Hello there, Blue Powerblogger here!
I don't know about you, but I am GLAD that its a new year. I just like having a clean slate to start with and being able to say, "I'm gonna try to make this year one-thousand times better than last year!". Its kind of refreshing, in a way. It's like being able to reinvent your life and make it what you actually want it to be. So on that note, here are some of my more interesting New Year's resolutions:
1. GET A BOYFRIEND. I'm close, but not quite there.
2. Memorize every single song released by Underoath since "They're Only Chasing Safety" and every song by The Almost.
3. Learn everything there is to know about Underoath
4. Write enough songs to create a whole album
5. Love everyone, no matter how hard it might be, and be more forgiving towards people who have treated me wrongly.
6. Not gossip as much. I am bad at that.
7. Be a better friend. I have trouble making plans with people, and I think this is harming some of my friendships, so I resolve to make more of an effort to hang out with people that I don't get to hang out with that often.
8. Be a better Christian. This goes with loving and forgiving people, but I also want to set a better example for my younger relatives and live out my faith more.
9. Learn to play the guitar. I need to. I REALLY need to.
10. Pursue my dreams more fervently. I don't know yet if I want to be a singer or an architect, but I need to start becoming more involved with both so that maybe I can figure out what I want to do with my life.
So those are my top ten resolutions, probably, and I really hope that I will actually follow through with them. I hope everyone had an awesome winter break! And, lets see, listen to "Anyone Can Dig a Hole But it Takes a Real Man to Call it Home". The title alone should be enough to make you want to give it a listen.
Join us tomorrow for a fantabulous post from Brianna!
-Caroline a.k.a the girl version of Aaron Gillespie
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