Friday, January 23, 2009


Power Bloggers: 242 posts
Gatorfila: 414 posts
That reminds me, "Palin" can be spelled from the word "palindromes."
Again, I'm quite excited that it is Friday, the day of homework and such and such, but also the day I feel the least pressure!
I don't have my own laptop anymore, so I have to use the computer, and I think the best thing that happened, not that the positives outweigh the negatives, was that as of then and now, I can use Calibri in my Word documents! Yay...
Today's directed conversation involved the nine-person room hyperventilating, repeating phone number, and having a job interview over the phone, trying to get into an investment company. I thought that was interesting. I missed the one last week about Shakira.
Enjoy your weekend, and get really exciting for June after he goes through a [very] important day.
P.S. I didn't really want to type "very" because if he reads this before tomorrow, he would be pressured.
P.P.S. Don't fail, big brother! =]

1 comment:

KoreanKid777 said...

Oh jeez now I'm pressured >.< jk