Sunday, August 31, 2008


Okay, so in keeping with this week's theme of superheroes, I am going to discuss my super alter-ego.

Her name is Lunette, which is not only the french word for glasses, but is probably somehow derived from the word Lune or Luna, which means moon. This is because she, like some superheroes, only comes out at night (when she is least likely to be spotted). She wears a black jumpsuit with tiny reflective stars embroidered on it to help her blend in with the night sky.

Her special powers include:
-being tiny (which enables her to crawl into tight places)
-relatively fast speed (I am actually a fast runner, for those of you who didn't know)
-a look of innocence (helps her get out of sticky situations)
-flying (every superhero has to be able to fly!)
-energy (I am very hyper)
-the ability to set off all metal detectors (hooray for titanium rods in your back!)
-super engineering skills (engineering is just awesome)
-Bible Power!!! (JESUS is a superhero)

Lunette traverses the night skies of Tallahassee in search of people needing help. She uses her amazing powers to apprehend bad guys and foil evil plans. And she does all this without getting caught.

I know this is short, but I must not say too much about my alter ego for fear that she may be targeted by enemies!!

So next time you need help, Lunette is on the way! (only if it pertains to her limited and specific powers)

-Caroline, a.k.a Lunette

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Different Kind of Super

Hello people of America and the few viewers not from America (yeah!!!!). For this week's super hero theme, I didn't really know what kind of super power I wanted... Other than super chemistry powers but that's lame and I can't write much about that unless you guys want me to rant on how the teacher doesn't teach. So I looked back into my childhood and found this:

Tragically, I didn't have the pleasure of super hero comics. I didn't get to know who Batman, Superman, the Hulk and all the other familiar supers until much later. Of course I knew who they were... I just didn't know how epic they were. Anyway, back then I was introduced to super powers in the form of video games. One of the games was Final Fantasy 7. I had it for the old school Playstation and man it was a blast. My friends and I would stay up until 3 in the morning playing this game. I loved all the sword combos and the guns that this game dished out, the story line was awesome, and it had a super boss that we came to love and hate: Sephiroth (one of the best super villains evur).

And then came Kingdom Hearts. I didn't own it, but me and my best friend would immediately play the game if I came over. It had a somewhat corny plot about searching for the light in your heart but the fights were amazing. What really uped the awesome for me was that there were Final Fantasy characters and even Disney characters that fought off the "heartless".

So if I were to get super powers, I would want matrix style sword fighting powers. But you know.... I'm over Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy. They are just things of the past. I don't play any games that are similar at all.

That's all I have today. Join us tomorrow for the incredible post from the blue power blogger. Oh and if you haven't noticed, we are nearing our 100th post!!!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Maybe too realistic.

I don't know, really. The most contact I've had with superhero-related things was last year because of my pre-algebra test about Superman. And of course, hearing Brianna burst into a frenzy of obsession, yes, intense obsession, any time she felt excited about them. Which was and is always.
The thing I try to do for my friends is to either help them, or make them feel better. In my family, I try to make sure my parents do not get mad at me.
Would I want a super power? I don't think there is anything in particular that has always fascinated me. I remember a certain someone wanting to stop time, romantically or not. That is if he could actually see things around him, or it would be a bummer.
I am a nerd. So I should want some to be kind of knowledgeable, right? In 5th grade, one of my friends really liked the Sailor Moon series, so she said I should like Sailor Mercury the most because she was "smart." This didn't really appeal to me because she didn't have long hair and it was um, blue, and I didn't really like Sailor Moon at all. I actually like the challenge of raping a difficult problem. Difficult to me, I guess. But by no means does this include physics, which is like kryptonite to Superman except it affects my GPA, which of course, must be worse than death.
I guess I just everyone who I care about to be happy. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case, because there is always someone who isn't doing so great. We can keep striving towards this goal. Maybe everyone will become satisfied when we are old and grown up. That would be pretty nice.
What I really need right now is the ability to drive. I think it would be so cool to be able to go places without waiting for a ride. It would be a super power to me.

-Kejing, waiting for her parents to let her take the driving test

Thursday, August 28, 2008

This, I Promise You

When presented with the theme of "superpowers" this week I began to think. What are my strengths? My initial intentions were to write about some sort of cooking/biology/french superpowers but the more I thought about it, the more disappointed I became. I can do better than that! I thought to myself. There has to be something that I'm good at that could be of use as a strong positive influence on the citizens of some hopelessly crime rampant city no one has heard of! And suddenly, I remembered a promise I made to a friend this week. I made the promise to this friend, under duress at the time, that though I may be not that good at listening and offering advice on heavy heavy issues (I won't delve into why at this point, that's for another time, maybe), I will always push everything else aside and put a smile on your face if you ask for one.

I don't want to come off as conceited, especially when we're speaking of superpowers, but I feel it must be necessary to break a little off from my humble stance on this in order to tell you about a little knack I have. I make people smile. Granted, if you're in a decent mood or just a little pissed off, I probably can't help you- particularly because you don't need help. Get better yourself! =P

No, I help friends in need. Usually, someone will be severely depressed or down and ask me to talk to them or cheer them up. This is when my electrons begin to shift valence shells and my brain waves peak out- it's a challenge! I think to myself. So what I do next is assess the situation, find some sort of humor in it, and exploit the hell out of it. I will make you laugh, dangit! And if it's not a laugh, then at least an inward chuckle accompanied with a small grin. Heck, you might even think "Oh, he's good. He's good!", but I guess that's up to you to determine.

I like helping people, it's a legitimately good feeling you get. I never want to see one of my friends hurting, so I always try to bring some light to the situation. If I were a superhero, my power would be giving people hope in a time when they are down, providing them with a glimpse of their old (happier) self, and take the first step to getting over their lost cat, broken relationship, or poor grade.

So, this, my friends, I promise you. Come Hell or highwater, if you need help- ask for it. I can try my best at giving you advice, but I think that the most comforting thing you'll find is the one thing I can really give you: a hug and a smile. I love my friends.

ily <3

- Jonathan

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Purple Is For Water

Hey guys, I'm really sorry but I completely forgot about my current lack of internet predicament. Right now I'm using the library computer, but I don't have that much time. Hopefully I will have enough time later when I can come back and share with you the great secrets of my water abilities. I'll set the time back so as not to destroy the credibility of this project.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

you cant see this title because it's invisible. but not really.

Today I changed the color of my font before posting. I don't have to edit it! Yay for me.

First of all I would like to classify a few things:
Most amazingest super hero: Spiderman- So awesome how he swings about and also has a little vunerability. He's smart which is cool and he's adorable as Peter Parker. How could you not love Spiderman?
Second most amazingest super hero: Underdog-Pretty much self explanatory.
Best villian: Heath Ledger's Joker- He is the most amazing villian ever I mean. . . if you haven't seen the movie then you don't know, but otherwise. . . YOU KNOW HE"S AWESOME!!! I mean the magic trick and "Well hello beautiful. . ." and "No, I kill the bus driver." Geez basically any scene he was in=the best.

Ironically, I too was not a princess kinda girl. No barbies for me (although I did have many stuffed animals.) Instead of cinderella pajamas, I had Power Rangers. So yes I do have a background with superheros.

However, even though I have my beliefs about the best super heros and am not a Fantastic Four fan really, or a fan of Jessica Alba. . . I would want to have the power to become invisible.

Whenever someone talks to me or a teacher calls on me or I am in front of a group of people, I blush and I shake. I have huge amounts of stage fright and I would prefer to avoid those situations by being invisible. I think sometimes it would just be nice to disappear for a while.

I wonder who would miss me. Sometimes I feel like no one would. I guess I don't deserve for most people to miss me. I'm not around that much anyways. Still its nice not to be left behind.

Shout out to Blair whose birthday is tomorrow!! Love you BFFF :) Hope your day is awesome!!!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Superman's Apprentice

I went to a comic book store today. My mother promised to take me a while ago, and realizing she be in Utah for a week, decided we would go today. I've grown quite fond of comic books. They're short and enjoyable, and actually have some really good dialogue. And of course I love superheroes.

I would just like to explain my obsession with superheroes. I think my dad would have liked to have a boy. Instead he was blessed with the four greatest daughters on the entire planet. Now don't get me wrong, my father loves us, but he did all the father/son things with us. He taught us how to throw a baseball, and he taught us pain means nothing...just 'suck it up' as he would commonly say. Instead of watching what normal girls watched at our age, we watched Spiderman, Batman, The Power Rangers. So while other girls wanted to be princesses and live in castles, I wanted to be Superman and save the world. I always thought of my father as Superman, and wanted to be just like him.

As I grew older, I stopped caring so much about superheroes. When I realized they were not real, I found the magic of them gone. I went about doing what normal little girls should do (wait no I didn't I was a tomboy). I began to conform with the rest of my peers, as kids often do. When I reached 7th or 8th grade (I can't remember which) I realized that it was OK to be different. In fact I LIKED being different. I LOVED superheroes, even if was weird. I still wanted to BE one, because they do in fact EXIST! What a revelation this was to me! I knew then, why I liked them so much. It seemed so clear and perfect.

You see every superhero has something in common. They all risk everything they have to protect strangers, and each life is important to them. Often they are lonely because they have to give up the ones that mean the very most to them, just to protect them. They don't care about payment or glory. They have chosen to dedicate their lives to something much bigger than most people imagine. I think the greatest thing is that so many of them are freaks and aliens, that those they spend their time protecting hate them. But they do it anyway. And that's how I want to live my life. Like that of a superhero's. That is why I call my personal blog Superman's Apprentice.

Do they exist? Chances are, no. I liked to believe that there is a caped man flying around, protecting us silently. But I also like to believe that there are men and women who look just like us, protecting us silently.

So sorry if I get a little passionate when speaking about superheroes. I still think Superman is the best and will defend my position at almost any cost. Don't get me wrong, I love them all. And the rest are pretty much equal in my eyes after Superman (except Underdog!).

This week's theme is are superhero alter ego. I know I didn't write that, and I promise I will next week (I've spent my whole life coming up with it), but this week I felt I should post this. Also I didn't much sleep, so felt I wouldn't do much justice to the theme. It's sorta on theme right?



PS I keep forgetting! Hello to those in Germany! I haven't done that one yet, right?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A post aptly titled "School"

So this week school started for all of the powerbloggers. And whereas some people look at my grades and my attitude and think that I absolutely love school, they are quite mistaken. I find school to be quite boring, actually, and I only delight in the aspect of being reunited with my friends.

So basically my schedule is as follows:
1. AP french-Gamache-a french 3, 4 and AP class, all combined. Gamache is an awful teacher, but its an easy A
2. American History Honors-Hanna-me and lacey are pretty much the only smart people in this class.
3. Drama 2-O'Bryan-I know barely anyone, but I lovelovelove Drama!!!
4. AP Lang-Clarke-definitely my least favorite class. No friends, boring teacher, and I find no interest in grammar, analyzing stories, or 200 year old pieces of literature.
5. AP Chem-Ewart-this is gonna be the best class ever! A lot of my friends are in this class with me, the teacher is awesome, and we get to do exciting labs!!!
6. Engineering 2-Crowe-This class is nearly all sophomores. And they're nearly all incredibly annoying!!! And the three people that sit next to me are all named Daniel...freaky...
7. AP Calculus AB-McLanahan-Lacey and Bri are in here with me, which is definitely a plus, but this class is probably gonna be hard. Oh well...

And there are no cute guys in any of my classes. And the guy I do like is a sophomore, which means I hardly ever get to see him. But we do get to go off campus, finally!!!

I decided though that this year I am gonna get straight A's, actually have a social life, get a boyfriend, and have an amazing time!!! (we'll have to see how this works out...)

Until next week,

Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Weekend of School!

Hello peoples. Today is the first weekend of school! Yay!!!!! Today I was slightly getting worried because my power was out for 15 hours and I couldn't get on my computer to type my post. But here I am. Now for you slow people, this week's theme is school. Onwards to the school theme:

So it's the first day and I'm not looking forward to it because I have 5 AP classes and none of them seemed easy based on what last year's seniors and juniors told me. I rushed my summer homework the day before school and I'm dead tired. Curse my procrastination!!! Anyway, I go through homeroom and all my other classes and I'm thinking,
"Hey this isn't so bad. I think I will actually live through this year."
As those thoughts drift through my head, I instantly fall asleep... on the first day. I don't TRY to sleep. In fact, I try to stay awake. It just feels like a heavy blanket is suffocating my awakeness to nothing. So in the first 3 days, I'm asleep. (Kejing took one of my ideas about the bus incident so I won't bother to tell you about it)

On Thursday, the whole school received news that tropical storm Fay (Seriously. What the heck is up with FAY?!?! I would never name my child Fay... It's just ridiculous) was coming and all schools would be closing. After hearing the wonderful news, the heavy blanket of sleep was gone and the wonderful joy of "no school tomorrow" dominated my mind. And so I was cheerfully (and somewhat unusually) awake on the last day. You think the day would end on a good note right? In a way it did.

A friend named Vanessa wanted me to go with her to the band room to pick up her instrument. She used the,"You never do anything for me!" argument so I reluctantly agreed to go with her. I quit orchestra so I was expecting a somewhat cold welcome. We enter the band room and Katelyn spots me. I was going to say hi when she suddenly asks,
Katelyn: "What is he doing here?!"
Me: "Well hello to you too."
Katelyn: "What is he doing here?!" (Repetitive aren't we?)
Vanessa: "He's with me to pick up my violin."
Katelyn: "He's a traitor!"
Me: "Right..."
Katelyn: "Traitor!" (Hits me in the stomach... I mean my abs)
Me: "Hey!" (Hits her back very lightly)
Then all of a sudden another guy named Andrew comes up behind me and grabs the collar of my shirt and asks,
Andrew: "Why aren't you in orchestra anymore?"
At this point I'm just annoyed that he's grabbing my shirt.
Me: "Let go." (in a very tired voice)
"Why aren't you in orchestra anymore?" (Jeez people. I'm not deaf. You don't have to repeat everything)

He finally lets go and they are finally done interrogating me. We're bored so we decide to have a contest to see whose backpack is heavier. I hold someone's backpack to compare the weight and Vanessa comes back to see me holding another person's books/backpack. She starts whining,
Vanessa: "June! You will hold her books but not mine? You never do anything for me!" (Another example of repetitiveness)
Me: "Will you stop that?"
Vanessa gives me this glare and I'm very tired of people nagging at me.
And that concludes the end of the last day of the first week of school.
Oh by the way, Katelyn expects me to help her teach people in first period orchestra (I don't have a first period) after that exceedingly warm welcome.

This last little random bit is a video that made me laugh. It's a prank call. Enjoy.

Well that's all I have for you bored and possibly procrastinating bunch of people. So join us tomorrow for the awesomely amazing post from the blue power blogger! (Who cares if I give her too much attention)


Friday, August 22, 2008

This Will Be Our Year

Monday: The worst part of the day was finding out that I shared absolutely no classes with my best friend. I don't know what some people's problems are, but it's stupid when a corner of preps start laughing at you. There is a ridiculous number of boys in Physics. In Chem, we had to get a bunch of stuff, and by the time Ryan got back, he slammed down a set of heart-shaped Post-it notes and said, "I got the heart ones!" We weren't supposed to get them. Then, as he put them back, Mrs. Ewart thought Brendon was the one who stole them. I said, "Ryan, I am buying you heart-shaped Post-it notes." In Spanish, there was a Taiwanese girl from Leon, so the teacher asked us if we knew each other. Um. No. Then, we had to share four truths and one lie in Spanish. The kind girl told us she didn't like cheese, so I warned her not to tell Mrs. Priddy because there is a stereotype that Asians don't like cheese. Mrs. Priddy told us to share our lies. After listening to Jenny's, she said, "Isn't there something about Asians... that they don't like cheese??" ... June and I waited for a bit until we finally got onto the bus. He sat next to me. The bus driver said, "Young ladies and young men may not sit next to each other." Um. Okay?
Tuesday: I drove to school with my mother in the passenger seat. I told her about how Ryan had to leave at about 6:30am every morning because of his bus. She felt sorry for him.
Wednesday: In Chem, Ryan said he was not going to change his name when he got married. I voiced a question to him. "o.o What do gay people do?" Do they put their names together alphabetically, as William mentioned, with a dash in the middle, or do they choose the best last name, or do they just not worry about it? This is unrelated, but Nirav is pretty amazing.
Thursday: This was a marvelous day. I had not-so-bad times in my classes, read more of the Bible than I ever had, I mean, I didn't like, fall asleep after a few lines! And we were very excited about the prospects of playing tennis later in the day because we wouldn't have to study for Friday. At lunch, Brendan(sorry, I really don't remember how spell his name) and I were looking at our Chem books when Dr. Callen came up to us and asked, "Is this a study group?" I said, "No, we're in the same chem class." She noticed that we had our textbooks out and that Marshall was doing math homework. "Oh, I'm so proud! You guys are the ones who are going to be making 70 million dollars a year, not like the other ones... talking about MTV..." Not much later, Freed came up to Jerrod and me and put his fingers on our backs at the same time. I tried to move away, so he said, "It's just me! :)"
Friday: For those of you who do not live around here, we have no school because of the tropical storm, Fay. So it's basically the best day of the week for many of us, who no longer have that Octavian quiz, or history quiz that is really more like a chapter test today. "Your package is on time with a scheduled delivery date of 08/22/2008." Awesome awesome awesome.
Have a happy Fay day!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What Are Friends For? All Sorts Of Useful Things!

What are friends for?

What a ridiculous question. Each year, I find that surviving high school is only possible with a healthy number of friends. The most interesting thing about friends is how useful they are. You can practically rely on one at any time of any day.

CASE: Two days ago, Rebecca Atkins and I decided to throw our mutual friend, Brianna Rhodes, a surprise party since we wouldn't have an opportunity to celebrate her birthday outside of school. Well, with no budget and time on the short side, I turned to FaceBook. From the number of people who said they would attend our impromptu party, I didn't suspect that this party was going to be very big; the number of people who said they could bring food was even less encouraging. But come today at lunch, I was shocked. A mass no fewer than 20 people had congregated to surprise Brianna Rhodes with heartfelt wishes of happiness. Half of them brought food and presents. I was touched. I could count on my friends to meet my expectations, but they exceeded them.

Who cheers you up when you're down about a class/test/quiz/assignment grade? Certainly not my parents, who demand to know why I did so badly before offering any sympathy! No, it is your friends who will poke fun at that teacher, show you their own bad grade, or offer a humorous anecdote until you crack a smile.

What your current boyfriend/girlfriend probably doesn't know is that a LOT of reconnaissance was done on they before you made your move. Chances are that your closer friends knew of your crush and carried out missions to find out plenty of information about them for you. Who else would do that for you?!

Where cheating is concerned, I've never copied any one's homework in my life (verbal irony!). I know of friends of friends who would help each other by providing help in a squeeze. However unethical it may seem, it is touching that one would help another in a time of need- whether it be that mad morning rush to finish that Spanish worksheet or speeding through 87 vocabulary study cards. Without these patron saints of good, how could one hope to survive when they fall behind?

When in need, you can generally count on atleast one friend for a ride to or from somewhere- I know I've had to! They are generous, loving people in your life that care for your well being and help you to what you need or want. They might as well be your parents!

Friends, as hard as they are to come by sometimes, are the pillars that hold me up. Without my friends, PowerBloggers or others, I don't know what I'd do.

- Jonathan

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Shouldn't Be This Tired Already

I just realized at 11:35 that it was my day and that I’d have to post something. So it’s not going to be good, just a heads up. Another contributing factor to the awfulness of this post will be the fact that I’m incredibly tired, an unfortunate side effect of school.

So, this school business, I’m not a big fan. My summer was actually going pretty well until it was abruptly cut short by nuisance of education. It seems that every year I’m confused by the concept of school more and more. If someone could just provide me with a few textbooks and maybe an online lab I really feel I could do a much better job of teaching myself.

The first day was awful. For some reason I felt like I was wandering around in a hazy, dreary cloud the whole time. I was most displeased with my classes, and after comparing schedules with Megan and realizing I’d probably never see her again, I decided that this year I wasn’t going to care about school. I’d aim for the same grades, but alas, my heart would not be in it. This place would be an inconvenience and nothing more.

Going back the second day with my hopes dragging on the floor behind me, and with much less enthusiasm than before, I began to realize this wasn’t so bad. I’ve started to already fall into a rhythm with my classes. My workload seems like it’s going to be lighter than expected and most of my classes seem pretty laid back. Not to mention I can go off campus (legally too!). When I really start to think about it, being back doesn’t seem that bad at all, in fact I’m starting to enjoy it. It may not be as exciting as say, summer, but I suppose that just gives me something to look forward to.

And I’m not going to proofread this, I’m sorry. Not now. I just don’t have it in me.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

college life

So today I realized that taking four APs is like. . . . college. (correct me if im wrong, or just let me think what i want to) I keep trying to tell myself that this year will be alright, but I have an increasing sense of dread. This usually sets on me at the beginning, middle, and end of the day. Other than that schools alright.

My mom keeps talking about how its our last chance to do things as a family as though I actually am moving out at 18 like I said I would all these years. I am obviously not in a financial situation to carry this out. I will go on many more family trips until the real last one actually comes.

I am taking AP Psyche which seems easy with a lotsa work.

I am taking AP Lang which seems medium with medium work.

I am taking AP Calc AB which could be my hardest class surprisingly.


I am taking AP Chem which is ironically a class I am looking forward too every day. There are some pretty awesome people in it.

I miss some of my friends who I have no classes with. You know who you are.

I am sad that I only have one class with two of you.

I am glad that I have a chance to see some people that I haven't in a while in my classes.

I hope I don't die this year.

The end.


Monday, August 18, 2008

My First Day

About a week ago, my mother told my sister and I she would go to work late so that she could cook breakfast for us on the first day of school. I told her she didn't have to, we could make our own breakfast. She said that she would take off the time anyway. I realized that she didn't care about making us breakfast. She just wanted to see us off on the first day of school.

This morning I walked outside to see mothers helping their little children into car. Backpacks and lunchboxes were lifted in the vechiles by small hands. The first day of school.

When I was a kid, my mom walked me into my classroom on the first day. She would always talk to my teacher explaining I was really shy, and to make sure to give me time before trying to talk to me. I may have been shy, but this really annoyed me. I wasn't like a stray dog or something. I remember how finally in the 4th grade I told her it would have to stop. I think this is the reason I associate humiliation with the first day of school.

Then of course there is the curse of older siblings. Are you Sapphire's sister? Are you Candace's sister? I had your sister! I hate that last one. I know you had my sister. Guess what, you're not the only one! I like it when they do those introduction things, just so I can separate myself from my sisters. No need for them to have high expectations for me.

Today was probably one of the best first days of school I have had yet. It would of been perfect, until my car wouldn't start and I was stuck for an hour trying to jump it.

And so the tradition of an awful first day of school continues...


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Future in a Nutshell

Hello! Blue Powerblogger here! And I am ending the week off on a definitive note!

So this may be strange, but I know almost exactly what I want to do in the future. Unfortunatley, I know that my plans now may very easily change between now and then, but this is how I envision it...

I will graduate high school with a 4.3 weighted GPA or higher. I will be accepted to Georgia Tech on a scholarship. There, I will major in residential architecture. I will live in a dorm the first two years, and in an apartment the last two. I will join a sorority (a good, reputable one, with no records of heavy drinking, partying, or questionable merits). I will make many friends but keep in touch with my high school ones, of course. I will drive a fuel-efficient car and work for an intern for an architecture firm in Atlanta. I will graduate with high honors.

Then, I will travel to France for a year and live in a 625 square foot house. Call it an architectual and design challenge, if you will. I will study architectural history and innovation. Then, I will return to the states, get a job in an architecture firm, and hopefully one day open my own business. I will find the love of my life, marry at Brasstown Valley, have three children: Amelie, Eline, and Madeline for girls and Christian, Elijah, and Lucas for boys. We will attend church regularly and I will raise good Christian children. We will have a pet flying squirrel, I will not drive a van, and I will certainly not wear mom jeans. I will become a highly sought after architect in the Atlanta area for my unique, space saving designs, and I will make a fair amount of money. We will vacation in my family mountain house in North Georgia with all of my cousins. I will grow old in happiness and, with any luck, live well into my eighties or nineties.We will live a life that will certainly have its hardships, but it will be one thats worth living.

And June, I will do some singing on the side.

And one day I plan on going to the Olympics, just to watch Michael Phelps.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

What Adults Always Ask Kids

What do you want to be/do when you grow up?

Hey guys. I'm tight on time right now because my crazy chem teacher assigned us 163 questions and most of them are like 10 step/part answers that take forever to find. So I'll cut to the theme today.

My future plans? I plan to find the pH of a carbonated soft drink and a freaking nuclear equation for a beta emission by argon-37. I will also thoroughly hate AP chem this year and sleep in the class just to make the teacher mad.

Now my real plans:
Tennis: Everyone knows I play tennis and everyone seems to think I'm good at it. I half disagree with them about my skill but I love tennis and I love hitting fuzzy balls with an apparatus (no reference intended pervs). I guess it's just the rush of adrenaline and the extremely fast thinking that makes me alive when I play. I like beating people, I don't mind losing if I know I played my game, it helps me develop patience, and it's definitely going to be part of my future... whether I'm just one of those old men on the clay courts or I'm the next Federer playing it out to win my 12th Wimbledon, I'll be somewhere playing tennis.

My Job: I don't know why but I find eye doctors so appealing to me. It looks like a really fun job to get that big gadget down to someone's face and ask," Can you see better with one.... or two..." Not to mention I get to use lasers to improve vision... lasers.... I like lasers ^_^. It's something my parents approve of and something that I look forward to in the future.

Life: I'm not really asking for a life of luxury. I like to keep things simple but not like the trailer-home-watching-TV-with-beer-can simple. I just want a house with enough room for the the family. I've never lived in a two story house so I would prefer one. I might want to live in Massachusetts so my kid can get a bright futures scholarship to Harvard... if there is one. And then after that, I'll probably rock out with my guitar doing praise and worship with the other Massachusettnites. So here is what I picture a normal day would be like in the future.

"Ahh. It's been a long day. I beat Rodick today and man his serves are still fast even though he's like 40 years old now.... (child comes up to me) Heeeeey how was school? Oh good good. See? I told you that you could make an A on that test. Go show your mommy. (child excitedly runs towards living room) Oh yeah! Man it's Saturday. It's my turn again........"

"Well I guess that's all I have to tell the fans of the Power Bloggers... (woman shouts a question) What? (woman shouts again from living room) Oh nothing honey. I'm just writing my post again. (more shouting) Yeah that'll be fine as long as we eat something. (I turn back to the computer) Haha... I can't believe we're still posting on this old blog. (looking back to the intros and the art gallery and a long post about the products of apple) Oh whoops. I better check my appointment schedules for my eye check ups tomorrow. (briefly checks all schedules to make sure I have a flexible schedule then goes back to the Power Blogger main page) I wonder how everyone else is doing."

Well that's my post and I really have to go back to chem so join us next week for the blue power blogger's super dooper fabulous extrafanaticalistic post. ( i made up that last one)


Friday, August 15, 2008


::EDIT:: Katelyn posted this on Facebook, so I will just paste it here in case you haven't seen it yet.
Aa- Az Biddlecomb 5123 (Wish my last name started with an A -.-)
B-Bl German 5124
Bo - Car Johnson 8207
Cas - Dam Christie 2115
Dan - Ep Holihan 9206
Eq - Goo Harris 9102 (My HR... wooh...)
Gop - He Barbacci 4204 ( =O Mandy & I are not in HR together no more)
Hi - Je Shoenberger 9201
Jes - Kel Hanna 7208
Kem - Lo Gamache 7213
Lu - Mc Clarke 7102
Me - Mz Colombo 7105
N - Pa Haddock 4105
Pe - Re Crowe 8106
Rh - Sci Harrington 7113 (No fair Juney Obbah & Standie!!!!)
Sco - Sn Ewart 8104
So - Th Gonsalves 4201
Ti - Wei wilkinson 8202
wej - Z Molinaro P003


What do you want to be when you grow up, Kejing?

I don't know.

First Grade
My parents: How about a doctor?
Me: Sure...

Middle School
My parents: Didn't you want to be a doctor?
Me: No, that was your idea.
My parents: Pharmacists make a lot of money.
Me: That sounds... interesting.

Ninth Grade
My parents: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Me: Not a pharmacist.
My parents: I thought you wanted to be one.
Me: No, that was your idea.
My parents: Oh.
Me: I want to be a computer engineer or something like that.
My parents: You would have to keep up with technology and you won't be able to work when you're old.

Half a year later, I realized that I didn't want to have a computer major.
What am I going to do, then? I don't really know. And the lucky thing about living in this country is that there are so many fields I could pursue.

The college. Yeah, I really don't know. My parents have said that I'm not hard-working enough to get into FSU, and also expressed the desire for me to be the stereotypical Asian who goes off to Caltech. Recently, my mother has noted how much money we would save if I went to UF.

Why am I talking about my parents? Because I don't really know what I personally want when it comes to a major or a school or even a broad interest. I wrote about them to give you an idea about my situation, which is not all bad, but there it is.

Actually, I'm not sure I know what I want past that...
I have always wanted a great room with a grand piano. This isn't going to happen soon. I hope I play tennis to keep in shape and have fun. If I have a daughter, her name will be Lucy. Whether I live in an apartment or a house, I want it to be really clean. My mother often says I'm too lazy to keep things clean or whatever. Yeah, I'll show her. When I'm about 30 years, old, I'm supposed to call Lacey, or the other way around. I have the exact day written down somewhere. Jack and I want to visit each others families. Our children could meet each other. It would be fun. Sorry Ryan, I still don't know how to build a time machine, but if and when we do it, it will be amazing. I guess I should also mention that I will never ever name anything or anyone "Steven Prescott" or "Peter." I don't really want any pets. Hopefully, my home will have electricity, plumbing, and I would really like health insurance and stuff like that.

me: what do i want in the future, jack?
Jack: jrd
me: anything else?
Jack: hahaha
you should live with jrd
and let me live in the basement
Jack: and go to college and get a good job
me: mhm
what so i can keep you alive?
Jack: yes
that's why

me: what do i want in the future, joseph?
Korean: umm
social security
personal investiments
me: mhm
Korean: a good husband
2 or 3 kids
a happy family
routine trip to the movies
a trip to italy
a mahogany drawer
me: oh cool
Korean: umm
100 watt lightbulbs
i need those in fact
me: haha
Korean: =) ur life in a nutshell
and dont forget flushable toilets
me: i wont
Korean: the greatest invention ever
me: okay thanks

I guess I can be general and say that I want to find someone who wants to be with me for an extremely long time. Hopefully, he won't make me do all the chores all the time, or physically abuse me. I don't want him to be gay. Um, yeah.

Sure, I don't really want to grow up, but I'm excited about going out into the world, and look forward to all the times I will laugh and smile.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Ecological Antibiotic Cake

Oh, you've never heard of the ecological antibiotic cake? Well, DUH. I haven't invented it yet!

When asked what I want to do when I grow up, I shudder. Typically, we have some idea of what we want to do. I, on the other hand, have three ideas. Oh, did I mention they are all completely different? Hmm, perhaps I should break it down for you:

1. The "Right" Answer
Alright, alright, there is no "right" or "wrong" career choice, but going into medicine certain seems like it's the safest and most respectable choice. When I tell adults that I want to be some sort of physician or research biologist their chests swell and they pat me on the back, encouraging me with that choice with stuff like, "Oh, you're just like your parents," or "I knew you'd chose something hard- like the challenge, eh?! Har har har!" To be honest, I really like biology. I am fascinated by immunology and how our body reacts to bacteria and viruses, creating antibodies and knowing exacty where and when to attack. It honestly makes me giggle with giddiness. I'm weird, I know, but it makes me happy! The thing is.. I don't know if I'm cut out to be a doctor. You need good grades and to have like no life for 10 years before you can work for money. It sounds pretty daunting.

2. The "Dream" Answer
Some people have dreams and aspire to be a head chef, but these, the consensus is, are long-shots. Those one-in-a-million chances that really only have to do with connections with the family or chance encounters. I love to cook. I really do- it's relaxing and fun. It's also not something many of my friends are good at (sorry guys!). But it's something I'm good at. Genuinely. Perhaps the only thing I like more than stovetop cooking is baking and pastry. I'm a damn good baker! But my specialty has to be pastry, what with all the cake decorating I do. But see, the catch is that it's a tough life- the work is tough enough, but the pay is dismal- and I hate to say it, but I'm shallow enough that I want an very comfortable lifestyle. And, honestly, it doesn't take much education to be a baker/chef, so all of these AP classes? It'd be in vain.. So I don't think I want to be a baker/chef.

3. The "Crazy Hippi" Answer
It's no secret- I'm totally on the whole "Go Green!" thing. Heck- I wrote a post a month ago about it. The thing is- wind and solar energy are exciting to me. There's potential. It's renewable. It's really cool. I really can't rationalize it too well except to say that I'd love to have solar and wind systems of my own. It also ties in with my strong DIY streak- make your own energy. AWESOME. But see, here's the thing- that kind of energy is readily available out west, like in California. So I could get a job related to that tech and live like a lot of Californians- hey, I love California, it's beautiful. There's only one catch.. it's expensive. I don't know if I could make it. I hate to sound cynical, but I'm really just being realistic. Ugh. I hate reality.

So when it comes down to it, I really have to either invent an Ecological Antibiotic Cake that'll make me millions, or pick one. But I don't know which to pick, and honestly, college isn't coming any slower! So I don't know yet what to do. In the meantime, I'll take each semester, one at a time, and probably go into college studying for medicine. Should I decide that I get bored with it- I always have two crazy back up choices!

- Jonathan

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

On the Road

I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or if it’s just been on my mind, but ever since the topic of future plans was decided on, I’ve been having the “college talk” with my mom almost every day.

Looking back, I realize that the closer the day of college admissions comes; the more confused I seem to have become. When I was five, it was simple. I wanted to be a computer engineer and go to M.I.T. In eighth grade I decided I wanted to be a film director and “narrowed” down the college list to NYU, or USC. Now it’s just chaos. I’ve decided I want to study environmental engineering and get an MFA in-between grad and undergrad, and the list has been cut to include Stanford, Caltech, UCLA, Princeton, and the return of M.I.T. It seems the thing I want most though is a school with good name recognition where I could slack off, which doesn’t fit any of those schools (though it isn’t a far cry from Brown).

Tonight, my mother hosted a dinner party (for the Sri Lankans of course) at our house. Anytime this happens, no matter how many times they’ve asked in the past, there’s only one question that’s directed towards me. So what college are you planning to go to? Up until now, I’ve always had an answer, even if I thought it might change in the near future. Tonight I just said I didn’t know.

Though there may be frontrunners, it simply comes down to this; for the first time since I was five I have no idea where I will be two years from now. I have no inkling which university hoodie I’ll be wearing. I might even change my major seven times once I get there like my sister. But after the initial panic attacks, I realized, I like this. I like not knowing and I can see why Rory didn’t marry Logan at the end of Gilmore Girls.

I am certain that the time will come when I’ll know, I’ll find the right fit. But for now, the ambiguity will do.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

vagueness, i know

I was worried when I heard our topic was going to be future plans. But then I realized what I should say.

I want to go to a decent college where I take classes I enjoy to do something I love. I want to live in a nice town where I know almost everyone. I want to have a pet squirrel and a kitten. I don't know how that will work out. I want to get a fairly good job, live in a small house near a river and have a slightly messy but definitely cozy house. I want to have at least one guest room for people to come see me. I want to marry the love of my life in the Fall. I want to design the invitations and use the swirly font and our full names. I want to wear a beautiful dress. I want to have a small wedding. And I want The Killers to play at the reception. I want to have some time and then maybe have a kid or two. Just depends. Maybe none. But I want to be happy. I want to spend each day doing something different. Something a little out of the ordinary. Out of the dreariness of daily life. I want to not have too much. Not too much stuff. Not too much money. I want to just have enough to be absolutely content. I want to wake up in the morning and just smile to myself because I have everything I really want even if I don't have 50 pairs of shoes.

Sorry it's short but its all I have to say.


Monday, August 11, 2008

I would like to be an adult when I grow up....

When I was a kid, knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I would be a dentist, graduating from BYU. I would be married when I was 22, and would have two kids. And of course, my family would have a pet pig. It wasn't until I reached middle school age, when I realized my plans sucked. Though I love my teeth, I really don't want to spend time in other people's mouths. It's quite gross. And the problems with BYU were: 1. I'd have to be around all Mormons all the time and 2. I'd have to live in Utah. Neither of which is all that appealing to me. I realized that marriage would come when I had found the right guy, at whatever age that might be. And kids would depend on a lot of variables, that I wouldn't know right now. But the pig...I'll still have the pig.

So when my original plans fell through, I decided I would wait until I was older to figure out what to do with my life. So here I am. The question I hate getting asked is, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' For a while I made up a new career for myself every time someone asked. 'I want to be a race car driver.' But I eventually stopped doing that because I ran out of awesome careers.

Don't get me wrong I have thought about what I could do when I'm older. Once I asked my mom if I could use my college funds to attend a ninja academy instead of college, and she laughed and walked away. And though she mocked my half joking/half serious question, whenever I'm really into something I'll tell my mom, and that'll be my answer to the awful question for a while. But I change quite frequently. I don't talk about it, because I'll confuse people later when I say I have a new career choice. Here are some examples: dentist, astronomer, doctor, police officer.

Mostly I have an idea of what I'll be doing when I grow up. I've been into all types of different fields of science since I was a kid, and I'd always figure I would do something with science. My parents and my sisters expect this too. They're always telling people that I'm going to make some great scientific discovery that will revolutionize the world. As much as I'd like to do that, as much as I'd like to change the world...I'm not sure I want to do something with science. But since I generally do what is expected of me, this is what I'll probably be doing. And I'll enjoy it, I love science.

But the thing I enjoy more than anything in the world is writing. I want to write poetry, short stories, novels, and screenplays. Anything that can be written, I want to write. I want to create characters as famous as Tom Sawyer and Harry Potter. I want someone to change his/her lifestyle just because of my book. But my family expects me to be a superhero, and superheroes don't write. It's not a reasonable career anyway. Getting published can take years, and then people have to buy what you write. So, it's the career I keep in the back of my mind, in case the opportunity ever arises.

I understand that soon I'll have to make decision on which college to attend and what career I want to have, but right now I'm just not going to worry about my future. There's too much to think about in the present.

The final thing I want to mention is our new banner. I hope everyone likes it. It was given to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous even to myself. I absolutely love it, so thank you to whomever sent it.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

"I Got a Song to Sing..."

Hello there, Blue Powerblogger here! And I'm wrapping up the music theme this week!

So to start of with, I love love love love love singing. Its something I am very passionate about. I have been singing since the second grade, and I have always considered it to be one of my talents. I sing in my church choir, worship band, and praise team. I take voice lessons. I sing at weddings. I sing for every holiday with my family. I sing in chemistry and engineering (much to June's and Daniel's dismay). I even sang for french dignitaries once.

But contrary to popular belief, I do not sing along with the radio or along with CD's. When I am in the car, I pop in my favorite CD, plug in my headphones, and tell everyone else not to disturb me. Then I just listen to the music. I memorize every little key change, every guitar lick, the melodies, the harmonies, every detail. When I find a song that I absolutely love, I set my ipod to repeat and listen to it over and over. Thats just a weird habit of mine, and I don't sing along until I have a song completely memorized.

So up until eighth grade year, I had my heart set on being a singer. I started voice lessons in sixth grade and discovered my love for performing. I even recorded a song on a christmas CD, and was all set to make a demo to send to Nashville when I started having second thoughts. I once read that only 5 percent of musicians actually made a profit from performing. I didn't want to be a deadbeat singer living in my car and playing at little gigs in hole-in-the-wall type places. I didn't want to be away from my family and be always on the move. Plus, singing requires almost no education. I mean, all you have to do is know how to read, basically. So that meant that the ten years I spent making straight "A's" was in vain. Thats when I decided to become an architect instead. But, as June always says, I can be a "singing-architect". I will always sing, even when I'm a successful architect, even when I'm a mom, even when I have no teeth and am confined to a hospital bed.

Something thats also unique about me as a singer is the fact that I write my own songs. Here are some lines from a few:

"And then, you left, the day we departed/I thought I'd be dead, but I was left broken hearted/and we'll never be apart, and I know we'll make a new start/but it hurt me just to hear you say those words/ Goodbye"

"Seems like/you don't even know who I truly am/inside/ I feel invisible, please understand/realize/I was there for you standing by your side/ its time/ that you heard the truth/so open up your eyes/ oh, now, what is your excuse/for all the pain that I've been through/for you"

"Are you there God/ do you hear my prayer/ are you there God/ in my deep despair/ are you there God/ when this broken heart/ is just about to fall apart/ Hold me tight tell me its alright/ let me believe what I can't see and/ take my hand, help me stand/ when everything around me's falling..."

"You'll never know me/ you'll never know the things that I've gone through/ you never helped me/ when all I did was reach my hands out to you/ you only hurt me/ spreading lies you knew were never true/ you'll never know me/ so please/ quit acting like you do"

So with that being said, here's a list of my favorite songs
-Fall For You-Secondhand Serenade
-We Shine-Fee
-From the Inside Out-Hillsong
-Matthias Replaces Judas-Showbread
-You're Ever So Inviting-Underoath
-Because of You-Kelly Clarkson
-Life is a Highway AND Me and My Gang-Rascall Flatts
-Wasted-Carrie Underwood
-Hold On-Jonas Brothers
-Hurt-Christina Aguilera
-Defying Gravity-Wicked
-I Got it Bad-Leann Rimes

Okay, so that wraps up music week! I hope you enjoyed the theme, and stay tuned tomorrow for our new theme!!!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Me and My Edible Songs

It's Saturday again and this is another awesome post from the green power blogger w00t! So if you are slow, this week's theme is music. And now without further ado, lets break out the music!

If you have a facebook, you probably already know what kind of songs I listen to. It's on my status everyday and I turned it into a habit to post a new song everyday. I don't listen to anything else and I can't help it. I love Christian music. I mostly listen to Lincoln Brewster, MercyMe, Starfield, and sometimes Toby Mac.

Lincoln Brewster is amazing with the guitar and he has an awesome voice. He is one of the people that spurred me on to play the guitar and I want to play like him one day. He is also one of the factors that helped me to quit violin (muhahaha i'm not coming back orchestra people).

MercyMe and Starfield are both bands that make songs based on their own experiences. Their songs are so in depth with the hardships they went through that they turn out to be amazing songs.
Toby Mac is all out for praising God. He's a Christian rapper =O. I know. What an oxymoron. But it's rap that isn't about grills, cars, money, and other pointless things which made him one of my favorite artists.

This might be boring to some of you, just reading what kind of music we like to listen to, so I wanted to have some fun with this post. After chatting with a certain someone, she gave me an idea. She mentioned waffles and I was like,"Yeah! Lets do a post on songs about food!" So onwards to some old favorite edible songs!

Well that's all I have today. I'm very tired right now and I feel like taking a nap. So join us tomorrow for the blue power blogger's post. Another certain someone pointed out to me one day that I was giving the blue power blogger too much attention at the end of my posts so I will say this. Stay tuned for EVERYONE'S supercalifragilisticexpialadoecious posts next week. (You're still awesome Caroline ^_^)


Friday, August 8, 2008

More Than You'll Ever Know

I started writing this on Wednesday because I didn’t want to leave anything important out of this musical post.
If there is any music you really need from me, then contact me so I can email it to you.
Right now, I am listening to my Paramore songs, most notably “Misery Business,” “Crushcrushcrush,” and “Hallelujah.” Paramore came at time I needed something kind of more directed for girls, and more hardcore than Avril Lavigne, whose later songs I general like. In reference to Lacey’s post, after listening to “Misery Business” 157 times, I’m pretty sure it’s about the guy cheating, if cheating at all, on his ex-girlfriend. The main girl has “gotten” the guy after waiting for eight months. So, it is actually a pretty happy song, in a slightly harsh way. But, if my boyfriend were to cheat on me, then Paramore would be a very good choice.
I also agree with Brianna and Lacey that “You and Me” by Lifehouse is a nice song.
My first exposure to music was Sir Elton John. Living in England and owning a small, old TV, he was one of those people absolutely everyone seemed to have heard about. He played “Candle in the Wind” at Princess Diana’s funeral. It was a special version that he would only perform that one time.
Meanwhile, I had begun my piano studies. At the age of four and a half, I spent anywhere from two to three hours on the first floor, where the landowner had a shiny, black upright piano. I began with some Alfred books, and sped through them.
Soon, we had to move to Wisconsin. I got my own piano with which to eventually get intense. My favorite is probably Chopin’s “Ballade No. 1 in G minor, Op. 23,” and my favorite concerto is Rachmaninoff’s “Concerto No. 2,” but I also enjoy Tchaikovsky’s “Concerto No. 1.”
At some point in eighth grade, I would listen to classical music. Then, the laptop my father bought (that we still use) went on sale at, so he received a coupon. He used this to buy an mp3 player. I remember one afternoon using our extremely old walkman to listen to the radio. I really liked “Pieces of Me” by Ashlee Simpson. Eventually, he stopped using the mp3 player, so I began to build my own music library. I took off some of the Elton John and Celine Dion songs.
Japanese music is so prominent in various Anime series. From the beginning, my favorite was “Fushigi Yuugi,” and a song I adored was “Perfect World” by Sakamoto Chika.
Without the common illegal downloading, my library was pretty small.
Right before I moved down here, I spent some of my time listening to Green Day. My favorite were “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and “Holiday.”
One day in freshman year, Clara handed me a memory stick with over a hundred songs. This included Ben Folds, The Hush Sound, Straylight Run, Metric, OK Go, Shiny Toy Guns, Ozma, and I might be forgetting something important. I loved listening to The Hush Sound because the girl’s voice was so pretty, and the melodies were quite happy. Ben Folds was great, with his great piano skills. OK Go was cool, and seemed like something that most people might enjoy. Shiny Toy Guns was totally out there, and I remember hearing it being blasted in the middle of the night at Relay for Life, especially “Le Disko.” I like some of the lyrics from “Wake Up,” by Ozma. Wake up and love me, baby.
I like The Academy Is…. I think their band name is cool, even though they would be The Academy if they didn’t have copyright infringement issues. I think “Everything We Had” is different from their other songs, since it’s not so much Alternative Rock as a sad song. I like it very much.
I listen to The Bravery’s “Believe” and “An Honest Mistake.”
“Welcome Home” by Coheed & Cambria is well-known for those of you who play Rock Band. At first, I heard it somewhere on the internet when I was searching for new music. In fact, it took a few tries until I could place my liking on the song. “No World for Tomorrow” is slightly similar to the style of “Welcome Home.” “The Suffering” and “A Favor House Atlantic” are also good.
One of my most played songs is “Yellow,” by Coldplay. As soon as Brianna posted it on her blog, I downloaded it and listened to it on repeat. It’s so sweet and a little sappy, but I still haven’t gotten tired of it.
I don’t like Death Cab for Cutie. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten into Alternative Rock so much that my mind doesn’t match up with it. I do have 12 songs by them, though.
Elton John, how could I forget? The piano from “Bennie and the Jets” is interesting. I also like “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,” “Your Song,” and “Daniel” is alright, but a little gay. But hey, it’s Elton John, and I have respected him for about eleven years.
One day, Jerrod sent me “In Memoriam” by Everybody Else. You probably haven’t heard of this artist, or this song (unless you read my personal blog). It was a marvelous day. It’s about remembering all these days in the past, and how much fun they had, so I guess it’s a bit sad because everything was in the past, but it’s so innocent and a great “remember me” sort of song.
“Dani California” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers kind of fit when we were going to California for MAO Nats.
Relient K is likable.
I listened to “Love Song” by Sara Bareilles for a short period of time. Maybe I have heard enough it now.
“Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi seems encouraging to some extent- to really go out and life your life.
“Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer is so dreamy, though I suppose the guys don’t really enjoy it much.
Jack’s Mannequin is amazing, and possibly my second favorite. “Holiday,” “Mixed Tape,” “MFEO,” and “Miss Delaney” are some of the best from Everything in Transit. But with no doubt, “Dark Blue” truly stands out for me.
Before Andy McMahon began Jack’s Mannequin, he was in Something Corporate. The style isn’t exactly the same, and in my opinion not as likable as Jack’s Mannequin, but “Straw Dog” and “Konstantine” are not bad.
Sometimes, Clara’s Natty-poo puts up the chorus of “Heart” by Stars. It is a very sweet song. Every now and then, I sing along to it.
Alright, I can say what you want me to,
Alright, I can do all the things you do,
Alright, I'll make it all up for you,
I'm still in love with you,
I'm still in love with you.
I’ve listened to “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World a bunch.
If I didn’t hear about Elton John as a little girl, then people would mention The Spice Girls. I can’t imagine stepping into the late 90s in the UK and not listening to any of their songs. They are amazing.
At MAO Nats, they played some really good songs at the three awards ceremony. One of these was “Island” by The Starting Line. I love the lyrics, the chorus, and listening to this song so often.
You may be surprised, by I like two of Taylor Swift’s songs. “Teardrops on My Guitar” is the sort of song I’m very glad I didn’t have a while ago. Ann, Sarah’s sister, was playing “Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) one day while taking me home from school. It is my favorite country music song, even though I don’t actually like country music.
I guess I should tell you about my favorite love song. Well, it is “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol. One night, I felt more awful than I had ever felt. I listened to this song over, and over, and over… crying my heart out like a girl. I even listened to it the next morning (but didn’t tell anyone). The emotion that I can attach to this song is so profound that it seems as if I placed much of it into a box, and gathered it together like a big, fluffy towel. The box would be this song.
“Almost Lover” by A Fine Frenzy is beautiful.
Modest Mouse gets me almost hyped up about living, with “Dashboard” and especially the beginning of “Float On.”
I like “How to Save a Life” and “Over My Head (Cable Car)” by The Fray.
“Here In Your Arms” by Hellogoodbye was another one of those songs I put on infinite loop for a while.
The Strokes are unforgettable for me. I really like their style, particularly in “You Only Live Once, “Someday,” and “Reptilia.”
After researching Grammy Award Winners for best rock song on Wikipedia, I downloaded “Drops of Jupiter (Don’t Tell Me)” by Train, which I really like because the singer sounds so caring and like one of those great guys who truly wants to know the answers to what he is asking. Also, “Vertigo” and “The City of Blinding Lights” by U2 are not only good, but also I think How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb is such a great album title.
The evening before Homecoming, Erica and I were invited to Lacey’s house. As soon as we entered her room, I noticed that she was playing some pretty good music that I had never heard. Lacey said it was “Mr. Brightside.” Whatever that was. She made us stop talking about ten minutes later so we could listen to a song that she excitedly informed us was “This River Is Wild.” Lacey loved The Killers. I couldn’t forget that.
I went home and looked them up, downloading every song by them that I could find. Later, she burned me their three CDs (I think I lost Hot Fuss, though), and even more recently, I downloaded their two Christmas songs. The Killers are truly profound. I love all of their songs, but I guess there are a couple that I do not seem to listen to as much. Imagine the excitement for Lacey when they put “Romeo and Juliet” on Sawdust. It was like one of those crazy dreams that you have, but it came true. I think I’m going to listen to The Killers for the rest of my life. They mean so much to me, if I didn’t have them, then my music selection would be bereft of greatness.
One day, I quickly punched in all the play counts from all my Killers songs. They added up to over a thousand.
“When You Were Young” is distinctly my most-played song. I wanted to move the music in my iTunes, so the play counts had to be reset. But yeah, this is probably my favorite of all time. There are so many good songs out there, but for some reason, this one sticks out a bit more than the others.
However, telling you about all these songs and artists isn’t the same thing as you listening to them, and getting to know them for yourself. You don’t need to listen to any of them, actually, but I wish you luck in finding even more good music- whatever you want to hear! is pretty baller, if I do say so myself. ;)

I feel pretty lucky to get to post on Friday. It is another special day: at 8:08pm, on today, 08/08/08, the Beijing Summer Olympics begin! So, I hope you don’t mind if I post this at that time, but it shall be 8:08am for us because of the time difference.

Sorry for forgetting to tag my posts...


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dear Bo Burnham,

You know, when you were little, you wrote letters to Santa Claus, asking from presents? Well, if I had to write a new letter today, I think I'd address my letter to Hamilton, Massachusetts. Why? Because my mythical Father Christmas is Bo Burnham. Who you ask? Well, I'll let it slide without hitting you for having to ask this time, but don't let it happen again. Bo Burnham is the Alpha and Omega of comedy music. Oh- you like Weird Al Yankovic? Well, you'll obsess over this guy.

Let me explain- Bo Burnham is hilarious. No.. that is the understatement of the century. Bo Burnham is.. he's George Carlin mixed with Weird Al but then only 18 years old. Yeah.. practically our age! HE'S AWESOME. PERIOD.

Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, imagine what a video can do! So perhaps instead of practically selling him to you, I should show you a few of his songs so that you may love him too.
This song is about Helen Keller. This song is a tinsy tiny bit profane. This song will have you rolling around laughing on the floor. Enjoy.


Hilarious, no? Of course it is (and if you say otherwise..!)! Here, continuing in the theme of love, here's another.


The next song is the first I ever saw of him- and he had me hooked! Trust me, this song will make you laugh.

My Whole Family Thinks I'm Gay

If you'll notice, part of his talent is his acting, not just singing/composing. If you look at the drama and show he puts on during each video, you can so easily connect to him and it just adds another dimension to his talent.

THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS ARE FAR MORE CONTROVERSIAL AND NOT SUITABLE FOR THOSE WHO ARE EASILY OFFENDED. There- that's all the disclaimer you're gonna get for the next three videos. They are awful. Jaw-dropping, pants-pissing, side-stitching, horrendously funny. My condolences if you were offended- remember that he doesn't actually believe a word of what he's about to say and that you were warned. You may proceed.

The first of three is..

Klan Cookout (Racist tones with some crude imagery in some places)

Second of three is..

New Math (mostly sexual overtones towards the end)

Finally,third of three is.. (The best for last)

Rehab Center for Fictional Characters (profanity and sexual overtones)

Well, I certain hope you enjoy Bo Burnham as much as I have. If not, something's wrong with you, but that's okay- I'll still speak to you.. some. :)

- Jonathan

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our Little Natalie's Growing Up

Well, I wanted to write this post about Beck, but seeing how I’ve already mentioned him, I’ll move onto something else. But before I do, here’s a video for the song Little One that I saw right after writing that post that I loved.

Coincidentally, I found out about the person I'm going to talk about when I was flipping through pictures of Beck.

He’s directly to the left. Don't worry, he doesn't normally so closely resemble a satanic demon.

Many people left comments saying how much they loved Devendra Banhart, so I decided to look him up. That’s when I discovered that he’s dating Natalie Portman. For those who don’t know, I have an odd obsession with Natalie Portman that I think stems from my love for the movie Closer. I now knew I had to learn more about this guy.

Well, I just don’t know. A part of my likes some of his songs, a lot. But another part of me always thinks of this video when he comes to mind.

Wow, that is really good entertainment (except for the dogs, that was just disturbing). I think the drawn out pauses from the interviewer after Devendra’s replies says it all. As one viewer put it, the first bit sounds closest to a free-association session. I don’t know if Banhart’s kidding, but sadly I doubt he is. But it is interesting to think about Natalie living in a commune somewhere with Devendra’s posse ala Hansel in Zoolander.

What’s funny is that on all of his videos, about 70% of the comments are about Natalie Portman. This understandably seems to really piss off his “original” fans, but I think the rest of us are just going to ignore all ten of them.

I actually really like posting about music, so I might start doing it more often (after the themes of course).

I’d also like to mention in no relation to my post that as of now, The Dark Knight is still #1 on IMDB, which I think is pretty cool.
