Friday, October 17, 2008

I know what I'm going to write about!

Every week at some random point, that is how I feel.
This is great.
But then, by the time it gets to writing in this rectangular box, I think: Kejing, that's just lame.
Okay, so changing my plans entirely, yet again. Still lame, though.

Lately, there have been things on my window. Living things. Yesterday, this huge yellow insect decided to land the upper center square. Then, this lizard came, and it was kind of disturbing because they kind of disturb me when they stay on my window and I mean, they're kind of distracting. And then, there is the assortment of spiders. Actually, at some point during the afternoon, there was a strong-looking sort of vertical spider web thing hanging down, and I could have sworn it was moving. So, I looked down. I couldn't see what was at the end. But today, it's not there anymore, so maybe I will forget about it.

Another thing that has come across my mind is the fact that every dream I remember includes the same person. There are always other people in them too, but I think it is kind of queer that the same person keeps popping up into my dreams. My dreams usually have different varieties of people, but nooo, regardless of the other people, you are still in them! I don't know how I should feel about this.

The heat capacity of a calorimeter is measured in kJ/K. Ridiculous.

These three day weekends are basically the best things that ever happened to me this school year.

This morning, I played the piano for the first time in months, not counting the short spasms of my brother's pieces when I helped him. It was really fun, and I think I have been typing too much lately, because my fingers felt very much in shape, but my wrists and arms didn't feel that phenomenal.

Dude, another lizard. They need to go away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go playing piano!! lol, i type so much more than i play piano which is kinda sad in a way, but still go playing piano!