Friday, October 3, 2008

Twenty X!

I have to say...
I am a fan of my fellow Power Bloggers.

So, Wednesday was kind of awful, particularly thanks to my least favorite class, but then in seventh period, the gold power blogger walked into the classroom, came near my desk, said "Happy Birthday," handed me two boxes with a card on top, and left abruptly. Later, I realized that one of the boxes was 60,000 baby names book.
I don't think anything like this will ever happen again in my lifetime, unless Brianna realizes that I lost the first one.
But now that I think about it, this is actually the second baby name book I have ever owned. The first one was much smaller, and intended for my mother before I entered second grade.
This one is... large. So large, that at first, I thought it might be a Bible or The Book of Mormon (I don't know how long that is though), but then I didn't think that really connected with the card, and I do love cards, since she mentioned something about a "due date."
So, even though I won't really need this book for another ten or fifteen years for myself, if any of you pro-life girls or very confused guys get pregnant, feel free to er, borrow it some time for ideas...

I'm really excited about tomorrow. I'm not going to the dance this year, but I think we've still got it good.


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