. Of course I knew who they were... I just didn't know how epic they were. Anyway, back then I was introduced to super powers in the form of video games. One of the games was Final Fantasy 7. I had it for the old school Playstation and man it was a blast. My friends and I would stay up until 3 in the morning playing this game. I loved all the sword combos and the guns that this game dished out, the story line was awesome, and it had a super boss that we came to love and hate: Sephiroth (one of the best super villains evur).

And then came Kingdom Hearts. I didn't own it, but me and my best friend would immediately play the game if I came over. It had a somewhat corny plot about searching for the light in your heart but the fights were amazing. What really uped the awesome for me was that there were Final Fantasy characters and even Disney characters that fought off the "heartless".

So if I were to get super powers, I would want matrix style sword fighting powers. But you know.... I'm over Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy. They are just things of the past. I don't play any games that are similar at all.

That's all I have today. Join us tomorrow for the incredible post from the blue power blogger. Oh and if you haven't noticed, we are nearing our 100th post!!!


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