Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year! I really lucked out this year- I got to post on Christmas and New Year's Day!

Well, I thought it might be fun, as it is the first day of the year 2009, to post my New Year's Resolutions. So, without further ado:

  • Become more social/outgoing
  • Cook rather than bake more often
  • Do at least one good deed for a friend each day
  • Foster better relations with my nieces and nephew
  • Learn enough Italian so that I could hold my own in a short conversation
  • Learn how to design dynamic and interesting websites
  • Learn how to design stunning Flash animations (or even boring ones, actually- I'm not picky!)
  • Improve the quality of someone's day at least 5 times a week (let's be practical, every day would be very difficult)
  • EDIT: I also must hide a stapler in a large dish of Jello

So nothing too difficult.. =]

- Jonathan


Ryan said...

What is up with some of the tags?

Jonathan said...

You think those tags are weird? You should pay closer attention to the tags I've put on all my posts! (And the Time Posted) ;]

- Jonathan

Anonymous said...

I need to learn some Italian since I'm going to Italy in June.