Monday, January 26, 2009

An Old Notebook

I had a pretty cruddy day. My head started pounding in about fifth period, and I haven't really been able to concentrate since. I finished up my history fair project. I had the bibliography left, and what I expected to take thirty minutes to an hour, took three hours. I have an Art History test, that I have yet to begin to study for, and with my brain about to explode, I have a feeling there will be no studying done. I'm stressed and down.

Ok, enough complaining. I'm sure you guys have so much crap going on too.

So, I found this old notebook from the seventh grade. Reading it, made me realize how weird I really was in middle school. Half of the notebook are just thoughts that came into my head on random days, which reading them over now, are all really vague and I have no idea what I was talking about. What's more in the notebook are these strange ideas I had. I have pages dedicated to an army I created out of my friends to systematically take over the school. I also have a page in which I diagram my brain with what I decided were the things most important to me. The only normal thing in that notebook were a few short stories I had written down. My favorite thing reading, though, was that it would seem that as I was writing the notebook, I would read entries in it a few months later and write notes on things I had written. Like on the brain diagram, I wrote in bold letters below it, WHAT IS THIS!? WHY WOULD I WRITE THIS!? But I never erased any of it. Which makes me kinda glad, since I can look back at it now and laugh.

Ah, seventh grade me, you were one odd child.


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