Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Epicness of my Random Life

Hey hey bloggers, this is Blair substituting for the awesome Lacey.

So this is only something that could happen to me. I'm serious.

I was pulling out of this shopping center, and I was sitting at the stop sign waiting for the cars. I guess its on a SLIGHT hill but I didn't notice. All the sudden, something hits me and I'm just like who the heck is dumb enough to hit me?? I look behind me. There is a SHOPPING CART behind me. I mean, are you serious? I got hit by a SHOPPING CART? It scratched my beautiful car like a bazillion times. They're tiny scratches but still....it sucks. When I left the intersection, it started rolling into the street. Hopefully it didn't hurt anyone....

I got the most awesome pumpkin ever for Chemistry today. It was huge, everyone was totally jealous :) But I had to carry it like a half mile (hopefully an exaggeration, I don't really know the real distance) across the parking lot from my car to Mrs. Ewart's room. My arms were cramping so bad because of this stupid freezing weather. I had to stop like 6 times to bend my arms so they wouldn't fall off. The rest of the day my left arms was shaking slightly and it hurt to bend my wrists because they were still thawing. T'was horrible!

I got the High School Musical 3 soundtrack. Yes, I'm that lame. It's fairly good.

Report cards suck.

I had the most horrible week last week......thank god that's over!

Thanks Lacey for letting me post for you. Stay tuned tomorrow for Viv. Or if she doesn't have internet still, then whoever's blogging for her.

~Blair :D

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