Tuesday, August 26, 2008

you cant see this title because it's invisible. but not really.

Today I changed the color of my font before posting. I don't have to edit it! Yay for me.

First of all I would like to classify a few things:
Most amazingest super hero: Spiderman- So awesome how he swings about and also has a little vunerability. He's smart which is cool and he's adorable as Peter Parker. How could you not love Spiderman?
Second most amazingest super hero: Underdog-Pretty much self explanatory.
Best villian: Heath Ledger's Joker- He is the most amazing villian ever I mean. . . if you haven't seen the movie then you don't know, but otherwise. . . YOU KNOW HE"S AWESOME!!! I mean the magic trick and "Well hello beautiful. . ." and "No, I kill the bus driver." Geez basically any scene he was in=the best.

Ironically, I too was not a princess kinda girl. No barbies for me (although I did have many stuffed animals.) Instead of cinderella pajamas, I had Power Rangers. So yes I do have a background with superheros.

However, even though I have my beliefs about the best super heros and am not a Fantastic Four fan really, or a fan of Jessica Alba. . . I would want to have the power to become invisible.

Whenever someone talks to me or a teacher calls on me or I am in front of a group of people, I blush and I shake. I have huge amounts of stage fright and I would prefer to avoid those situations by being invisible. I think sometimes it would just be nice to disappear for a while.

I wonder who would miss me. Sometimes I feel like no one would. I guess I don't deserve for most people to miss me. I'm not around that much anyways. Still its nice not to be left behind.

Shout out to Blair whose birthday is tomorrow!! Love you BFFF :) Hope your day is awesome!!!



Anonymous said...

I would miss you.

Unknown said...

thanks for the shoutout!! :) and i would totally miss you, like you have no idea how much.

oh and many stuffed animals? i think that's a slight understatement....

Unknown said...

oh yea and I LOVE YOU TOO BFF!! forgot to mention that :)

erica said...

i would miss you, i hope you know that.
